David WJ Sherlock Validated Poster
Joined: 07 Jan 2007 Posts: 471 Location: Kent GB
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:04 pm Post subject: An email I sent to Ethan Czahor (Stop Rosie) |
Yes I do want to help you. I want to help you see the truth. I do not think for one moment you work for any news agency. I suppose one could be in awe of your fervor. but listen my friend, It is true what you say. Rosie is not an expert in the physics of building structures. Neither am I. however, I do have a brain, as I am sure you have too, a brain to view the evidence. Please I ask you to view the evidence and decide. I used to be a believer in my government. but they have become corrupted by criminal forces that do have our interest at heart. You look to be a smart intelligent guy, and I believe if you opened your mind to the truth, I believe you could be a force for good. Have you visited scholars for truth. There are among some of the top intellectuals of our time on that site. I believe you when you say you are not a member of these malignant forces that we expose. but you may be construed as being a platform for their wicked agenda. I however demand your right to free speech and would never hold you in low esteem or threaten you for your views. There are people who use these "Death Threats". But believe me, we do not advocate these type of people in our campaigns. If you did receive death threats, I would be the first to assist you in bringing these type of people to justice. The UK 9/11 movement is one that uses the word as the sword. You have a right to live in peace as anyone else. I would fight for your right to freedom, peace and justice. If I did have a criticism of you. It would be that should not try stop Rosie. Why? Because it is democratic right say what she thinks. We used to have a women in this country called Mary Whitehouse. she was often lambasted for her Christian views regarding what was aired on our TV screens. I did not agree with her in the most part. she was all no "sex on TV and cinema". But she had a right to her opinion. I would not try to stop her. On the other hand, if people wanted to watch a sex movie on TV, I think it is their right to watch it. I did not want to watch it, so I would switch channels. There will always be people people who want to stop another's free speech right, that is why you have a lot of people singing. However, I would be very suspicious of these people, because if they want to block Rosie's right to free speech. One day they may want to do the same to you over a issue you are fervent about. Then where will we be.
Best wishes.
Dave. |