Nemesis Minor Poster
Joined: 05 Aug 2005 Posts: 30
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:03 pm Post subject: Missiles from Woolworth Building |
The Untold Story of the Woolworth Building Incidents on 9-11-01
Additional Important Sightings of the 9-11 Attacks
Quotes Relating to a Missile Firing Off the Roof of the Woolworth Building
"Someone had fired missiles at the World Trade Center's north tower from atop the nearby Woolworth Building."
"...we just had a second explosion, possibly a missile from the roof of the Woolworth Building."
Port Authority Police Officer
"They're shooting at the Trade Center from the Woolworth Building."
Radio Dispatch
NY Daily News
"The first one they think was a guy shooting the missiles off the Woolworth Building."
WTC Police Channel 07
Mercury News
"Woolworth Building! They're firing missiles from Woolworth Building!"
Police Channel
Portland Inymedia
"...there was a missile launch at the Woolworth building."
Police Officer, 09:18AM
Mailgate News
"...the police had a report that a missile had been fired at the World Trade Center from the Woolworth building."
Alan Reiss, WTC Police Desk
9-11 Commission Hearing
"[About 50 yards from the Tower] There was a 'swooshing' sound, then an explosion, and it sounded really low. It was if someone, one or two floors above me, had launched a shoulder-fired missile."
Lance Cpl. Alan Reifenberg
Marine Corps News
As we pulled ‘round the corner, we stopped the rig, and a cop walked over to us and said, `I saw them shoot a missile launcher off that [Woolworth] building, you guys better be careful up there.’
NYC Fireman
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