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Masonic Noise and the Greatest Who-Dunnit in History

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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:39 pm    Post subject: Masonic Noise and the Greatest Who-Dunnit in History Reply with quote

Hopefully I'll be given a day or so before this thread is locked.

The issue I wish to raise is the one of Masonic groups, the Illuminati, Secret Societies (SS) etc. There is much speculation as to who the perpertrators of 911 are/were. I'm just seeking some degree (no masonic inference meant) of clarity amidst the chaos of the greatest “who-dunnit” in the history of mankind.

First lets clarify that not all secret societies are manipulative and dark. When Christianity (as example) was being contrived anybody that spoke of the true meaning of the allegorical (apparently the Gnostics always wrote in this way) teachings/scriptures was murdered as only the inner circle, the initiates of the hierarchy, were aloud to discuss such things and only in private i.e. The holies of holies (hole?).

So if you happened to come across (cross?, travel to the other side?) a deep profound understanding of the structure and function of religion and society as a whole you'd better keep your mouth shut! So we have the creators/architects of the social structures we live within and a whole bunch of secret schools that know what's going on but remain hidden (Occultists). It's interesting to note how the Occultists have been painted so black yet society allows the removal of organs from the dead to be placed in the living!

So who's running the show? Well it would seem to be people in positions of power that are pulling the strings. Is there one global conspiracy? I doubt it although there may well be a common goal. The country known as Washington DC should be of interest to truthers as the video below points out many strange facts about the set-up of the American government. We also have evidence that the the street layout of the city is based on ancient Rome and is full of symbolism. Stars on the American flag, the most advanced space program on the planet, a series of orbiting satellites watch the whole planet, a space station and a space telescope.

(Please note I haven't watched all this so if it goes all David Icke don't blame me!)


Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying any of this is negative as I'm just the messenger (no not Lucifer!). What is interesting is the power-play. True mystics are aware of the power but never use it hence the saying “number 13 unlucky for some” 13 is known as the number of power. There's also the saying “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” which might be true of us all to a greater or lesser extent. Also don't forget that even Merlin (yes he's a myth) was imprisoned (prism) in the crystal maze, but that's another story (the Occult hint is the inner and outer mazes).

David Bowie wrote:
I'm closer to the Golden Dawn
Immersed in Crowley's uniform
Of imagery
I'm living in a silent film
Portraying Himmler's sacred realm
Of dream reality
I'm frightened by the total goal
Drawing to the ragged hole
And I ain't got the power, anymore
No I ain't got the power anymore

I'm the twisted name on Garbo's eyes
Living proof of Churchill's lies
I'm destiny
I'm torn between the light and dark
Where others see their targets
Divine symmetry
Should I kiss the viper's fang
Or herald loud the death of Man
I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought
And I ain't got the power anymore

Don't believe in yourself
Don't deceive with belief
Knowledge comes with death's release

Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah

I'm not a prophet or a stone age man
Just a mortal with the potential of a superman
I'm living on
I'm tethered to the logic of Homo Sapien
Can't take my eyes from the great salvation
Of bs faith
If I don't explain what you ought to know
You can tell me all about it
On the next Bardo
I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought
And I ain't got the power anymore

Don't believe in yourself
Don't deceive with belief
Knowledge comes with death's release

Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah

Don't believe in yourself
Don't deceive with belief
Knowledge comes with death's release

Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah

Quicksand by David Bowie

Let's get back to the who-dunnit of 911 as we now know there are funny things going on which point to rival groups/factions being involved in some sort of power-play. So we have the SS (secret societies) the Masons (more formal and ritualistic) the Freemasons (don't know much about these apart from the Scottish connection) the Governments (who may or may not be controlled or manipulated) the Catholic Church (Lots of strange goings on with these chaps including the suppression of knowledge) the zionists (well they have to be mentioned as they do seem to have a strong presence within the American government and business structure). I'm sure there's many more groups I could mention but the point is that it's all a power-play. I think that in all probability there were several parties involved in 911 kind of like a team effort.

So will we discover who the perpertrators of 911 are/were? I doubt it, people may be sacrificed (they know if they say anything their dead) and parts of the gun-power-plot may be revealed in time but the overall picture will remain murky and mysterious which is just the way they like it.

So what can we do to change the world and stop another 911? Simply try and wake people up to possibility! When people become concreted in a certain mind-set disaster will surely follow. You can't force people to wake up but you help them realise that they have options which in turn gives them infinite possiblities. It's know as open-mindedness!

I personally know that 911 was contrived and was basically a mind-job. I'm 99% percent certain that WTC 1, 2 and 7 were brought down by controlled demolision. I've only been a 911 truther/investagator for a few months but I've leanrt more in the last three months than most people learn in a liftime. For all intents and purposes 911 is an initiation into the new-age. Everybody on the planet has the choice of entering the next house and the new season. Just for the record I'm not a Mason and I don't belong to any societies.

Films that might be of interest:
These three all have the sun rising at the end.
Dark City: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dark-City-Rufus-Sewell/dp/B00004D360/sr=1-1/qi d=1164979172/ref=pd_bowtega_1/202-0316445-2270272?ie=UTF8&s=dvd

2001: A Space Odyssey: http://www.amazon.co.uk/2001-Space-Odyssey-Buy-%C2%A312/dp/B000056WOM/ sr=1-1/qid=1164979225/ref=pd_bowtega_1/202-0316445-2270272?ie=UTF8&s=d vd

Blade Runner: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blade-Runner-Remastered-Directors-Cut/dp/B000G 7P5NO/sr=1-1/qid=1164979301/ref=pd_bowtega_1/202-0316445-2270272?ie=UT F8&s=dvd

The Matrix trilogy as well as the Animatrix are worth a look if you haven't seen them.

Maybe members here can recommend some more movies?

A Freemasonry website which I stumbled upon that some of you may find of interest: http://www.initiatesclub.co.uk/

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

patrick wrote:
Maybe members here can recommend some more movies?

some links to an initiate?


find lectures here:


good luck!
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i reccomend this video...the lightbringers:The Emissaries of Jahbulon


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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheers MFP that video was quite good viewing as it didn't go over the top. I also completely agree that the seeds of destruction have been planted probably in the form of some psychotic madness. All that ritualistic stuff alone would drive most people around the bend! Add to that all the differing interpretations of the symbolism of the Occult world and you have the real chance of someone getting to the top who's screwy.

There's probably a lot of profound and interesting stuff in the Masonic tradition but I really do think the the ritualistic aspect can only take it down the wrong road. So you have formal religion with all it's rituals which is nutty as hell and the you have these Masonic elitists with another bunch of nutty rituals. Rituals are often said to exist to keep certain truths alive but I'm sure as with everything human error of interpretation can and does creep in.

I'm sure the Masons main secret is the same as the Religions of the world i.e. That all religions are manufactured as a means (Dawkins memes) to control the mases through fear and death. Further all religions seem to exhibit a strong under flow of Sun worship but beyond that there is yet another layer of astronomy.

So the whole of society is a mind-job designed for the benefit of the few that believe they're on a mission from god or worse a mission of greed and power.

Some of Jordan Maxwell's videos are interesting but some are just wacky although if you're selective in what you take on-board he says some interesting things. Take a look here: http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?q=Jordan+Maxwell

Just for the record I did watch all the video I put in my initial post and it did go a bit David Icke! Having said that it does prove beyond a doubt that the Mason had/have a big involvement in setting up and running of America.

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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm watching this video (from 1992) and there's something funny going on:


I don't buy a lot of this video but it does give a good example of the power play! Maxwell is clever but is he a bit snaky?

Be interested hear what people think.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I share your concerns about Jordan Maxwell. I watched something of his a couple of years ago and checked out some of what he said and found it to be quite false. And given that he takes some huge leaps from such false premises to draw mind-blowing conclusions, I tend not to take much notice of what he has to say.
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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All that stuff about “and god said let us create man in our image” is what I learned as a teenager. He seems to deal in half-truths as he completely leaves out the androgynous nature of the first race of Adam and neglects to explain how the first race differentiates into male and female thereby creating the second race of Eve.

I also get rather annoyed when people start demonising Blavatsky. I'm personally not for or against her although I get the impression that the masons try and discredit her at every turn. I've never read all the SD (Secret Doctrine) but I suggest people interested read part two first. Imagine if Blavatsky hadn't come along, we might have never worked out whats going on behind the scenes i.e. the masons.

Pity that Leadbeater chap was such a nut-case I therefore would suggest anybody getting into all that Theosophy stuff just stick to the SD and Greek myths etc. Arnold J. Toynbee's “A Study of History” is supposed to be good although I've never read it and James George Frazer's “Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion” which I've only read bit's of but come highly recommended.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_b/202-0316445-2270272?url=search-a lias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=H+P+Blavatsky

http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_b/202-0316445-2270272?url=search-a lias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Arnold+J.+Toynbee

http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_b/202-0316445-2270272?url=search-a lias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=James+George+Frazer

My favorite book of all time is the Tao Te Ching. Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

interesting that some people can't tolerate david icke, when he draws together practically everything that is said on this and other websites.
is this just because he goes further than most and quotes some people's experiences with other dimensional entities.

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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can only take so much Icky and then I have to turn off. Hey I've read tons of wacky books when I was younger and Davids ideas are nothing new. I think if he stuck to one theme he may do more good. Unfortunately he tends to build everything and anything going into his theories and it often really does begin to sound like nonsense.

It's funny that he used to be a friend of Jordan Maxwell as they both start off saying something quite interesting only to end up talking nonsense. It's not beyond the bounds of reason to suspect them of being shills.

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