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MEP Helmer dismisses us as fantasists

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:12 am    Post subject: MEP Helmer dismisses us as fantasists Reply with quote

Sometime ago a leading campaigner from this forum contacted MEP Roger Helmer inviting him to simply look at the facts regarding 911.

His response as follows...

Thank you for getting in touch with me. But I am afraid that I am not an
enthusiast for conspiracy theories. I do not believe that the Moon
Landings were staged on a back lot in Hollywood. I do not believe that Princess Diana's death was staged by MI6. I do not believe that the earth is flat.

And I do not believe that the 9/11 event was staged by the US
government, or Mossad, or anyone else except Al Quaeda, Osama Bin laden and his associates.

So I think on this occasion I will decline your invitation, and focus my
mind on real rather than imaginary problems.

But thanks anyway.

Best regards, and a Happy New Year to you.


Roger Helmer (MEP)"


I thought this was shocking. So I emailed Roger to express my dissappointment. I said...
This response is typical, and for me represents the cowardice and
laziness that the roots of fascism needs to grow. After all -

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
nothing" - Edmund Burke.

I believe that exposing the flaws in the official story of 9/11 is
pivotal to the restoration of democracy in the world. The events of that day ushered in a new chapter.

Despite the glaring inconsistencies in the official line on 9/11 (which
are staggering, and too numerous for comfort ? as we shall see) anyone
who wants to investigate the facts surrounding 9/11 is regarded as a
crackpot "conspiracy theorist."

The great irony of this of course is that the
official line is itself so crackpot, so full of anomalies and contradictions that it is amazing that so many people have bought it."


His response came this morning...(in its entirity)...

"And all it takes to be classified as cowardly and lazy is to disagree with a conspiracy theorist!"
My response...


All it takes is to be classified as cowardly and lazy, is to be facetious, dismissive, ridiculing, and unable to even consider the opposite point of view (especially when people are simply and reasonable asking you to consider the facts).

I shall ask you to consider only ONE fact. I ask you in all honesty; Do you have an answer as to why WTC building 7 came down?

You would do better to explore that, rather than knee-jerk a tirade of abuse about moon landings, Diana's Death and 'fantasies.'

I expected more from an MEP,



Obviously it is not worth pursuing... better to push on doors that will open, but nevertheless the dialogue is typical and perhaps somewhat revealing?

Keep on keepin on - we shall overcome,

Peace and Love

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:20 am    Post subject: The continuing Saga of an MEP and his conscience Reply with quote

The Saga continues...

MEP Helmer...
If you check this correspondence, you will find that it is you, not I, who have descended to abuse -- because you have no logical case. If it were worth my time, I could give you chapter and verse to demonstrate that I am neither lazy nor cowardly -- including hundred-hour weeks, and the fact that I lost the Conservative Whip for 16 months over an issue of principle.

Now, I have better things to do than bandy words over ridiculous conspiracy theories, if you don't mind. R.


My response...

Dear Mr Helmer,

I appreciate that you do indeed work very long hours.

The laziness and cowardice I was referring to was in respect of your thinking, not your doing. In my opinion, when people invited you to examine the facts of 911, if they simply sneer at them and associate them with as many 'crackpot' theories as you can think of, it is not conducive to serious debate. To me it is beneath a minister of your standing.

I am pleased to hear that you stood by your principles to the extent that you lost the whip for 16 months. That to me shows a man of character (sincerely).

But in respect of the simple suggestion that something is "wrong" with the official line on 911, you seem to respond unfairly, and in a manner which is unbecoming.

I and many thousands of people (scholars, ministers, scientists, engineers etc.) have a very logical case. The evidence for foul play is overwhelming; read "The New Pearl Harbour" - by David Ray Griffin. When the true story emerges (and it is now unstoppable), I am sure that you will feel nothing but shame for being so slow to serve the people.

Since you have already investigated the 911 case thoroughly and found my position to be that of a "ridiculous conspiracy theory," I again ask you one simple question:


I note that you did not respond to this question in my previous email. Do you have an answer?

I humbly ask you to consider...Have you really thought it through? Is it really "logical" to debunk others when you yourself haven't properly investigated the facts?


MEP Helmer...

As Richard Dawkins says, "Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence". If you tell me that it's raining where you are, I will accept it without question. But if you insist on something which I know is absurd, it is not even worth talking about. I go to the States often. I visit the White House. I talk to the Administration. I know these guys. The idea that they might be behind the attack on their own country is simply inconceivable.



I didn't say anyone was behind the attack. Let alone your friends in America. I simply invited you to answer ONE question (which I have put to you repeatedly) which is;


It is your failure not to look at the facts of the case, which expresses the kind of dogma to which Dawkins refers. I am willing to examine the facts. You fear that it implicates your friends in the white house, and so you choose not even to answer the question;


Oddly enough I was not thinking of the White House, I was simply wondering what caused building 7 to collapse.

There is something "wrong" with the Official Line on 911, and for the sake of democracy, we should find out the facts.

Again you refuse to look at facts and instead respond emotionally without investigating anything. I p[refer to be logical.


and that is the last... if he replies I will post it here - but I think I have gone as far as I can.

Don't let them off the hook - demand justice - demand fairness!

We shall overcome.

Love and Peace to all (even to Mr Helmer!) Wink

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It would be worth keeping that little exchange for the future. I keep all of mine. Smile

When the truth does come out (and it will) the MEP will no doubt claim he new what really happened all along.

Would be great to remind him what his real thoughts were.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, I've been campaigning this afternoon in Bridlington for a few hours and was also called a "fantasist" near our local library. I asked the chap why he thought I was a fantasist and he almost went crazy and started shouting and getting upset saying how obvious it was that the Muslim world hates the Christian world. But, in response to my questions about evidence of his belief, he just walked off hurling abuse at me. This my friends is the level of brainwashing this Government and the media has continued to drivel to the apathetic folk we call people. Most people just want to hide away from the world's problems and as we know it is their duty as much as ours to protect our freedom before it goes to the wall. At time it is such an uphill struggle, but to get, but a few to listen is great.

In response to Roger's good work in educating this poor excuse of an MEP...well I can only assume that Helmer wishes to keep his job and is practising at being a good "yes man". Lord knows what his friends in the Whitehouse might think If he uttered the TRUTH! Shocked

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, nearly forgot to say...went into HSBC and asked if the staff would like to learn more about 9/11. In reply to them saying no, I state: "Did you know 9/11 was an inside job", promptly escorted out. Then I start spouting on about the World Bank, IMF ...had some fun this afternoon and plenty of rejections. Getting the word out. Yeah! Cool

MDB (MediaDisBeliever)
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good work you guys!

My own procedure is that if they look blank or get abusive after 2 or 3 points or questions, I just say "OK then" and move on to the next person.

Same goes for e-mail and face to face.


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done for all the above.

It is amazing isn't it that Mr Helmer can go on the offensive with his 'absurd' and 'ridiculous' remarks and then staunchly defend his rationale while ADMITTING that he has not looked at the evidence.

This is familiar territory to most 9/11 truthers.

The guy probably is trying to be a good and decent representative of his people.

It is cognitive dissonance at work.

It is just too much for him to imagine that the most powerful figures within the system he serves (with his best integrity) could be criminals of the type we are suggesting.

I, like you. see him as morally cowardly (he should have the decency to prove to himself, at least, that you are wrong) but he probably justifies his position to himself in terms of his time being precious and so he cannot afford to waste it examining rubbish.

He'll be sorry one day (soon hopefully).

Your efforts, as I'm sure you know, are not in any way wasted. Someone else and then another, then another will say the same thing to him. Eventually he will have to admit that which is completely unthinkable and unacceptable to himself.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:37 pm    Post subject: Rogers final word Reply with quote

Well folks it seems that my reference to Building 7's illogical collapse must have needled away at him and he responded one last time. If you read it - it is akin to a child putting his hands over his ears and shouting nyhhaaaa nyhhaaaa to keep out any imformation - in this case the truth.

Answer: I don't know, but I am sure there is a rational explanation.
And unlike you, it's not an issue I want to get obsessive about. End of correspondence.


You are right folks - I will keep these exchanges - one day he and many others will be shamed by us - for doing nothing while bad men prospered.

The other really interesting phenomonon (to me at least) is how many folks use Dawkins (whom I happen to find very closed minded and dogmatic) as a barrier to the truth. They give themselves lisence to ignore the facts as they are presented, and then call you supersticious or a crackpot for even examining them.

I recently read Derren Brown's book - and was shocked at how Dawkins-ized he was. In fact...it is amazing how "emotional" these folks get when insisting they are being "logical" hmmm

Take care,

An avalanche is made up of tiny snowflakes such as us - keep making a difference - every day.

Peace and love


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think every ounce of effort in proclaiming the TRUTH is worth it...I tell you why! Because as many other posters have mentioned, the truth must be told for the sake of the victims, their families and our own freedom. When the going gets tough I remember those poor people looking out of the twin towers wondering how long they've got left...well 5 years later or not I don't care...the US and UK government is no different to Nazi Germany and how dare the "pot call the kettle black"! Mad I even went into the local Police station to pass out leaflets...this was treat with surprising interest, but more hassle seems to come from Sun readers. Laughing

One guy came up to me in the market place yesterday and shouted F*** O** ! in my ear, I promptly took off my jacket and showed him my 9 Para Sqn RE tattoo! He then shut up and pretended I wasn't there because like many he can't face the TRUTH. People don't seem to think that 9/11 affects them..."Oh, it doesn't matter they say, it doesn't affect us, it's in America and 9/11 was ages ago" God WAKE UP People!!!! Mad

Anyway I've used up all the leaflets and CD's, stickers Andrew sent me so I'm going to order some more soon.

Thanks for your votes of confidence guys...and also keep up the good work fellow TRUTHERS>God is with you!

"God is a Royal Marine because he failed the Para Course" Cool
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Sherlock Holmes
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:34 pm    Post subject: The fear of an impotence that even V*i*a*g*r*a can't treat Reply with quote

The fear of an impotence that even V*i*a*g*r*a can't treat - as Freud would have said, had he still been alive.

I really can't believe the responses you've had from Roger Helmer, but it's in keeping with the views expressed by most MPs (including Gorgeous George).
It reminds me of the saying surrounding the battle of the Somme, "they were Lions led by Donkeys".
The MPs and MEPs and all the rest of them are Donkeys. There are those petty bureaucrats who realize it’s not wise to bite the hand that feeds them, or rock the boat. Again, I’m sure Helmer and the BBC aren’t involved in anyway, but what benefit is it to them to start being a ‘thorn in the side’ of the establishment and asking painful questions. There are many levels to this.

Helmer faces the problem faced by “mediadisbeliever” as outlined in the above post. The market place incident, the Sun reading constituency, the "yob football is my life" crowd to contend with. No one wants to look like an idiot in front of their audience, and no one wants to be proved wrong, especially someone in authority.
Then there is the impotence, and subconscious to deal with, here we have a man who prides himself on being a heretic and champion of the truth. He is confronted with a truth and he realizes that it will affect his psyche in profound ways, this truth will require him to readdress his very perception, basis of knowledge, understanding of the mechanisms which he takes for granted, and his own proud status as truth champion, truth hero etc. This seismic shift in the psyche would trigger a profound impotence, literally, and quite frankly it does have strong psycho-sexual connotations. This is also true for George Galloway and the rest of them. Its a fear of loss, something they fear, which will be taken from them is the "power" behind their own erections be in the trouser department or in producing arguments and ideas.

The problemputting it simply is this - why should they believe that they are part of the system (even unknowingly) that has carried out this atrocity. It's their own deep ignorance and unwillingness to accept the terrible consequences of the truth behind 9/11 that leads them into what has been widely described as 'cognitive dissonance'.
Basically, the truth behind 9/11, really throws a massive spanner in the works.
I can only suggest you send him a copy of 9/11 and American Empire - Intellectuals Speak Out, or Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11, even then he probably wouldn't read the book.

Remember the sayings of Confucious, because maybe Freud can give you some insight but confucious provides wisdom.

It is man that makes truth great, not truth that makes man great.
The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort, is not fit to be deemed a scholar.
The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.
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