DaveyJ Minor Poster
Joined: 18 Aug 2006 Posts: 94
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:29 pm Post subject: A depressing thought |
****first for hypothetical value lets say that 9/11 was committed by the New World Order, the Bush administration and Zionists. It was to steal 2.3 trillion, invade Iraq and scare the American public to give up their human rights. Lets say every conspiracy from the plausible to the insane is 100% accurate ****
The JFK assassination i believe was a conspiracy, you only have to watch the footage and your bs detector starts ringing on full alert.
Now look at the Evidence they have to support the case (i wont post it in full because i want to keep this concise, but look here for the list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_assassination_theories)
> They have official testimony from Govt. officials saying they think its a cover up
> They have witness who can all accurately testify to the same chain of events
> they have reacted the scenario countless times to perfection and still found it impossible.
> Trained marksmen from the U.S navy seals snipers have failed to recreate that shot
> The exit wounds defy SCIENCE and LOGIC, making it physically IMPOSSIBLE
etc etc
the list goes on, not of coincidences and zooms on grainy footage, or bond villain style weaponry. A very simple concise list of, not the improbabilities, but the Impossibilities of what?s wrong with the official story and a very simply clear alternative explanation.
The 9/11 truth movement doesn?t have anywhere near or at all this level of proof (actual proof, not suppositions).
They couldn't bring anyone accountable for the JFK assassination, nor could anyone get public acceptance from the Government saying there might be another explanation.
People speak as if the dam is breaking and the fall of the goverment is just around the corner, but realisitcally inless some evidence is found, the truth movment will simply get refined down over the years to a core group of cters as most people move on. So what exactly if 9/11 is true can we do about? Hand out some leaflets, go for a organised march and sign a petition? I can hear the global fascist overlord dictators trembling in their boots
depressing eh
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Last edited by DaveyJ on Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:27 am; edited 1 time in total |
marky 54 Mega Poster
Joined: 18 Aug 2006 Posts: 3293
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:49 pm Post subject: |
i find it more depressing that, people could commit these acts in the first place. even more depressing that some people can defend it knowing the truth, depressing people run away from the facts and will only care when it is phsyically effecting them, and depressing if everyone sat there and did nothing as we already know what the world is going to be like if we do nothing. the way most people proberbly see it im damned if i do im damned if i dont. its a matter of which action gives hope. |