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Blair rigs Scottish Election
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:58 pm    Post subject: Blair rigs Scottish Election Reply with quote

Blair's Corrupt Britannia rigs the Scottish Elections


Blair's Revenge?

Up all night watching the electoral results of the Scottish parliamentary and municipal elections. For the first time it seemed as if the Scottish National Party (SNP) had a chance of leading the next Scots Parliament at Holyrood.

Everyone was expecting Nu Labor to get a hammering north of the border.

But, hey! Guess what. It looks like Tony Blair's corrupt crowd have done a Bush fix and stolen the election from under our very noses!

Very early on, as the election results started to dribble in it was clear that hundreds of ballot papers were being rejected by the Data Research Services' ballot-paper capture scanning software and that the results were failing to be collated and tabulated. An embarrassed spokesman for DRS was interviewed and, as to be expected, gave an extremely defensive reply.

By this morning it had become clear that between 100-150 thousand ballot papers had been rejected by the super dooper DRS system. Turns out that DRS bought over a US company called Peladon which bought imaging systems software from Diebold, the company that gave away two presidential elections to Dubya, the usurper.

So it looks like the good voters of Scotland have been hijacked by the Atlantist neocon, new world odour. Cui bono? A centralized, Stalinist Nu Labor government which is terrified of losing their stranglehold over a country which might soon insist on its independence and an end to the corrupt Union with England.

When Scotland was given its (restricted) legislature eight years ago a condition was that Westminster would retain its right to run electoral matters in Scotland. Now we can see why. Before the new electoral procedures were implemented --a complicated system of proportional representation using the Alternative System for parliamentary elections and the Single Transferable Voting System for municipal ones-- Blair was warned that to hold two such elections simultaneously using different systems would lead to confusion and breakdown.

Which is exactly what has happened. Despite all the warnings given, Blair & Co ignored them and carried on regardless. Why? Did he and Nu Labor anticipate an electoral fiasco and deliberately seek to gerrymander an election which the SNP could have won? Why did he go ahead with an electoral machinery that was doomed to fail? If any one party has lost as a result it is likely to be the SNP, the Greens and the small socialist parties which would have benefited from the AV List, the very section which has clearly led to confusion and the rejection of a huge number of votes.

Being a cynic this smells to me of yet another Blair crime. He's a war criminal, after all. A mass-murderer who doesn't give a damn about his victims. Why should he care about the Scots electorate?

I am writing this on the hoof so I haven't had time to research the story in detail. I just want all you out there to know how Blair and his corrupt cronies tried to screw the people of Scotland last night.

There's a lot of very angry folk in Scotland today. This story will run and run.

Labels: blair, diebold, drs, new labour, peladon, scottish elections, snp

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This may indeed prove to be a gerrymandered election. And indeed it may well transpire that New Labour, specifically, Scottish New Labour stole it. But this I can tell you for sure: the last thing that the Atlanticists, Neo Cons and NWO would want (assuming they are REALLY that interested) is the continued domination of a devolved Scottish Parliament by New Labour.

Why? Because right wing libertarians hate New Labour and they hate devolution. Everything about the existing political and economic culture of Scotland is anathema to them. They see Scotland as a welfare junkie living off the backs of the English taxpayer, where half the workforce are public sector bureaucrats and where the economy grows at a spectacular 0% per annum (no, I didn't miss a digit).

And that is partly why David Cameron (the HIGHEST of HIGH Tories) is making soothing noises about independence for Scotland. The Tories believe that the only way in the long term that Scotland can prosper is by preventing it from draining the English economy through the Barnet Formula. The only way this can be done is by cutting it adrift and ending the subsidies. After a period of austerity Scotland will then opt for a low tax and spend economic model and then, so the theory goes, will come growth.

There is one big disadvantage here for the Tories. A fully independent Scotland will want to determine its own defence and foreign policy. As control over such matters from Whitehall has been 99% of the reason why hitherto the Tories have backed the Union (reluctantly accepting Barnet as its price) it is most unlikely they will concede policy making in these areas to a future Scottish government.

In the short term though there is one MASSIVE advantage in an independent Scotland for the Tories: the annihilation of New Labour south of the border. Scottish independence could do for New Labour what women's emancipation did for the Liberal Party in the 1920's. New Labour would be kept out of office for a generation and would only be able to govern within a coalition. It would have to cooperate (or even merge) with the Lib Dems.

Unfortunately for Cameron the election outcome will probably dampen the prospect of a referendum on independence. In any case, the SNP have probably reached their high water mark and the only way for them is down. Unless...

They move to the right a little on economic policy and agree to a 'shared' defence and foreign policy with England and Wales. Then you might see something very unusual: a merged Nationalist and Tory party north of the border. Such a party would then be dominated by Scottish aristocrats who are totally Anglicised and Anglophile. Now that arrangement would suit the Atlanticists, Neo Cons and the Anglosphere in general mighty fine and dandy.

But the Tories should have done this in 1950 when the nascent SNP was full of kindred spirits (affected, snotty bourgeois types). Now it's filled with Chilly Jockolanders who have got a beef about their crofts and Culloden.
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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:

Why? Because right wing libertarians hate New Labour .

New Labour is the MOST right wing grouping since Adolf Hitler
you know that pincher because you are pretty right wing too

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John White
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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This does indeed look like vote rigging
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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Labour want to challenge the seat in Cunninghame North in the law courts, sound like Florida anyone? Shocked

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 1:10 am    Post subject: Is this Scotland's Prague Spring?[/ Reply with quote

Is this Scotland's Prague Spring?


Last Thursday night's election count in Scotland was, as reported earlier, chaotic. A complete fiasco caused by the Nu Labor-controlled Scottish Office and executive. Despite any losses it might have made through the confusion, the Scottish National Party (SNP) narrowly won pole position, as the illustration above shows, to form a government in this country.

Nu Labor (or New Labour as it likes to consider itself) has, over the last 50 years, ruled Scotland and this led it to believe that it has some kind of Divine Right to do so. It was a terrible blow to their misplaced pride to discover that this mystical right has finally been denied it. I have never seen Tony Blair looking quite so shell-shocked as he appeared yesterday on discovering the punishment meted out to him by the electorate on both sides of the border.

With characteristic sour grapes at least one losing Labour candidate is now "considering taking legal action", using the claim he might have lost votes in the spoilt ballot papers scandal. Something for which the very administration, in which he played a leading part, is responsible!

Meantime, the astute, some say charismatic, SNP leader Alex Salmond and his 46 stalwart MSPs are faced with a terrible dilemma. How are they going to become the next government in a Scotland they would like to steer towards independence from England?

Proportional Representation is an electoral system which while producing a clearer reflection of the actual votes cast lends itself to government by coalition. In the past the Atlanticist Labour and Liberal Democrat parties have been quite happy to go to bed with each other. After all, they have so much in common that it is really impossible to distinguish between the two.

In foreign policy, both are quite happy for the UK as it presently is to continue being shafted by NATO and Washington's militarist, unipolar world tyranny. In domestic policy both parties oppose Scotland pulling out of the joke that is the United Kingdom because --and most important-- it would not only end an imperialist Union that was brought about by bribery, betrayal and threat but throw the cosy Atlanticist 'special relationship' between the warmongers in the US and UK into a final disarray.

In this 'special relationship', Scotland is one vast military base and exercise ground for Whitehall's war office, the misnomer that is the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The UK's equally falsely named 'independent' nuclear 'deterrent' is based in the Clyde estuary near Glasgow. Hardly anyone in Scotland approves of its presence there.

But Scots have no choice because all military decisions are made in England by the mandarin descendants of a jingoistic and warmongering past only kept alive by the hollow facade of a cosmetic, United Kingdom. The day that travesty is finally brought to an end through Scottish independence the evil old pretence that masks the imperialism of England's ruling classes will finally come crashing down.

That is why neither the English-controlled Nu Labor or Liberal Democrats will entertain the idea of a SNP-led administration in Scotland. And why they both oppose the SNP's commitment to give the Scottish people the right to make up their own minds about independence in a referendum proposed to be held within the first term of an administration led by it.

So finally we see how Scotland's democratic right, compromised by the electoral scandal for which both Labour and the Libdems are entirely responsible, is now being threatened by the same two whose claim to rule is exposed to the world as a thing of corruption and they as the real enemies of democracy.

Scotland is a small nation of slightly over 5 million folk. But small is beautiful and, in its case, powerful because its destiny in the months to come could bring about much greater changes on both sides of the Atlantic. Let's hope that the SNP's victory does not turn out to be another Prague Spring and Alex Salmond into another Dubcek. If that were to happen the militarist, imperialist forces that will be behind the coup against democracy would be, as usual these days, the London and Washington, DC Anglo-Saxon alliance.

Labels: blair, new labour, scottish parliamentary election 2007, snp


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Last edited by Rory Winter on Sun May 06, 2007 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 1:19 am    Post subject: What gives? Reply with quote


BTW, John, I keep trying to register at Malvern Messages and it keeps rejecting my usernames. What gives?

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 1:22 am    Post subject: Sneering and supercilious Reply with quote

But the Tories should have done this in 1950 when the nascent SNP was full of kindred spirits (affected, snotty bourgeois types). Now it's filled with Chilly Jockolanders who have got a beef about their crofts and Culloden.

Clearly you know nothing about what's happening in Scotland. It's your kind of sneering supercilious attitude that so many Scots, quite naturally, are offended by.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 3:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

venceremos, I have had disagreements with you in the past, but your take on the Scottish situation right now is very 'very' close to the mark.

If Labour does contest the seat (which resulted from a disgrace of it's own making) and consequently turn over the result, then we will see an injustice to democracy which is paramount to treason against not just the people of Scotland, but against the people of England, Wales and N Ireland also.

The simple point is that Labour lost because we do not believe the war on terror lies, we do not believe Blair on anything and we need to urgently drag ourselves out of a facist - cosying up to the USA - dictatorship and big brother society.

I am an SNP supporter who believes that Scottish independance is still some way off (currently only at 32% support for this policy)... but the bottom line is that sooner or later, Independance is a fore-gone conclusion.
It may take 4 years, 10 years or 100 years, but the people of Scotland have an identity which at some point will influence over 50% of them to choose to go it alone. Personally, I would rather it happened sooner rather than later in order that we get it over and done with and enable the countries on these islands to move forward. (as well as putting out the stinking embers of the British Empire for good of course Wink )


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Pete J
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:03 am    Post subject: last embers Reply with quote

I am an SNP supporter who believes that Scottish independance is still some way off (currently only at 32% support for this policy)... but the bottom line is that sooner or later, Independance is a fore-gone conclusion.

Absolutely !! This is exactly how I feel also.

I'm out of the country and coudn't vote (was too late for postal) but have been following stuff on the web.

If you've ever lived in a small independent republic as I have (Iceland) you can see how isolated and stagnated Scotland is being part of the UK. Scottish independence has always been a no brainer for me - it would additionally be a great leap forward for 9/11 truth since diversity is the enemy of centralised global manupilation.

Put another way, if it had been independent, Scotland could have spared itself a raft of cardinal policy changes which never had popular support there, including

- the poll tax
- wholesale privatisation of public industries
- involvement in and support for pre-emtive foreign wars
- renewal of UK nuclear weapons programme
- boom/bust fincancial policies (there is never anything like the same boom but we still get hammered with the high interest 'medicine')
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:37 pm    Post subject: The Coup in Scotland Reply with quote

venceremos, I have had disagreements with you in the past, but your take on the Scottish situation right now is very 'very' close to the mark.

Thanks for some very pertinent comments, Brian. We are both loyal Scots democrats.

When I was a regional councillor in the Highlands in the 'nineties as an Independent Green Highlander I took every occasion I could to stand up for Scottish self-determination and remind the other 'Highland gentlemen' in the council chamber what a corrupt fiefdom of our ruling classes the Highlands remained with their support!

They laughed at me until the day a small group of greens, SNP and others brought the British secret state to a grinding halt outside Inverness by the Kessock Bridge (October 1991). After that the numpties treated me with a new respect, almost fear. Baa, baa!

I masterminded that ambush in the best tradition of Highland warrior guerilla tactics and, if necessary, would not hesitate to bear arms against the English imperialist. But only in defence, never otherwise because my personal ethics require me to respect all sentient life.

I recall this story here because it has never been told in any detail and to remind fellow Scots that we must no longer sit by passively as the imperialists continue to conduct coups against our democracy. Like the Irish in the 'twenties, it is time for us to stand up and risk even our lives if necessary.

Let me be very clear. To oppose its ruling classes is not to be anti-English. It continues a tradition of socialism in these Isles going a long way beyond Marxism.

A coup has been conducted against not only democracy in Scotland but against the people of the British Isles. The time will soon come when all democrats in these Isles will have to stand up and be counted.

It is no accident by which I sign myself, Venceremos, which means 'We will Win'. The other part of that is 'Patria o Muerte' which I would change to 'Democracia o Muerte'.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Sun May 06, 2007 4:47 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Chek :
It's possible - but probably hard to say after all this time - that a tree team or electrical maintenance crew with a cherry picker already at the park may have been amenable to a small donation to the Tree Surgeons' ball or summat.

this is all nonesance

John White
The Evidance

It is quite clear that there is a central scripter or a person with multiple accounts. And they all support the unofficial official conspiracy theory.

Go Figure!!
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, you're getting paranoid. Spelling errors such as 'independance' and 'nonsance' are common enough. As an ex-teacher I'll admit we just didn't teach 'em well enough! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

venceremos wrote:
No, you're getting paranoid. Spelling errors such as 'independance' and 'nonsance' are common enough. As an ex-teacher I'll admit we just didn't teach 'em well enough! Very Happy

My point as I have said before, it's a common spelling mistake HERE!
I asked my partner who is the worst speller on the planet (im dead), to spell each of the words, she got them all right!!

And dont tell me Im getting paranoid you spastic! And if you were a teacher you would know that "paranoia" is
paranoia, in psychology, a term denoting persistent, unalterable, systematized, logically reasoned delusions, or false beliefs, usually of persecution or grandeur. In the former case the paranoiac creates a complex delusional system that purports to show that people want to hurt him; in the latter, he sees himself as an exalted person with a mission of great importance.

So how does that fit to what I said?

The fcuking teachers are stupider than the prole kids they are abusing mostly.
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tsk, tsk, Banish. Temper, temper. To say that someone's getting paranoid isn't necessarily an insult, just an observation.

American Heritage Dictionary: Paranoid = "Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others: a paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged."

Don't you have a paranoid suspicion, based on misspelling, in your comments above?

Pete J:

Put another way, if it had been independent, Scotland could have spared itself a raft of cardinal policy changes which never had popular support there, including

And if we were independent we wouldn't have been forced to send our children to slaughter in the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Sun May 06, 2007 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Banish wrote:

Chek :
It's possible - but probably hard to say after all this time - that a tree team or electrical maintenance crew with a cherry picker already at the park may have been amenable to a small donation to the Tree Surgeons' ball or summat.

this is all nonesance

John White
The Evidance

It is quite clear that there is a central scripter or a person with multiple accounts. And they all support the unofficial official conspiracy theory.

Go Figure!!

I did, and figured you can't spell either Banish when you picked my quoted example as a misspelling.
"Researchers" (even with ludicrous paranoid theories) in glass houses etc.

"Includes preventative maintenance, normal repairs, replacement of parts and structural components, and other activities needed to preserve the asset so that it continues to provide acceptable services and achieves its expected life.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fcuking teachers are stupider than the prole kids they are abusing mostly.

We can agree on that. The reason why I packed in teaching was because I couldn't bear to support the factory-farm that education has become. Two of our kids were sent out to die in her (Thatcher's) white supremacist 'Falklands' Malvinas war.

That was enough for me.

One Planet - One People - One Destiny

Last edited by Rory Winter on Sun May 06, 2007 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 5:16 pm    Post subject: Everyone on this site is a shill Reply with quote

You're not fooling me with this. OH NO.
It is quite clear to me now that Banish is a sock puppet of the central scripter calling himself out in order to deflect attention away from his other accounts. The maintenance 'error' was cunningly designed to deflect attention from Chek when it was discovered and to engender mass confusion as they are one and the same!. Some of the many layers of disinfo robots who operate here have finally been exposed!
'Chek', 'John', 'Marky' and 'Banish' (and approx 500-700 other posters) all working to sew confusion and disarray with their terrible (but strangely similar) grammar, all from the same poorly scripted program and all support the official unofficially official conspiracy theory.

Theres simply no differance between any of ya!

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How do you spell chookta? Anyway - home rule for the chooktas!!! One piece at a time.
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

venceremos wrote:
Tsk, tsk, Banish. Temper, temper. To say that someone's getting paranoid isn't necessarily an insult, just an observation.

American Heritage Dictionary: Paranoid = "Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others: a paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged."

Don't you have a paranoid suspicion, based on misspelling, in your comments above?

Pete J:

Put another way, if it had been independent, Scotland could have spared itself a raft of cardinal policy changes which never had popular support there, including

And if we were independent we wouldn't have been forced to send our children to slaughter in the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

I was just making an observation that he was a spastic? What's the difference?

To the clone poster : There is a differance [sic] between illiteracy and a typo. Tell the central scripter to use a spellcheck in future you wont be so obvious!
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh for christ's sake!

Hitting a instead of e is one of the most common keyboard spelling mistakes, it doesn't mean the person couldn't spell the word right if they were to sit down with a pen and paper, it just means they were typing fast and made a few errors.

Some of the stuff you lot come up with is just plain embarrasing!


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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Banish wrote:

To the clone poster : There is a differance [sic] between illiteracy and a typo. Tell the central scripter to use a spellcheck in future you wont be so obvious!

Just as there is a difference between a typo and taking the mick!
That you couldnt spot the joke says it all.
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Everyone on this site is a shill Reply with quote

scar wrote:
You're not fooling me with this. OH NO.
It is quite clear to me now that Banish is a sock puppet of the central scripter calling himself out in order to deflect attention away from his other accounts. The maintenance 'error' was cunningly designed to deflect attention from Chek when it was discovered and to engender mass confusion as they are one and the same!. Some of the many layers of disinfo robots who operate here have finally been exposed!
'Chek', 'John', 'Marky' and 'Banish' (and approx 500-700 other posters) all working to sew confusion and disarray with their terrible (but strangely similar) grammar, all from the same poorly scripted program and all support the official unofficially official conspiracy theory.

Theres simply no differance between any of ya!


Curses. Busted.
$p$g prompt "chek" user for "johnwhite" or "marky54" or "banish" or "stefan" +
poststyle + misspell a for e = (character CONVERSION_FACTOR) + BASE
*end program

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 9:05 pm    Post subject: Re: The Coup in Scotland Reply with quote


They laughed at me until the day a small group of greens, SNP and others brought the British secret state to a grinding halt outside Inverness by the Kessock Bridge (October 1991). After that the numpties treated me with a new respect, almost fear. Baa, baa!

Please tell us more, as a Scot I was living abroad at that time (England) and did not return to these fair shores until 1996.
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:01 am    Post subject: Defying the Nuclear State Reply with quote

Please tell us more, as a Scot I was living abroad at that time (England) and did not return to these fair shores until 1996.

Ever since a kid I've always felt a strong attraction to Scotland. I came up from England in 1986 to visit northern Scotland and the Moray Firth and fell totally in love with its beauty.

Moving up here as a single parent I was lucky to find an old farmhouse to live in near Nairn. One day I heard about the regional council's plans to build a macerated sewage outfall into the Firth, right into the biological well where bottle-nosed dolphins swim to feed and play.

Having heard on Radio Four how the US government taught dolphins to become killers in the days of the Vietnam War I became very angry to hear what the numpties in local government and the Scottish Office were planning for our dolphins and, with Greenpeace support, I launched a campaign to protect them.

When the regional government elections came up (in Scotland regional governments are the equivalent of English county councils) I decided to stand for the Scottish Green Party with the intention of taking the dolphin protection campaign into the council chamber. Being half Asian, I didn't really expect to be elected.

But the publicity obtained through the dolphin campaign together with a surge in the Greens' popularity, together with a complacent sitting councillor who obviously didn't take me to be a serious threat, did the job and, much to my surprise, I was elected. The only sad thing is that none of the other Greens who stood were so successful and I was faced with a single-handed task to challenge the privileges of 51 other councillors, many who seem to feel that they had the divine right to rule their fiefdom.

The Highland region is as big as Belgium so these people really have a lot of responsibility. In 1990 especially, most of them were numpties just not up to the job. The establishment that ran the council were terrified at the thought of Greens being elected. They looked at us as if we were bolsheviks about to storm the Winter Palace.

No doubt relieved they only had to deal with one, nevertheless several angry appeals went from councillors to the Scottish Office to try and have my election anulled. Failing that they tried to sweet talk me and buy me off. Knowing I had just four years to do as much as I could I went about things like a military campaign.

Over a year into the job and a fellow Green rang up one night and informed me that a nuclear convoy was going to arrive in Inverness the next day on its way to Dounreay carrying broken nuclear fuel rods to be stored there.

The rods had originally been destroyed in an Israeli attack on Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactors. From there they had gone to Russia and then to Lower Saxony in Germany. The German Greens were able to pressure the State of Lower Saxony to get rid of them and, at that time, the Dounreay BNFL management were scouring the world for storage contracts to keep the reactor open.

Everywhere in the Highlands and Scotland (except for the tiny colony of nuclear workers around Dounreay) the reactor was unpopular and seen as a poisonous pustule of southern rule and contempt for the Scottish people. Suddenly our small Green Highland group found ourselves on the receiving end of the radioactive nonsense which led to the first Gulf War.

Busy with council paperwork I was initially reluctant to drop everything for a demo but, having received my Nonviolent Direct Action training (NVDA) at Greenham in the early 'eighties felt obliged to go and do something. Knowing the route the convoy would take I knew of a roundabout where it would be slowed down. Quite spontaneously I decided we could block the dual carriageway dans le style francais with just two cars.

And that's what we did, bringing the whole convoy which had been speeding up Britain at 80 miles an hour to a temporary halt. Some of us then lay down in front of the convoy, waved banners and played to the media cameras. Although we only stopped the convoy for about half an hour it was a great publicity action and for about six weeks later the Scottish newspapers were furiously calling for John Major's Tory government to take their nuclear filth back to Downing Street.

My action was spontaneous and intuitive and it was the training that we got from the Greenham wimmin that served me that day. For me it was yet another act of defiance against the British nuclear state, no different to the ones held regularly in the 'eighties outside the Greenham USAF cruise missile base.

It brought the message to the insular-minded councillors that Dounreay was highly unpopular amongst the people and, finally, it led to the Highland Regional Council as it then was using planning regulations to prevent the further development of Dounreay. Today Dounreay is winding down and looking into the development of Renewable Energy technology, something I always encouraged them to do.

As a 'new Scot' with an open mind to the affairs of my adopted country it seemed eminently sensible that we should be allowed home rule if it were the will of our people. Having been born in a British colony (now Sri Lanka) that obtained its independence nearly sixty years ago it seemed a total anachronism that Scotland should still be denied its self-determination. Having experienced the corrupting influence of Westminster rule through the Scottish Office on the Highlands it very quickly brought me round to support the SNP's views which happen to coincide with Scottish Green policy.

And though I have been out of party politics since 1995 those views haven't changed one iota. THe SNP's electoral victory last Friday meant to many, myself included, the dawning of a new beginning, not only for Scotland but for all the people of these Isles. The wicked old ancien regime will do everything it can to reverse progress and we must expect anything and everything from them, including staged terrorist attacks blamed on Scots extremists, and perhaps even a declaration of emergency justifying martial law and military rule.

This might sound rather bizarre in dear old Scotland but the desperation of our ruling classes will lead to all manner of dirty tricks being played against the people. The British have a long history in that kind of thing, culminating in northern Ireland and now on the mainland in their fake 'war on terror.'

Before sinking, Britannia won't give up its imperial privileges without terrorizing her subjects here as she did everywhere else when the world map was covered in imperial red.

We live in interesting times ...

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why do I bother with group *? I'll never know. I was hoping that maybe that there were some real truth seekers out there, not a bunch of * with the collective IQ of wallpaper.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 2:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Banish wrote:
Why do I bother with group *? I'll never know. I was hoping that maybe that there were some real truth seekers out there, not a bunch of * with the collective IQ of wallpaper.

i'm serious seek help, your are very paranoid and i cannot believe you havent got over the spelling errors.

really what type of person gets so annoyed at a few mistypes?

i kannot beleive you thik that twose who kannot spel are teh same persan Rolling Eyes
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If nothing else you lot have put a smile on my face
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The clone resorts to playground tactics.
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can I say Banish is a twat on this forum?
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