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Countdown to Iran War has started........

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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:10 pm    Post subject: Countdown to Iran War has started........ Reply with quote

Nearly all of us in the 9/11 Truth Campaign can see that the plan for a regime change in Iran by the neo-conservatives is underway. The stepping stone approach to war with Iran is becoming increasingly obvious as today's news shows:


Any move to report Iran to the UN over its nuclear programme would end efforts to resolve the crisis diplomatically, a top Iranian official has warned.

Chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said Iran considered any referral or report to the Security Council as the end of diplomacy.
He was responding to a decision by big powers to report Tehran to the council.

The EU and the US suspect Iran is aiming to build nuclear weapons - but it says its programme is peaceful.

How the military phase will unfold itself is a matter of conjecture. It may well be a surprise attack by Israel on Iran's nuclear installations backed up by American airstrikes (Tomahawk cruise missiles etc.) on strategically important targets. It may also involve the launching of pre-arranged internal uprisings within Iran and a quick military push by Coalition forces across the border from Iraq to annex the former Arab and oil rich Iranian province of Khuzestan. Or it might even involve triggering an artificially-induced earthquake to knockout Tehran and so paralyse the Iranian regime long enough to encourage mass internal revolts and civil war within Iran leaving Coalition forces to seize Iran's oil and gas wealth, as well as knocking out the controversial nuclear installations by rapid airborne assaults. Who knows?

One thing, however, is certain. There will be tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of deaths and dreadful injuries – the majority of whom will be totally innocent people. We have all seen the harrowing pictures from Afghanistan and Iraq. We all know the reality of war and so-called 'surgical' strikes; what uranium tipped weapons do to the next generation of newborn babies. I was lucky enough to be in Tehran in 1999 at an earthquake conference. I went with a little bit of trepidation - after all I had read in our press what a fanatical and crazy people the Iranians were. What an education I had. Once there I was greeted everwhere I went by happy, friendly and smiling faces. The Iranians are a wonderful people - as are ordinary peoples everywhere. Yes, there is a fanatical element who are presently in control but they do not reflect the ordinary people there. And it is the ordinary people who are going to suffer unless.....WE GET OUR ACT TOGETHER FAST!

The countdown to war has well and truly started. The worst case scenario, an attack in the middle of March, gives us just six weeks. At best we might have three months. We know that the War on Terror is utterly bogus. We all know for certain that the official story of 9/11 is nothing but a pack of lies. And we have the physical, visible and testimonial evidence that would stand up in any court of law and which any decent jury would convict upon. So what do we do?

First thing, we must clear all our decks for action and Iran must be our number one campaigning issue until the Summer. Secondly, we must use and harness a new campaigning tool that has come our way in the last week or so. Last Thursday I saw Loose Change 2. It was excellent. Since then I have seen it another three times. What is now needed for this DVD to be perfect for our use is for a short introduction by our own David Shayler to be put on at the beginning explaining why 9/11 is so important; that the War on Terror is bogus; that there are some very serious questions about David Kelly and 7/7; and that we now have 9,000 troops in Iraq and shortly 5,000 in Afghanistan in harms way as a direct result of a criminal act which was approved by those in the White House and Number Ten. And then at the end of the DVD, David tells the viewers not just to sit on their backsides but to get involved with exposing the truth (and so help to prevent the attack on Iran) by sending letters and copies of the DVD to MPs, MEPs and Number Ten, by writing to their local papers and, most important of all, by making them feel empowered that they are able to make a real difference by exposing the real wrong doers!

We must then actively seek funding from philantropists and wealthy individuals in a hard hitting way, telling them straight through the evidence of the DVD that they have the power to prevent a war and the deaths of thousands of innocent lives by simply exposing the evidence on 9/11 on a massive scale. Today I spoke to James at info@financialoutrage.org.uk . The crude figures are these. There are approximately 20 million homes in Britain and a single DVD plus packaging and postage 2nd class is approximately 30p. So to do 20 million homes we need £6,000,000. Justin you are barking mad! But if we were to get just £500,000 (a drop in the ocean to most wealthy entrepreneurs who invest in football clubs etc.) that would ensure that something like 1.6 million homes would receive this devastating DVD. That would surely make a real difference and would bypass the Stop the War Coalition and other controlled 'peoples' organisations who have so far been silent and embarrassed by our presence.

We have six weeks – the countdown to war has started - the clock is ticking. Are you up for it?
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice one J

1) I'm up for it as much as poss

2) Loose Change: I agree Loose Change 2 is excellent and I support the idea of David S doing an intro. It would be nice to have an input into his script, because IMO we need to bring in other 9/11 evidence (very briefly) that loose change doesn't detail and other W of Terror issues like erosion civil liberties, anthrax, prior deceptions (WTC 1993 bombing, Kuwaiti incubator propagnada, etc) power of nightmares / no alQ, the lies and build up to Iraq war (Downing Street Dossier), extraordinary rendition, de menezies shooting, etc.

No endorsement: As you also know there is a no endorsement principle for this site (as in the evidence in totality speaks for itself and we have no need to endorse any one person's presentation or analysis of the evidence, it's the message not the messenger), so it would nice to see this clarified in our presentation, ie David speaks in support of but not on behalf of ..... or something to that effect

That said, whilst I and others will want to feed into this, one person (are you volunteering?) should take responsibility for working with David, drafting a script and incorporating feedback so it doesn't get bogged down in 'committee' and get delayed.

3) Iran. Considering the undoubted charade that is being built to justify military action, let us not loose sight of the possibility (probability) that sections of the Iranian regime have been infilitarted by agents of the powers that be(AlQCIAda). To my mind the president's dubious election, his rantings against Isreal and the whole devine light at the UN thing is too conventient all plays directly into his enemies hands whilst polarising opinion. Divide and rule, Control both sides, etc.

4) Watch what the consequences are of the Afghan deployment (both in Afghanistan and in southern Iraq)

5) In the absense of a wealthy benefactor or losts of fundraising, we can still do lots.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yep Loose change 2 with the additions suggested seems an excellent way forward for our audio visual presentation to catch the publics attention.

"We must then actively seek funding from philantropists and wealthyindividuals in a hard hitting way, telling them straight through the
evidence of the DVD that they have the power to prevent a war and the deathsof thousands of innocent lives by simply exposing the evidence on 9/11 on a massive scale"

This method has already been tried:- do you remember Sedgefield, what difference did it make? Answer Blair increased his majority! The sixty four million dollar question:- how many of the 17,000 Sedgefield homes viewed their free Confronting the evidence dvd?

We need to be more creative and try something completely different. IMO we have to take a visual presentation on the streets and have the dvds, books, etc to sell. If people then see the presentation and it awkens them they will buy the stuff and they will look at it and make their own judgement.

The success of this method was proven at the Lancaster Green Party conference.

Even if the public are educated on 911 there is a strong possibility the
powers that be will carry on regardless, who after all is going to challenge
their authority? Their puppets, the media and the politicians?

There is one fact for sure though, that the ptb cannot continue without the co-operation of the sheeple.

What we need to create is a state of non co-operation within the sheeple, on a Gandhi scale!

There is IMO an excellent wise quote on Jimmy Walter's website:-

"The only way to predict the future, is to create it"

maybe there is a clue in this quote in how we should be trying to make a difference out of the hellhole the fascist state is sending us into.

Peace & truth


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hear what you're saying Pikey, it's getting a bit boring waking up sheeple and writing letters which are never answered. I say a violent revolution aimed at dethroning the elite/media and disbanding parliament is the only method of real change left.
At present we're using spit to combat a forest fire.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Pikey that the only way to dethrone the ptb is ultimately massive civil disobedience in the Ghandi model and build the realisation that collectively we are many and powerful and they are so few. I like to use the example of Romania's removal of Caucescu: a society absolutely riddled with spies and corruption, power seemingly sown up tight with Caucescu's hands on all the pillars of control, yet once people sensed the way the tide was turning, the army, media, unions, etc turned and he was swept away in a matter of weeks.

Ally, nothing would please the ptb more than if we were to use or propose violence. Our biggest challenge bar none is that 99%(?) of the population has not heard of 9/11 truth nor seen the evidence. When 50% + of the British population is convinced that Bush regime was behind 9/11, it will create its own unstoppable momentum for change.

We can learn a lot from Fathers4Justice. Their basic case for greater fathers rights is a just one IMO. Their publicity stunts amazingly effective in getting their case heard. Whatever people think everyone has heard of them. Then the problems: bad publicity by a fly on the wall documentary followed by what appears to be a complete set up to associate them with violence through the well dodgy kidnapping of Liam Blair story. Result: organisation folds.

Violence is absolutely not the route to go IMO. It plays right into their hands
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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hear what Pikey says, especially as both he and I spent a very entertaining and enjoyable day in Sedgefield during the election. But Jimmy's DVD did not have a strong relevant British political message on its cover which would make people want to look at it. Also, Jimmy's DVD is very long and has a lot of people talking to camera. Loose Change 2 uses excellent graphics and leads you on in a very compelling way without allowing you to become bored. Plus if the cover of the DVD says something on the lines:

" The War on Terror is bogus - 9/11 is an absolute lie - look at the hard graphic evidence which would stand up in any court of law. Our soldiers are dying for a criminal act. The next target is Iran with tens of thousands of more innocent lives to be lost."

Remember Sedgefield is very loyal to their 'Tony' so I was not really that surprised by the result on the day. However, eight months on and with more people waking up thanks to the internet, to get a DVD of Loose Change 2 and David Shayler into over a million homes (especially in the shires or what might be termed Daily Mail / David Cameron land where they feel very strongly that New Labour has put the British Army into an impossible situation) I feel we could be very pleasantly surprised.

The simple fact is we do not have much time before Iran is attacked. Yes, Pikey is right , we must continue campaigning at the grassroots, but if we were to find our own Jimmy Walter, a blitzkreig of hardhitting DVDs en-masse into peoples' homes might just trigger the 100th monkey syndrome. At least it would make the ape house very agitated!

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ian neal
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm confident we could get an advert in the independent with this type of message (we have done so before) and we could recoup costs by offering the DVD via a paypal link for a v reasonable £2.50 or so.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:

Ally, nothing would please the ptb more than if we were to use or propose violence.
Violence is absolutely not the route to go IMO. It plays right into their hands

Yes I know Ian, but transcribing the
government's bs on TV for 7
hours a day makes me feel
rather angry sometimes ;->
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:34 pm    Post subject: violence v nonviolence - the power of truth Reply with quote

Ally wrote:
ian neal wrote:

Ally, nothing would please the ptb more than if we were to use or propose violence.
Violence is absolutely not the route to go IMO. It plays right into their hands

Yes I know Ian, but transcribing the
government's bs on TV for 7
hours a day makes me feel
rather angry sometimes ;->

Is that what you do for a living, Ally? No wonder you feel angry! But if we give in to our anger we shall be finished off by the powers that be in no time.

We are physically unarmed, but well armed with truth and (I hope) integrity. The PTB on the other hand do not have truth on their side, merely spin, b/s and propaganda. So long as the struggle remains one over access to information, we can win. But if we allow our anger to propel us into violence, the struggle will be won by those with the most powerful weapons; the powers that be are armed with everything from truncheons to nukes.

At Gleneagles last summer a group of young people, dressed in black with their faces covered, reportedly started some violence near the gates of the hotel. That conveniently gave the police a reason to clear demonstrators away from the gates. One of our supporters who was near them as a consequence found himself followed in his car by police all the way from Gleneagles to Manchester.

These masked young demonstrators in black have also appeared at other demonstrations where they have acted similarly, and yet no-one seems to know who they are. They conveniently give the police an excuse to use violence against otherwise peaceful demonstrations. If people want to use violence to express their anger, they might find that joining these masked demonstrators in black would be well paid. If you're going to use violence to aid the authorities, you might as well get paid for it. Very Happy

But, in case anyone gets the wrong idea, I do not endorse violence in any form, neither when it is used by the authorities at home or abroad in the American Empire, nor when it is used by ordinary citizens who are protesting against the violence of the authorities.

It is worth remembering that the Indian independence movement coined the Hindi term *satyagraha*. Satya = truth. Graha = power. It was the power of truth which caused the British authorities to quit India and the same power can be used to end the War on Terror.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:40 pm    Post subject: Does anyone in the UK really give a damn? Reply with quote

Are we serious?

Justin has put forward two ideas to get the '9/11 - Attack on Iran 'message across to the British public. Both revolve around sending out DVD's to either every UK household (cost circa £6million) or a random selection of 1.6 million households (Cost circa £500,000).

However, he goes on to highlight that there is just one itsy-bitsy problem with these proposals ............ there is no money available to do it!

Even if every one of the 240+ members of this forum commit to copying and distributing 100 DVD's, we should not assume that more than 25% (max) are actually watched. Giving them away is not effective, I have accumulated loads of DVD's, on subjects that people seem to think that I will be interested in, just because I express concerns over the events of 9/11. I haven't watched even half of them!

The proposal to run an ad' in The Independent would possibly get a bit more attention but why not go the whole hog and run an ad' in The Sun?
The Sun claims a readership of 13million based upon sales of around 3.25million. The PTB don't really care what a few hundred thousand Independent readers think but if every 'White Van Man' in the UK got the message ...... we might just be looking at the potential to get Tony's attention.

The liklihood is that being Murdoch controlled, young Becky Wade probably wouldn't be allowed to run the ad' anyway! A copy could also be sent to Trevor Kavanah just so that he knows that not everyone falls for his guff.

Sorry guys but with a big fat zero in the bank account and no sign of a major benefactor on the horizon, it might be time for a tad more creativity.

I am continuing with the campaign to Email as many activist organisations as I can locate to propose that they encourage people to remain in London beyond the weekend of March 18-19 (10,000+ people camping in Hyde Park until Tony responds might get a bit of media attention). Mind you, based upon the response that I have received to date, this looks as though it will be about as effective (not!) as trying to rustle up £6million within the next few weeks.

Having said all of that, I am still of the opinion that the US were on the brink of invading Iran in the first week of September last year ....... when Katrina hit New Orleans and put the Kybosh on the invasion plans. So who knows what the Universe has in mind for the latter part of March?

By the way, does anyone know if the 'Stop the War Coalition' even have a website like the one identified below?


Al K Myst
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9/11 Truth Organiser
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try this: http://www.stopwar.org.uk/

I've just been there and will be sending some stuff for them to chew over. I noticed our David Shayler is not on the front page - I wonder why? And let's ask them if their "controllers" will allow us to have our website alongside everyone elses. Somehow I think they will ignore us. Let's see!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian Neal stated:-

Violence is absolutely not the route to go IMO. It plays right into their hands

Absolutely spot on Ian, whatever 911 truth creating methods we utilise they must be NON VIOLENT. Any violence or offensive behavoir and I am out of the 911 truth campaign Ally.

Yep its frustrating trying to get a breakthrough, but we must remain patient and persistent. Dont waste your energy on anger.

Remember what you give out comes back to you! If you have not seen the film "Gandhi" with actor Ben Kingsley as the man, Ally watch it, it will inspire you and give you hope. I watched it again on telly at Xmas.......its so powerful, the guy was an absolute genius!

Remember the establishments tactics are always to play the man, rather than the ball. Its absolutely paramount that the 911 truth movement continues to focus on playing the ball, and be ready to disassociate from any ptb infiltration intent on destroying the credibility of the campaign.

Comrade Redkat has it spot on when he describes the 911 truth campaign as akin to a virus in a computer mainframe. The ptb are out to destroy the virus as it is a threat to their control and status quo (watch the film "The Matrix" for a better understanding of this comparison)

Distributing the free dvds is not the answer IMO. Ask yourself how many people cannot even play a dvd at home? (remember the UK has an ageing popualtion structure, many OAPs dont even know what a dvd is never mind a website!). Also remember the majority of the public are on information overload due to the state consistently moving the goalposts of economic survival, and they are motivated by money.

What we need to do is to invest in a professional mobile 911 audio/visual roadshow facility, do a UK tour with local 911 groups supporting it when its in their area, and target hitting places were there are large public gatherings (outside football stadiums etc). If every registered member of this campaign donated £10 it would raise circa £2,500. People who are awakened by these public displays would then be able to donate money for our dvds, regalia etc so that we can invest further into the campaigning.

Eventually this roadshow would receive publicity and then maybe that Jimmy Walter we are waiting for will finally appear.

Advertising is expensive and its over with in a flash. Flyposting or writing 911 letters to your local freebie delivered newspaper is far more effective IMO.

Its time we stopped being a talking shop, wasting energy writing to the puppet media, authorities and MPs (we have been working hard at that now for going on almost a year and its got us nowhere) and got on the streets selling the campaign at grassroots level.

Do we have the guts and belief in ourselves to take it to the public? they will not come to us thats for certain!

IMO its now or never..........its 911 truth showtime and time to break a leg comrades


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pikey wrote:
. Any violence or offensive behavoir and I am out of the 911 truth campaign Ally.

Ally was just letting off steam
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Presumably "Eventually this roadshow would receive publicity and then maybe that Jimmy Walter we are waiting for will finally appear." means the publicity would attract a serious benefactor. That's certainly one route. We should proceed on many fronts. I like the idea of a roadshow, but similarly that will require a financial miracle appearing over the horizon before it can happen. But then miracles do happen.

The mass mailing of every UK address would only be appropriate if we had serious money to play with. Enough money not to be worrying about how it's spent. but there are other more modest routes. Namaste magazine will send a DVD to all their readers if the DVDs can be produced. (http://www.namastepublishing.co.uk/). Let's keep knocking ideas about
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"got on the streets selling the campaign at grassroots level." I agree. We need to be out on the nearest "high street", small tressle table and some DVDs / leaflets giving it some or holding local screenings at home as well as the more ambitious proposals. It's not either / or.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:34 am    Post subject: Distribution of DVD's Reply with quote

Ian Neal wrote:
Namaste magazine will send a DVD to all their readers if the DVDs can be produced. (www.namastepublishing.co.uk).

This same offer has been on the table from Kindred Spirit magazine (www.kindredspirit.co.uk) since last July! Kindred Spirit has a UK circulation of 40,000 and is available via mainstream outlets such as W.H. Smith. The proprietor of Kindred Spirit offered to mount 'Confronting the Evidence' on the cover of the magazine and run a feature article on Jimmy Walter and the 9/11 Truth Campaign.

Despite numerous efforts, by both Noel & the proprietor of Kindred Spirit, to persuade Jimmy Walter of the merits of such a scheme, it would seem that he was not prepared to support it. The cost would have been less than £10,000.

IMHO this was a lost opportunity!

Best regards to all,

Ian R. Crane
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