Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 2:51 pm Post subject: RINF Report: Leeds Truth Festival 2007
Mick Meaney has written the following report about the Leeds Truth Festival on RINF.COM.
"Last weekend (11-13 May 2007), a series of very unusual talks and events took place in the Northern town of Leeds. Described as the ‘Leeds Truth Festival’, an entire weekend of activities saw campaigners, activists and curious members of the public from all over Britain descend on the town.
The weekend was organised by a pressure group within the UK 9/11 Truth Movement calling themselves ‘The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign’. Some of the hot topics covered over weekend included 9/11, the Bilderberg group, Chemtrails and Cydonia.
Clever organisational skills ensured an official and timely 9/11 Truth Campaign (Britain & Ireland) AGM took place over the weekend, saving core campaigners and members of the public both time and money. I attended ‘Leeds Truth Festival’ and the 9/11 Truth Campaign AGM, and as I always try do at events like this, remain unbiased, neutral and experience it as any newcomer would, as much as I can for the following reason …
The first aim of the RINF web site is to report lies and injustices wherever I see them and to offer solutions whenever possible. I want to make it clear that I bear in mind accusations from mainstream media towards the 9/11 Truth Campaign of racism, which I take very seriously. Not at any time during the weekend did I hear remarks – or comments - which could be interpreted as such, and from my personal experiences believe the accusations to be completely unfounded.
Arrived in Leeds late in the afternoon, checked into the hotel and grabbed something to eat. I headed out to the venue just before the doors opened to make sure of a decent seat, a pint and to catch up with people travelling from parts of the country I rarely get to visit. As expected, there was a wide selection of books, DVDs and posters on sale. The stall was manned by Penny Pullen (a retired art teacher and relentless campaigner).
The evening presentations began at around 8:00pm with an introduction by Ian R. Crane (former chair of the 9/11 Truth Campaign).
Management Structures behind the New World Order – by Tony Gosling
Tony is a fellow moderator on the forum, the UK’s leading expert on the highly secretive Bilderberg group and certainly lived up to his reputation. He spoke briefly about his career as a journalist for the BBC, until the constant suppression of newsworthy stories became too much for him.
He took us through the history of what some would call the ‘Illuminati’, connecting groups such as the Knights Templar and the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, right through to the current day Bilderberg group. Tony provided more information than I thought possible about this group and their history, the dept of knowledge is truly outstanding.
All sources were credited and he encouraged us to investigate the information for ourselves.
Princes of Power (Secret Societies: Then and Now) - by Joseph Skelton
Joseph continued this theme by introducing a detailed analysis of Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care ritual which takes place annually and appears to involve the worship of the owl god, Molech.
He also pointed out the recurring symbolism which appears throughout history and can be clearly seen in today’s society, in the form of corporate logos. He kept the mood light and upbeat even though the subject matter was relatively dark and managed to include humour in his presentation.
One of the most positive messages of the entire weekend came from this talk, where Joseph encouraged us to take action within the local community.
No ‘Leeds Truth Festival’ event on Saturday but the 9/11 Truth Campaign AGM took place and was open to the public, which is why I feel comfortable reporting it here.
I won’t go into too much detail but will give a quick overview of the proceedings.
AGM of the 9/11 Truth Campaign (Britain & Ireland)
It appears the campaign has achieved tremendous growth over the past 12 months, with over 30 new groups already established throughout the UK.
Several changes have been made to the campaign, namely Ian R. Crane standing down, an increase of Steering Committee members and the creation of a much need press office.
Ian Crane made the decision to step down as chair of the campaign, which I feel is very unfortunate but I understand the need for him to spread his wings. Ian, along with a handful of others, has been the driving force behind 9/11 truth in the UK.
He’s been a major part in establishing new groups all over the country and will be sorely missed from the campaign, but he does have plans to continue touring and spreading his message where ever he can.
Thankfully it is not the last we have heard of Ian R. Crane. So onto electing a new chair, or rather, co-chairs. Perhaps unorthodox, but the campaign will now consist of three co-chairs.
They are:
Ian Neal, founder of the UK 9/11 Truth Movement. He has created and held unity within the wider movement for several years.
Annie Machon, ex MI5 intelligence officer, former secretary of the campaign and also largely responsible for the increased growth of the campaign.
Justin Walker, a political activist in Cumbria.
Vice-chairs will consist of:
Andy Baker (South), was responsible for co-ordinating national events, including the David Ray Griffin talk in Sept 2006 and will organise forthcoming events later on in the year.
Anthony Beckett (North), formed the West Yorkshire Truth Group and organised the ‘Leeds Truth Festival’. He is key in establishing local groups in the North of England.
Morgan Stack (Ireland), member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and is running in the elections for Irish Parliament on a 9/11 truth platform.
Belinda McKenzie will reluctantly continue to act as treasurer, although she has plenty of intriguing ideas to raise funds for the campaign.
There are several other Steering Committee members, who have not been mentioned here, as I said this just a quick overview of the proceedings. With some luck details will be published on the official 9/11 Truth Campaign web site.
One other welcome addition to the campaign included the new ‘voting rights’ rule, which now only allow groups who have organised at least one public event to vote. There is something to be learnt from this, as the second longest running group in the country do not have a right to vote. Hopefully this new rule will encourage more individuals to ’walk the talk’.
Events began at around lunch time, with…
The Occult Hand … from 9/11 to 2012 – by Ian R. Crane
Ian started off by saying “During this presentation, if you find yourself asking ‘What the *?’, I’m doing a good job”. Judging by the gasps from the audience throughout his 90 minute lecture, he certainly did his job right.
Reminding us of the eerie prophecies of St Malachy and touching on seemingly apocalyptic predictions of the future, Ian in fact delivered an incredibly positive message for the future of mankind.
Making it perfectly clear that the theories presented were not his own beliefs, but the beliefs of the global elite, Ian tied up Occult symbolism with the ‘return of the gods’ (a.k.a aliens) and the significance of the year 2012 for civilisations through history, and a possible new beginning for mankind. Keep an eye out for a DVD version of this presentation.
Hyperdimensional Influence on Planetary Geology – by Anthony M Beckett B.Sc. M.Sc.
This presentation was mind blowing and it’s online for you to view for yourself.
The bottom line: Is it possible that in our race to understand the solar system and the universe around it that we missed a basic fundamental principle about our own planet and about ourselves?
From the information presented in this scientific manner, the answer is undoubtedly, yes.
Skylines and Cloudbusters - by Andrew Johnson BSc.
Andrew is admin on the forum and member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, however this multimedia packed presentation focused on weather modification technology and Chemtrails. Drawing evidence from official documentation, we see how government bodies have potentially been able to alter our environment, the dangers in doing so and how we can protect ourselves from the effects.
The weekend also included live music and social gatherings, which I didn’t have time to stay for. I found the whole experience very interesting and feel it is a sign that the 9/11 Truth Campaign not only pushes for the call of further investigation into the events of September 11th, but also (unofficially perhaps) has fantastic resources and muscle (which forms a wider network) to highlight and act on a range of issues their members feel passionately about.
Now that’s democracy.
A few key players were unable to attend the weekend and their presence/influence was missed, namely Ian Neal, Adrian Connock, Nick Kollerstrom and Calum Douglas.
I’d like to say a big well done and thank you to everyone who made the weekend possible, both the 9/11 Truth Campaign and the wider 9/11 Truth Movement seem to be in terrific shape. Only time will tell if the weekend had an impact on newcomers and inspired them to take action. I know there is nothing more the West York’s lads could have done and provided a first class series of events.
Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 4:45 pm Post subject: The Occult Hand ...
Thanks to Mick Meaney of for the report on the Leeds Truthfest. It was a most enjoyable weekend; a joy and a pleasure to share quality time with so many like-minded people and to realise that an ever increasing number of people, from all walks of life, are starting to see through the charade of global politics.
Mick, I appreciate your comments on my presentation, 'The Occult Hand... 9/11 to 2012' but you omitted to mention one of the most important tenets of my talk, which is the increasing evidence to indicate that the ruling elite are building up to play their Trump Card, sometime within the next five years, in their quest to assume absolute global domination.
The events of 9/11 provided the excuse to effectively implement Martial Law in the USA, 7/7 has provided the same vehicle in the UK. However, to assume absolute global leadership those who manipulate the agenda now need a ' ... catastrophic and catalyzing event - like an Alien Invasion.'
Which is fundamentally what Ronald Reagan told the UN Assembly in 1988; see short clip below:
Part of the objective behind 9/11 was to keep people bogged down in asinine debate for years. This forum is a classic example of keeping enlightened individuals tied up in debating the minutiae over what did or did not occur on that fateful day. Of course, it is important that every effort is made to awaken the sleeping masses to the deception but it is (IMHO) even more important to raise the awareness of what is likely to be the next phase of False Flag Terror.
Remember that London was awarded the 2012 Olympics just one day prior to the false flag 7/7 London Bombings. The British public is now being drip fed the fact that the cost of staging these Olympics is escalating dramatically. Consider the possibility that a big chunk of the 'construction costs' associated with the Olympic venues may include incorporating the pyrotechnics for staging a spectacular false flag event, which is guaranteed to be broadcast 'live', right across the planet. The initial 'attack' on London would then be followed up by 'attacks' on selected targets right around the world. Creating the desired level of fear and panic for the NeoCon Cavalry to ride to the rescue. In return for saving the world from the nasty Aliens, and providing on-going 'protection' the NeoCon psychos would demand that every national government acknowledge the NeoCon right to global leadership and immediately agree to US military presence in their country.
If you think this sounds far-fetched, I would welcome the opportunity to bring The Occult Hand ... 9/11 to 2012 to your town. Once you have seen the the presentation, you can then decide for yourself. Of course, I hope that I am very wrong but I have a nasty feeling that preparations are already being made for this stunningly audacious piece of psychological warfare.
As Mick Meaney acknowledges, I am extremely positive as to the eventual prognosis for mankind. I do not believe that we will condemn ourselves to the world of perpetual war that the global elite wish to manifest ... but it is imperative that we make every effort to raise the individual & collective awareness. When the Hollywood inspired 'false flag' alien attack is perpetrated, let's admire the audacity and brilliance of the charade but let's also be sure that we let it be known that we are not fooled ... again!
Just as the events of 9/11, 7/7, Bali, etc, were all staged to demonise the Muslim community; consequently, staging such a false flag alien invasion then also serves to demonise any potential and/or prospective benign 'Alien contact'. Those (earthbound beings) who believe they are the rightful rulers of this planet will stop at nothing to keep control of their their fiefdom.
By the way, I claim no originality for this prediction. Werner Von Braun, amongst others, reportedly stated in 1974 that he foresaw a time when a False Flag Alien Invasion would be staged to achieve the 'Invisible Governments' goal of global domination. See video clip below:
As The Watcher rightly acknowledges, I always ask that those who come along to my talks do not take anything that I say at face value. My goal is simply to encourage people to undertake their own research and come to their own hypotheses.
In The Occult Hand ... From 9/11 to 2012, I also address the belief systems of those who consider themselves to be amongst the ruling elite and present the evidence to show why they believe they need to implement their plan for global domination by December 21st, 2012.
There's an old...saying in Tennessee...I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says Fool me once...(3 second pause)... Shame on...(4 second pause)...Shame on you....(6 second pause)...Fool me...Can't get fooled again.
George W. Bush to Nashville, Tennessee audience, Sept. 17, 2002,
Consider the possibility that everything you thought you knew ... is totally wrong!
PM me if you are interested in bringing The Occult Hand ... 9/11 to 2012 to your area.
Ian R. Crane
Last edited by ianrcrane on Wed May 16, 2007 11:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
An outstanding model for future events
So much new stuff was available here
I hope we and others have the confidence to make the wider information available and publicise it better _________________
Thanks to Mick for a nice Precis of the weekend and to Ian for the supplementary information here, which I agree with. I might also just mention that I think the use of DEW technology to destroy the WTC is quite inline with "stacking the deck" for a potential "False Flag Alien Invasion", though there is work for PTB to do yet, in lessening the ridicule factor to make the "threat" credible (which perhaps why a series of more "credible" news reports have been seen over the last few years - Fox News Mexico Lights in 2004, Former Gov of Arizona, Fyfe Symington last month, Chicago O'Hare have all broken through into the mainstream)
Bluebeam holography and ancient Tesla beam weapon technology updated makes a very fine scenario to take the people in.
It's been tested out once,911, to very good effect
And they'll do it again
The Ace
With the control frequencies beaming out of the myriad masts saying "they've come" _________________
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 9:15 am Post subject: Progress indeed!
"The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear." - Herbert Agar
I received the following unsolicited Email yesterday evening. I have never knowingly met or had any contact with anyone by the name of Bill Ackroyd:
Hasn't anyone noticed that Ian Crane is a complete a**hole. His public talks maybe factually correct but he's just rehashing other researchers material and the main point of his activities is the massageing of his own ego and nothing else. Why are you boithering with such a spineless parasite?
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your acknowledgement that my public talks are 'factually correct'.
I am also happy to acknowledge that you are absolutely correct in your observation that much of the material in my presentations is a 're-hash' of other material. Indeed, I make a point of NOT including anything in my presentations which cannot be substantiated and/or sourced. Consequently, I am happy to quote my sources & references during and/or after my talks. If I do enter into the realm of conjecture, I make it very clear that I am expressing a personal opinion.
My intent is not to suggest that I have any monopoly on the truth, but simply to share the fruits of my studies, for the sole purpose of encouraging others to investigate the 'Hidden Agenda' for themselves and to reach their own conclusions.
Ad hominem attacks give me great encouragement, as it is usually an indication that I am getting very close to the mark; ad hominem attack being the weapon of desperation.
Kind regards,
Ian R. Crane
"The truth is on the march and nothing will stop it." - Emile Zola
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:33 am Post subject: Re: Progress indeed!
ianrcrane wrote:
"The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear." - Herbert Agar
I received the following unsolicited Email yesterday evening. I have never knowingly met or had any contact with anyone by the name of Bill Ackroyd:
Hasn't anyone noticed that Ian Crane is a complete a**hole. His public talks maybe factually correct but he's just rehashing other researchers material and the main point of his activities is the massageing of his own ego and nothing else. Why are you boithering with such a spineless parasite?
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your acknowledgement that my public talks are 'factually correct'.
I am also happy to acknowledge that you are absolutely correct in your observation that much of the material in my presentations is a 're-hash' of other material. Indeed, I make a point of NOT including anything in my presentations which cannot be substantiated and/or sourced. Consequently, I am happy to quote my sources & references during and/or after my talks. If I do enter into the realm of conjecture, I make it very clear that I am expressing a personal opinion.
My intent is not to suggest that I have any monopoly on the truth, but simply to share the fruits of my studies, for the sole purpose of encouraging others to investigate the 'Hidden Agenda' for themselves and to reach their own conclusions.
Ad hominem attacks give me great encouragement, as it is usually an indication that I am getting very close to the mark; ad hominem attack being the weapon of desperation.
Kind regards,
Ian R. Crane
"The truth is on the march and nothing will stop it." - Emile Zola
LOL Ian!
A very gracious response to a very silly point: If he read any of what he's saying somewhere else than it's of less worth.
Presumably a truly great speech would be made up on the spot without any references or sourceing of established research?
I'm sorry I missed your speech, is there a recording of it online somewhere? _________________
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:18 pm Post subject: Bill Ackroyd - Agent of ???
Hey Bill,
Having seen your attack on Ian Crane, I feel compelled to respond:
I have seen Ian speak on three or maybe four occasions over the past 12 months or so. In Lewes, last September, he spoke only about 9/11. Using film & TV clips + hundreds of still photographs, he presented the evidence demonstrating, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the official version of events is not supported by the physical evidence. A couple of times he offered conjecture on what might have occurred but in each case, he presented the evidence which had led him to reach his hypothesis. Some 200 people left that event knowing that the US Government had conned the world with what Ian described as, "...pure Hollywood,...the most amazing piece of psychological warfare, since the Greeks left a wooden horse outside the gates of Troy."
At this event, I distinctly remember him stating that he would be 'mortified' if anyone re-quoted him without having investigated his 'claims' for themselves.
I have also seen his presentation on The 9/11 - 7/7 Connection, where he presented the evidence proving that the four alleged Muslim youths could not have carried out the London Bombings. During this talk he emphasised that he was not saying that they definitely didn't do it ... what he was saying was that, the evidence currently available in the public domain, suggests it was not possible for Mohammed Siddique Khan (now referred to by the BBC as MSK) to have been on the Circle Line train which exploded at Edgware Road. The reason being that this underground train left Kings Cross before the Thameslink Train, that the alleged bombers supposedly caught at Luton, had actually arrived at Kings Coss (Thameslink) station. Showing the supporting correspondance from both Thameslink & London Underground to support his statement.
More recently, I heard Ian Crane speak in Manchester. 120+ people turning out on a Friday evening to hear him deliver The Occult Hand of 9/11. Although he went into the 'realm of conjecture' much more than on the previous occasions, he expertly guided the audience through his multi-faceted investigations so that when he reached the punch line, it all fell neatly into place. It was a bit long at two and a quarter hours but he had the audience spellbound.
Ian is apparently able to let your ridiculous ad hominen attack wash over him. This guy puts his neck on the line by standing up and exposing the charade of Bush & Blair's idea of freedom, while thousands are killed in their illegal wars. If you have a different perspective, then hit the streets with your own take on things. You are correct when you say that Crane's public talks are 'factually correct'. He may be an a**hole, I don't know him well enough to be able to comment. He may have a massive ego (he doesn't come across that way) and he doesn't seem to be trying particularly hard to make any money out of sticking his head above the parapet. He doesn't seem to have a book to plug; he does sell copies of his DVD's but at £3 each he isn't going to get on the Rich List any time soon.
I didn't get to the Leeds talks and having seen the report of the weekend, I'm kicking myself. This is real Truth campaigning
Bill, I don't know what you've got against Crane but you do yourself no favours by attacking the man ... question his material by all means but I agree with Ian, if he is attracting this kind of attack, he must be getting very close to some very uncomfortable truths.
Having spent a week camping in Devon with Ian last summer I can assure you he is neither an a**ehole or an egomaniac. He speaks his truth as he sees it.
As you righhtly say Watcher, if Bill doesn't like the way Ian does his thing, the challenge is to stop gripping and present an alternative perspective
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 10:25 am Post subject: a**hole
Stefan asked:
I'm sorry I missed your speech, is there a recording of it online somewhere?
Hi Stefan, unfortunately it was not recorded but we are going to rectify that sometime in the next few weeks. The plan is to film The Occult Hand ... 9/11 to 2012, within the next few weeks; date & venue to be confirmed. Any suggestions?
Meanwhile, thanks to The Watcher and Ian Neal for their rebuttals of Bill Ackroyd's comments. However, at dinner last night, my family were debating the accuracy of Bill's statements. I have to report that the consensus (5 to 1) was that Bill may have had a point when he suggested that I am, " ... a complete a**hole." The family debate ended in great hilarity when I finally agreed that Bill's statement would have been wholly accurate had he written, " ... sometimes Ian Crane is a complete a**hole!"
An Interview with Phillip Day of the Campaign for Truth in Medicine by Sareeta Webra B.Sc (not included in the weekends schedule due to time constraints)
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