fourddream Minor Poster
Joined: 21 Jul 2006 Posts: 49 Location: London
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:57 pm Post subject: So who is behind it anyway, that's the question. |
From: "Barbaricfellow" <> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:04:40 -0000
Subject: [911-DoubleDutch] Re: Fwd: RE: Vicky Davis -- I gladly hide behind this woman's skirts -- answers
Your right Angela, great info this!
--- In 911-DoubleDutch@ yahoogroups., angelam'bride
<fourddream@ ...> wrote:
> angelam'bride <fourddream@ ...> wrote: Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007
03:30:32 -0700 (PDT)
> From: angelam'bride <fourddream@ ...>
> Subject: RE: Vicky Davis -- I gladly hide behind this woman's skirts
-- answers
> To: wethepeople_ united@yahoogrou
> Mc Bride (no relation) makes a comment:
> Can we all agree that nazism (hitler) was a "problem"? Who
financed him?
> Can we all agree Israel and zionism was a "solution"? Who financed it?
> "Problem, Solution"
> The financers of Hitler are known to most truthers, the financers
of the state of Israel too.
> 1, Bush family, 2, Rothschild family.
> Is there a connection between the two, you betcha, google the
names together, all kinds of connections, family, business, political
and religous.
> When following the movements of these people and their circle for
a while, and that of the Israeli Kneset, much becomes clear as a
certain connection keeps turning up.
> The connection is JESUIT, although the magic/sorcery of
manipulation and death they use as secret teaching is of ancient
caballistic origen, and though the jewish fariseeers used it
abundantly, it's origins are older and inherent to the left hand path
of all ancient earth religions.
> It is the path of the spiritually desolate with no conscience or
regret, trying as it has always done to maintain a firm grasp on the
holy capitals of Jerusalem and Rome and the power that lends.
> The jesuits are just it's current "body", The gestapo of the anti
christ. Zionism like masonry, and other secret societies of today
simply serve their purpose of enthroning the antichrist in Jerusalem
before their time runs out.They create these societies at will as need
> Problem reaction solution. It is not a new concept in the quest
for world domination.
> Even societies that form of their own free will will be taken over
by them. The one they promise heaven, the other they promise success,
failing that they buy, bribe or blackmail, it doesn't matter. Above
all they intermarry to consolidate power. They earn the money to pay
for it by arms sales generated by the chaos they sow.
> No "race" is behind this, Let's get that clear. These are just
* that happens. Or see them as the waste product of a production
process, something all production processes by necessity must have. Be
that placenta or turd. In the end "waste", If the "product"
-"humanity" pulls together to seperate itself from it that is.
> So go google yourself some truth, search the names of YOUR
favorite suspects together with jesuit, zionist, nazi, vatican, mother
of darkness, go for broke.
> Let me also attempt a prophesy here to demonstrate that one needs
no crystal ball to predict their movements once understood.
> Next year (probably september, oktober) the current pope will be
assasinated, and like the last they will lay him "in state" for 3 days
in St Peter's, (I'll bet it's wax the first 2) but this time the guy
will get up.
> Remember, as most are aware they try to re enact the book of
revelation, (now why would JEWS do that LOL)
> If the bible is correct he will have recieved a bullet through his
right eye (or supposedly) and will be blinded in it. _False prophet
created-mission accomplished.
> The UR (united religions) LAMB - Alexander Rothschild will be
crowned by him in Jerusalem with the blessings of the UN as King of
the NWO and (anti) Christ.
> Just a guess on my part.
> But in my opinion we need to remove the "prism" they place before
our eyes in order to create their matrix. The prism that devides the
light up into many different colours and "scatters it". So you don't
see the simplicity for all the confusion.
> Hmmm, where did that come from, must be the music in the
background:" darkside of the moon".
> Anyway my unsollicited advice to all: Go find a truth you can
stand behind, not hide behind.
> Davis answers McBride
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Vicky Davis
> To: Sean McBride ; Dick Eastman
> Cc: the911coverup@ yahoogroups. com ; Peter Wakefield Sault ; apfn-1 ;
Jim Hoffman
> ; Brian Salter ; norgesen ; Eric Hufschmidt ; Mark Bilk ;
> frameup@yahoogroups .com ; l.l.hahn@ ; Albert Underwood ;
> Bondj4007@
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:48 PM
> Subject: Re: Dick Eastman's Anti-Semitism, Global Warming, etc.
> You are getting hysterical and trying to change the subject. YOU are
the one
> who tried very hard to get me to go down that path of investigating
the Israeli
> lobby, zionists and Jews (you can't study zionists without looking
at Jews
> right?)
> I don't care about the Israeli lobby, zionists or Jews. I followed
the trail
> where it was taking me - and it took me to the point of looking at
the plan for
> global, totalitarian governance using the environment and global
warming as a
> unifying principle and at the people behind it.
> It fits because they are the ones who want to destroy the U.S.
government to
> stand up the North American Union. So what have they done? They blew
up the
> Murrah building and they arranged for airplanes to fly into buildings.
> Recall that John Deutch was Clinton's CIA chief. He is the one who
stole CIA
> files. And he was pardoned by Bill Clinton. And recall that Al Gore
(one of
> the three stooges of global warming - along with Maurice Strong and
> Gorbachev) was dismantling our government during the Clinton
Administration to
> set things up for the collapse in anticipation of the "after" 9-11.
> http://www.channeli ngreality. com/The_Coup/ The_Coup. htm
> Deutch, Ashton Carter and Philip Zelikow wrote the paper, "Catastrophic
> Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy". And notice the fine print, "A
> Report of: "Visions of Governance for the 21st Century". Market-Based
> Governance - Third Way
http://www.ksg. visions/publicat ion/terrorism. htm#About% 20Visions% 20o\
> f%20Governance
> "Readers should imagine the possibilities for themselves, because the
> most serious constraint on current policy is lack of imagination. An
act of
> catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of
> and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands,
or even
> millions, would be a watershed event in America's history. It could
involve loss
> of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine
> fundamental sense of security within their own borders in a manner
akin to the
> 1949 Soviet atomic bomb test, or perhaps even worse. Constitutional
> would be challenged as the United States sought to protect itself
from further
> attacks by pressing against allowable limits in surveillance of
> detention of suspects, and the use of deadly force. More violence
would follow,
> either as other terrorists seek to imitate this great "success" or
as the United
> States strikes out at those considered responsible. Like Pearl
Harbor, such an
> event would divide our past and future into a "before" and "after."
The effort
> and resources we devote to averting or containing this threat now,
in the
> "before" period, will seem woeful, even pathetic, when compared to
what will
> happen "after." Our leaders will be judged negligent for not addressing
> catastrophic terrorism more urgently."
> And more from Ashton Carter:
> Practice Armageddon - September 11, 2001
> Ashton B. Carter - Aspen Strategy Group, Global Technology Partners
LLC an
> affiliate of Rothschild North America, 2002
> .... There are, however, other concepts of "intelligence" of great
> importance to homeland security which, at first approximation, are
not currently
> accomplished anywhere in the federal government. A clear and
valuable role for
> the new DHS would be to develop and practice some of these
> techniques, among them red teaming, intelligence of means,
countersurveillance ,
> and risk assessment. red team/blue team
> Most Americans were probably not shocked to learn on September 12
that the U.S.
> government did not have advance information about the dozen or so
> residing in the country who plotted and took part in the airline suicide
> bombings of September 11. They probably were deeply disturbed to
learn, however,
> that the government was as heedless of the tactic used as it was of the
> perpetrators. The airline security system inspected for guns and
bombs, not
> knives; aircrews were trained to deal with hijackers who sought
hostages or
> conveyance to Cuba, not kamikaze attack. In retrospect, a huge gap
existed in
> the U.S. air safety system. Terrorists detected it before the
security system
> did-and exploited it.
> To avoid tactical surprise of this kind, the homeland security
effort needs to
> adopt a standard mechanism of military organizations: competing red
and blue
> teams. The red team projects itself imaginatively into the
terrorist's shoes and
> tries to devise attack tactics. The blue team tries to design
> When the United States developed the first stealth aircraft, for
example, the
> air force created a red team to try to detect and shoot it down.
When the red
> team identified a weakness in the stealth design, the blue team was
charged to
> fix it, systematically balancing risk of detection against the cost and
> inconvenience of countermeasures
> A comparable red/blue team mechanism should be the central feature
of the
> program for homeland security. To work, the mechanism must be
systematic and
> institutionalized, not ad hoc. It must be independent of the
> for example-that stand to be inconvenienced by its findings. It must
have the
> money to conduct experiments, tests, and inspections, not just paper
studies. It
> must be knowledgeable about the technologies of terrorism and
protection. Above
> all, it must be inventive. These criteria all argue for a new
> founding outside of, but close to, government-a sort of "national
> for homeland security.
> Sean McBride <smcbride2@> wrote:
> See -- you just did it again and proved my point: you linked the "J"
word with
> "Zionist," in precisely the same ugly way our resident anti-Semite
Dick Eastman
> does. It's all a big jumble to ignorant bigots.
> You're still as befuddled and ignorant on the subject of the Israel
lobby as
> you were before. In fact, I haven't seen you ever display any detailed
> knowledge about how the American political system works -- you're a
> theorist, not a political analyst.
> Who precisely do you think is agitating for an American war against
Iran as we
> speak? Multinational corporations? The oil industry? Zbigniew
> The American military establishment? Be specific.
> Wrt to global warming: if it turns out to be half as destructive as many
> respectable scientists think, we will indeed need global cooperation and
> coordination to deal with the problem. There is no way around it if
we want to
> survive. This is an issue on which we need to apply our best scientific
> intelligence and technological creativity.
> Vicky Davis <eyeswideoopen@ > wrote:
> Weak.... very weak Sean.
> You know well that you were unsuccessful at getting me to go down the
> Jew-Zionist path to nowhere.
> I agree - go where the evidence leads.
> Agenda 21 - Background
> http://www.idahoeag Environment/ un_agenda_ 21.htm
> La Paz Agreement - Disintegration of U.S. borders
> http://www.channeli ngreality. com/NAU/north_ american_ union.htm
> Regionalism
> http://www.channeli ngreality. com/NAU/regional ism.htm
> Creating new regions *** most important link for the connection with
> env. agenda
> http://www.channeli ngreality. com/NAU/Creating _New_Regions. htm
> On September 8, 2000
> President William J. Clinton signed the United Nations Millennium
> Declaration. The Millennium Declaration is an initiative for global
> http://www.channeli ngreality. com/UN/UNMain_ New.htm _________________ Muslim Jewish Christian Alliance for 911 truth. |