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Simon Mayo talks Conspiracy Theories on 5 Live

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9/11 Truth Organiser
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:14 am    Post subject: Simon Mayo talks Conspiracy Theories on 5 Live Reply with quote

Yesterday, whilst out from the office seeing clients, BBC Radio 5 Live's Simon Mayo conducted a debate on Conspiracy Theories on his afternoon show. His studio guests were Robin Ramsey (who apparently has just written a book on conspiracy theories), Prof. Kerry Cooper (Psychologist Lancaster University) and Chris Orry (investigative journalist - not sure about the spelling).

Robin Ramsey started off by talking about the extremes of conspiracy theories and he cited David Icke's reptilian shapeshifting political leaders and the Protocols of Zion as two perfect examples. No detail of course was gone into and they were both just dimissed as being absurd in a couple of sentences. However, just when I thought we were in for a boring session of maintaining the status quo for the establishment, I was shocked when Robin said there were some conspiracies that could not be so easily dismissed. He then went on to flag up the website of Scholars for 911 Truth, saying that some serious academics now believed that the Twin Towers were brought down by controlled demolition. When challenged about how the American administration could be involved in something so awful as this, he reminded listeners about the Iran-Contra scandal and how America, behind the scenes, traded with their most hated enemy to raise money to fund the Contras.

Unfortunately the session then moved on to Moon Landings, Diana, Kennedy etc. though the Bilderberg Group did get a mention. Quite encouraging - I suggest we send a copy of Loose Change 2 to Simon Mayo and all the other presenters of Five Live once David (Shayler) has done his piece to camera introducing Loose Change.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got a time for that Justin?
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9/11 Truth Organiser
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Ally

the programme went out from 3.20pm until 4pm.


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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just edited my previous post on this as I got an MP3 of the broadcast...

This was on Simon Mayo's programme on Weds 22nd. Extract (2.5 minutes) followed by the full programme (28 minutes)
ST911 on Simon Mayo - BBC Radio 5 Live - 22nd Feb 2006(Extract).mp3 (426 KB) (Modified: Feb 23 2006 05:42:31 AM)
ST911 on Simon Mayo - BBC Radio 5 Live - 22nd Feb 2006.mp3 (4.8 MB) (Modified: Feb 23 2006 05:52:02 AM)
The steered well clear of discussing any of the actual evidence - they just stuck to generalisation about the people involved. Sad.

e-mail your thoughts to mayo@bbc.co.uk

and Professor Cary Cooper: c.cooper1@lancaster.ac.uk

Dear Simon,

I did not hear this interview, but someone from our forum advised me of some of the points raised in the interview. It apparently included a reference to "Scholars for 9-11 Truth" (www.st911.org). I am a member of this group (as well a UK forum www.nineeleven.co.uk).
I must advise you that I have written to BBC news and advised them that I am now pursuing legal action against the BBC for failing to cover "Scholars for 9-11 Truth".  The BBC is now in breach of its charter and I will be escalating the action against them as much as possible.
For your information, I include a message (below) I sent to Helen Boaden, BBC news editor. I therefore now set you a challenge: broadcast programme of at least 1 hour completely dedicated to our Scholars group. I am available for interview at short notice, as are other UK members. Contact me on 01332 674271 or through e-mail. Prove to me this news is not being suppressed and covered up - you know you want to!
Andrew Johnson
Dear Professor Cooper,
Thanks for reading this in your busy schedule.
I heard your contributions to Simon Mayo's programme and, being a member of the Scholars for 911 Truth (ST911) group, felt I must try to contact you to give you some information, to correct inaccuracies in the broadcast. Firstly, our website is www.st911.org.
Let me start by saying I am currently an Associate Lecturer (Part Time Tutor) on a Computing Course ("Computers and Processors") run by the Open University (only full time staff members are listed on their Web Site) in the UK. I also work as a DSA Assessor for the Open University. I am a graduate of Computer Science & Physics (yes -Lancaster University - Bowland College, UK, 1986) and my background is in Software Engineering (mainly real-time software) I also still undertake small software development projects from time to time. I am quite secure - happily married, with 2 children etc etc.
Now, when I saw scientifically verifiable evidence that the World Trade Centre (WTC) Buildings 1, 2 and 7 were demolished with explosives, I was initially in a state of disbelief. However, over the last 18 months or so, I have now come to the conclusion that this evidence is valid, and proves that the Official Story of 9-11 is at best wildly inaccurate (it being itself a "conspiracy theory"), or at worst a complete lie.
I have now written to the BBC and am considering taking legal action against them, because they have not covered ST911 and therefore they are in breach of their Charter.
It is always better for people to analyse and consider evidence, rather than making sweeping statements about a collective group of peoples' needs, wants or states of mind - would you agree?
I would therefore please ask you to study one set of evidence put together by Physics Professor Steven E Jones for a presentation at Utah State Valley College on 1st Feb. It is all freely downloadable here.
Once you have spent 2 hours reviewing this evidence, perhaps you would care to join our group and then join me on another Radio Programme, where we can discuss specific points of evidence, rather than slanting the discussion to a generalised view of certain groups of people (of which I do not consider myself belonging).
I also have a number of DVDs which analyse other aspects of this evidence. Please contact me if you would like a copy, or further information - I would even be happy to come and meet you and talk about this issue in detail. It would be a great excuse for me to visit old haunts.
I have written to Simon Mayo and challenged him to do a 1-hour slot on ST911 - do you think I will get a response?
Below, I include the (largely ignored) press releases of our group.
Again, thanks for reading this.
Yours Most Sincerely,
Andrew Johnson



Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!

Last edited by Andrew Johnson on Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

SIMON MAYO 22.2.6@ 15.20

SIMON MAYO - is there a particular conspiracy that you hold to or find hilarious? Contact Mayo. Robin has just wrote a book called CONSPIRACY THEORIES. There is a light hearted element to these discussions. The PROTOCOLS OF ZION is still believed in Arab worlds. After 9/11 conspiracy theories said no Jews were killed and CIA/MOSSAD arranged it.

STUDIO INTERVIEW: ROBIN RAMSEY, LOBSTER EDITOR - conspiracy now covers everything from Iraq to loopy things like David Icke's extra terrestrial lizards disguised as politicians. I know what it used to mean but not anymore. A CT in the turn of the century meant world events were being manipulated in secret by a small group of people, in the right wing version that is Jews. Hitler was a big fan of this theory I believe. Saudi Arabia made a 24 part series on the Protocols as if it were a real document. Where it gets complicated, I don't believe Mossad set up Al-Jazeers, there is no evidence but there is clear evidence Mossad set up HAMMAS in the beginning to undermine the PLO. The point about these devious organistions is they do devious things. The Jewish CT on 9/11 is the least interesting, there is lots of evidence on the Internet that all is not what it appears. A group called SCHOLARS FOR TRUTH and they are convinced with what looks to me like good evidence the WTC was demolished with explosions. You can't dismiss this as rubbish.

STUDIO INTERVIEW: CHRIS HORRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST - it's believing in a an alternative reality show like THE TRUMAN SHOW, it's a self delusion like a superstition. Many have a grain of truth, the Protocols is interesting but anti Semites know no bounds. The latest is that AL-JAZEERA is controlled by MOSSAD to put out disinformation. The bombing of the shrine will become a rumour that Jewish people done it. Some blame secret catholic groups or freemasons. If Israel abolished itself anti Semites would say it was a clever move.

STUDIO INTERVIEW: KERRY COOPER, PSYCHOLOGIST - Robin and Chris got most of it, it's about events controlled by a powerful group, the reason people adhere to them is because they need to. Take 9/11, not far away people said it was a Jewish conspiracy and they did it all, that's really groups trying to support their own political belief. You get personal ones where people have a theory because it makes them feel secure to know the world is not randon, that another could go after Kennedy or Diana. They want order so find an explanation to fit their political beliefs. It relieves people of individual guilt by blaming someone else.

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Garrett Cooke
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sent the following to Simon Mayo. I have cut and pasted some of the material from Keith's article on the triple towers' collapse.


I have heard an extract from your programme dealing with conspiracy theories broadcast on Wednesday 22nd February.

There is a plethora of evidence that the 9/11 attacks on the US were not what they have been made out to be in the mainstream media and that they were in fact an 'inside job' which must have been carried out with the full knowledge and acquiescence of (at least some) highly placed officials in the US Government.

Specifically with regard to the destruction of the 3 towers of the World Trade Centre it has been very tightly argued on physics grounds (and I am a qualified physicist) that the towers were demolished. Remember WTC1, 2 and 7 were the first ever (and only ever) steel framed buildings to come down (supposedly) because of fire, and that WTC7 was unhit by any plane. They all three came down more or less dead-centred and by the path of maximum resistance, i.e. through themselves, at the speed of mere air resistance! Please see http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/proofs/speed.html ; on the overall physics of the Triple towers' 'collapse' see also Prof Steven Jones at www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html which is utterly compelling - it presents a very clear case and demolishes the various stages the 'official' story has gone through; also see Andrew Johnson's very short and elegant powerpoint presentation which was posted on a professional physicists' website (physorg) and led to 90 plus pages of forum comment - here at http://www.checktheevidence.com/911/Collapse%20of%20Towers.ppt ; also see http://www.lewrockwell.com/reynolds/reynolds12.html (by a Top Republican official in Bush'es first administration)"

I can assure you Simon that the above linked articles are only the tip of the iceberg for compelling evidence with regard to the events of 9/11. I would strongly suggest that you read the two 9/11 books by David Ray Griffin ('The New Pearl Harbor' and 'The 9/11 Commision Omissions and Distortions') and that you research on the internet starting perhaps at nineeleven.co.uk the forum for the UK 9/11 Truth movement.

This is a very serious issue far beyond the party politics you seem to refer to in the extract of your programme which I heard. I emplore you to carry out proper research and based on what you will find move within the BBC to get these issues covered in the manner beffiting the independent organisation that the BBC holds itself up to be.

I repeat this is a deadly serious issue affecting the futures of everyone on this planet.

Garrett Cooke
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great Stuff!

If I may be pedantic about spelling/word choice in a couple of places:

"unhit" = "was not hit"

"emplore" = "implore"

Sorry, but I still tutor for the Open Univ, so I have to read students' work and correct it (not that I am perfect! but I do try!)

On that subject, the OU has just signed a 22 year deal to provide courses for the Military! EEK! EEK! EEK! (All of my students are ordinary folk though!)


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9/11 Truth Organiser
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done Garrett, nice one!!! We should have Loose Change 2 with an intro by our very own David (Shayler) ready for next week and many of the BBC presenters will be on the list.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

These are great and rational responses to Radio 5 Live.

Congratulations to you all.

I pray that 9/11 Truth maintains this kind of professional and rational approach always.

I feel honoured to be a member of the forum even though I am a lay person.


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