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New autopilot will make another 9-11 "impossible"

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:01 am    Post subject: New autopilot will make another 9-11 "impossible" Reply with quote

New autopilot will make another 9-11 impossible


New autopilot will make another 9-11 impossible

UK Daily Mail
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Comment: Unless of course the real terrorists have access to the autopilot.

A hijack-proof piloting system for airliners is being developed to prevent terrorists repeating the 9/11 outrages.

The mechanism is designed to make it impossible to crash the aircraft into air or land targets - and enable the plane to be flown by remote control from the ground in the event of an emergency.

Scientists at aircraft giant Boeing are testing the tamper-proof autopilot system which uses state-of-the-art computer and satellite technology.

It will be activated by the pilot flicking a simple switch or by pressure sensors fitted to the cockpit door that will respond to any excessive force as terrorists try to break into the flight deck.

Once triggered, no one on board will be able to deactivate the system. Currently, all autopilots are manually switched on and off at the discretion of pilots.

The so-called 'uninterruptible autopilot system' - patented secretly by Boeing in the US last week - will connect ground controllers and security services with the aircraft using radio waves and global satellite positioning systems.

After it has been activated, the aircraft will be capable of remote digital control from the ground, enabling operators to fly it like a sophisticated model plane, manoeuvring it vertically and laterally.

A threatened airliner could be flown to a secure military base or a commercial airport, where it would touch down using existing landing aids known as 'autoland function'.

After it had landed, the aircraft's built-in autobrake would bring the plane safely to a halt on the runway.

Boeing insiders say the new anti-hijack kit could be fitted to airliners all over the world, including those in the UK, within the next three years.

The latest move to combat airline terrorists follows The Mail on Sunday's disclosure three weeks ago that scientists in Britain and Germany are developing a passenger-monitoring device.

This will use tiny cameras linked to specialist computers to record every twitch, blink, facial expression or suspicious movement made on board flights in order to identify potential terrorists.

A Boeing spokesman said : "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and efficiency of the world's airline fleet.

"There is a need in the industry for a technique that conclusively prevents unauthorised persons gaining access to the controls and threatening the safety of passengers.

"Once this system is initiated, no one on board is capable of controlling the flight, making it useless for anyone to threaten violence in order to gain control."
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Samantha J Fox
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or have they already had this system for some years and it was used to slam the planes in to the towers with a few patsy hijackers on board who thought they were just doing a simple "stick em up, have demands" routine?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I also love the nonchalantly announced added extra of 'TOTAL INFLIGHT SURVEILLANCE'. "Sweet Dreams, for even in the air, big brother is there, to hear and film you scream."

Still this at least makes people realise remote flight is possible. Now we can prove how theyve had it for donkeys years and probably used it.

Also I thought Germany stripped a whole fleet of Boeings at one point when they realised the USA could override and remote hijack them? Von Buelow covered it among others did he not?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I love it how they introduce some new system based on technology that is years old and then claim that it makes something, hijacking, ID fraud impossible. They must think we were all born yesterday. Where technology is concerned there is no such word as impossible. The other day I saw someone fool the supposed most secure thumbscan lock in the world with a photocopy of a thumbprint. Ha! Same thing with all this RFID nonsense, less secure by a country mile.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haven't laughed so much since someone pointed out the 2 year guarantee on the chips in 10 year passports! Laughing
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Remote control eh?, so the US Gov was indeed testing out this technology on 911 then?. Having this remote control takeover allows more than just an a to b journey to be carried out.

Imagine, an NK airplane crashes into whatever target is chosen. Needless to say, the media will fail to disclose it was a disguised plane which had this 'remote control' technology installed. Another Northwoods in the making.

The most transparent of all materials on this Earth is a politician.
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The Watcher
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:29 pm    Post subject: Remote Control Reply with quote

Google the following:

Lufthansa Boeing Remote Control

You might find something interesting!

Remember The Lone Gunman?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The remote control stuff leads to Joe Vialls. (RIP) He still has a strong web presence.

This is a piece from his site.

Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami?
With Afghanistan and Iraq already lost, the Wall Street bankers were all desperately looking for other ways to control our world, when suddenly and very conveniently, the Sumatran Trench exploded. Trick or Treat?

Copyright Joe Vialls, 5 January 2005, Updated 4 February 2005

He then goes on to explain that the Asian Tsunami was man-made. Lots of pictures though.
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The Watcher
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Former German Minister Von Buelow Already Knew About Remote Control

In his interview with the German daily "Tagesspiegel" on January 13th, former German Secretary of Defence Andreas Von Buelow made the following statement:-
"There is also the theory of one British flight engineer: According to this, the steering of the planes was perhaps taken out of the pilots' hands, from outside. The Americans had developed a method in the 1970s, whereby they could rescue hijacked planes by intervening into the computer piloting [automatic pilot system]. This theory says, this technique was abused in this case..."
Not quite so much a theory as might first appear. When I released the above report about "Home Run" remote control in October 2001, I mentioned that one European flag carrier was aware of the technology, though at that precise point in time I thought it prudent not to name the actual airline:-
"As long ago as the early nineties, a major European flag carrier acquired the information and was seriously alarmed that one of its own aircraft might be "rescued" by the Americans without its authority. Accordingly, this flag carrier completely stripped the American flight control computers out of its entire fleet, and replaced them with a home grown version. These aircraft are now effectively impregnable to penetration by Home Run, but that is more than can be said for the American aircraft fleet..."
The European flag carrier which completely stripped the American flight computers out of its aircraft was Lufthansa, the German national airline. Bearing in mind his former posts as Secretary of Defence and Minister of Science and Technology, Herr Von Buelow would have known all about this mammoth but secretive task.
How very clever (and discreet) of Von Buelow to sort of "drop the information" into the middle of an interview about the 9/11 attacks!

Your point being, Batrabill?

BTW, the Tsunami provided convenient cover for Exxon to regain control of the Aceh oilfield.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The point is, that the Flight Engineer is Joe Vialls.

Here is what Wikipedia says about Vialls (and while I am sceptical about the total veracity of Wikipedia I think in this instance it gives a flavour of Vialls life (not mentioning that he was SAS - a claim that will rarely be proven)

Many of the investigations Vialls conducted cite unidentified sources. The website rense.com conducted an investigation into Vialls' background, and revealed that he had a somewhat controversial and mysterious past.[6]

The website found that Vialls had been cited by various sources as an expatriated US military analyst based in Australia, an ex-British private security expert, a British aeronautical engineer, an Australian-based freelance journalist with over 30 years direct experience in international military and oilfield operations, and a former member of the Society of Licensed Aeronautical Engineers in London.

The investigation found that Vialls claims to have become unwittingly involved in a Cold War espionage operation while working on a sensitive oil drilling operation in India.

Beattie's report notes that, although Vialls published many reports allegedy linking Israel to major international incidents, the Israeli media ignored him completely.

The report revealed that official documents recorded the name of the resident at Vialls' address - freely available from his website - as Otho Jewell Vialls, and did not mention the name Joe. The documentation also listed at the address Marilyn Ann Vialls, identified as Otho Vialls' spouse.

Vialls extensively investigated the death of British Police Constable Yvonne Fletcher, and claimed in a report to have proved that she was not shot by operatives in the Libyan embassy at 5 St James Square, but by a secret agent hiding in a nearby building at 8 St James Square.

Reportedly, 8 St James Square was at the time home to Intaircorp, a subsidiary of Hughes Tool Company, for whom Vialls claims to have been working at the time of Fletcher's murder.

Vialls was widely believed to have been a former agent of the British intelligence agencies MI6 or SIS, allegations which he alternately confirmed and denied.

The accuracy of the findings of Vialls' investigations has also been disputed in many quarters. His investigations ended almost exclusively in the same conclusion, with Mossad and the CIA being responsible for significant world events, acting on behalf of a supposed powerful cartel of Zionist bankers on Wall Street and politicians who he alleged gave orders and dictated policy at the cartel's behest.

The website thewebfairy.com wrote a comprehensive report, rebutting Vialls' claims regarding the crash of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.[7]

The rebuttal centred mainly on Vialls' comparison of the Pentagon crash with an incident in which an Israeli El Al 747-200F cargo plane, flight 1862, crashed into a 12-story apartment block in the Amsterdam suburb of Bijlmer on October 4, 1992.

In his investigation of the first Bali bomb, Vialls cited a Special Report written by Jakarta Post Senior Editor Robert S. Finnegan an internationally-published investigative reporter and lead investigator for the paper, reproducing the piece in his report. [8]

The article is attributed to Finnegan as editor of the Jakarta Post, Indonesia's largest newspaper, on Vialls' site.

Can I just paraphrase the above.... Vialls was a bit of a fantasist.

Is he a reliable source?
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The Watcher
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:11 am    Post subject: Batrabill Reply with quote

Batrabill says:
... Vialls was a bit of a fantasist.

There is one helluva difference between being a fantasist and offering conjecture based upon an appropriate mix of knowledge and perception. Vialls certainly had the cajones to throw his hat into the ring with some conjecture that at first pass appears to come right out of left field ... but a few days of determined investigation will provide the researcher with sufficient information to discern for themselves whether Vialls was getting a bit closer to the mark than the establishment might like ... or wasn't playing with a full deck!

BTW, Vialls was certainly ex-intelligence services but if he was in the SAS, as Batrabill claims, he was probably not batting for the home team!

My dear Batrabill, the theme of your 88 posts since Feb 19 [i],the day following the transmission of the BBC2 hit-piece, would suggest that your presence here is for reasons other than the pursuance of 9/11 Truth. For this reason, I propose that the forum moderators limit Batrabill (& AJ) to posting in Critic's Corner ASAP.

FYI - Batrabill is an anagram of all the following; select as appropriate:

- Rabbit ALL
- Blab Trail
- Tribal Lab
- Lab Rat Lib

The Watcher
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah, you are looking for the Truth, I am presumably looking for lies?

What is the weather like on your planet?

Yes, I think you're mostly bonkers, and the saner ones should watch out for the really weird ones who believe it's all a Jewiah conspiracy.

We know where that leads don't we?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Batrabill wrote:
Ah, you are looking for the Truth, I am presumably looking for lies?

What is the weather like on your planet?

Yes, I think you're mostly bonkers, and the saner ones should watch out for the really weird ones who believe it's all a Jewiah conspiracy.

We know where that leads don't we?

Yep, and your the end result.

The most transparent of all materials on this Earth is a politician.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

According to commercial pilot Field McConnell, interviewed by Alex Jones on 03/07/07, a military microchip called QRS11 has been illegally and secretly added to planes made by Boeing that could over-rule the autopilot of a plane, stopping a pilot from turning it off. This means that planes could be electronically hijacked without a pilot being able to resume control. This is rather frightening. Listen at: http://www.realradioarchives.com/sound-2.htm
Article at: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/070307illegalparts.htm
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