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Harvard Grad Warns Yanks Of 'Hell-On-Earth' Planned By NWO

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject: Harvard Grad Warns Yanks Of 'Hell-On-Earth' Planned By NWO Reply with quote

Harvard Grad Warns Americans Of 'Hell-On-Earth' Planned By New World Order

Suanne Skidd says it's time "to make a massive effort" to save America "from the hell-on-earth" planned by the New World Order.

My Fellow Americans,

The evidence (and there's plenty of it, including irrefutable scientific evidence) indicates that the "terrorist attack" of September 11, 2001 was a false-flag (government-sponsored) operation, a psy-op on the American people, an inside job, designed to shock and frighten us into going along with the agenda of endless war abroad and Nazi-style tyranny here at home.

Everything the current regime has done since then has exploited the "attack" of that infamous day as justification for their outrageous criminal activities. The (incredibly un-patriotic) USA Patriot Act, obviously written long before 9/11, has effectively shredded our Bill of Rights and Constitution. This is their Orwellian trick, calling things the opposite of what they actually are, assuming most of us will never get past the title.

The "War on Terror" is really a war on freedom, and we are its target.

We are in very grave danger of losing our Constitutional Republic and our freedom forever. The controlled corporate media, which is owned by the powers-that-be, the global elite, the Illuminati, the New World Order, the secret world government, whatever you want to call them, is (obviously) complicit in this, so that although many prominent people are now speaking out about 9/11, there is little mention of it, and certainly there is no honest debate.

They will not tell us the "truth" until they have no other choice, because so many people already know, and even then they will try to "spin" it. Do not believe them! The electronic voting machines are rigged, so our politicians care not what we think or want. Republicans and Democrats are both involved. Skull & Bones John (W's cousin, by the way) wouldn't have saved us, and unfortunately neither will Al nor Hillary.

They are all apparently working for the New World Order, one-world government, and the destruction of America. It's not about liberal vs. conservative, that's just a distraction for us, to make us think we have a choice and to keep us divided. It's really about freedom vs. slavery. The powers-that-be will select the next President for us. It will be who they want, not who we want.

After all, he will be their puppet. It is absolutely critical that every American do something now to stop the Fascist agenda of this criminal regime! They are working straight off Hitler's script, with 9/11 as the Reichstag Fire, they are practicing Nazi philosophy right here in America, against us, and time is running out. The grandfather of the current resident of the White House made the family fortune backing Hitler and the Nazi war machine, and should have been tried for treason. Instead, he somehow became a U.S. Senator, and his son and grandson somehow became President. They have not changed sides.

They even had Nazi symbols up on the stage at the State of the Union address, so the Fascism is right in our faces. It's time for us to wake up! Everyone involved must be impeached and/or indicted and tried for treason and other crimes. Our country is being deliberately destroyed while we are being (also deliberately) distracted by sports and American Idol.

I don't expect you to believe me, but please research these issues at the websites below and elsewhere, make your own decision, and take appropriate action! Watch the excellent 9/11 documentary Loose Change 2 (which will be shown to the British Parliament next month, June 14, 2006, I believe) on Google Video for free! Educate your family and friends! Our only hope is to wake up enough Americans to take back our country from these evil criminals before they strike us again.

They may use another false-flag terror attack, a natural disaster (think Katrina) or even a biological attack or real or imagined "outbreak" (Avian/Bird Flu?) as a pretext to gain even more control. Their goals internationally are mass-depopulation and World War III (IV?) starting in the Middle East, spreading who-knows-where. Their agenda at home includes forced vaccinations, concentration camps, martial law and gun confiscation.

With her impassioned plea, the 44-year-old Harvard graduate living in Boulder, Colorado, becomes another average American doing above average things, as a showdown between good and evil is right around the corner.

Although most Americans are ignoring the "writing on the wall" as the dollar tanks, the war escalates and illegal immigrants are flooding the streets, Skidd has decided to sit down and write a warning letter to Americans, filling them in on what to expect if they don't act now.

Inspired by the Republic Broadcasting Network and especially talk show host John Stadtmiller, Skidd recalls how she came to the conclusion to write her eloquent warning, advising Americans to "never give up their firearms:"

"I listen to RBN many, many hours every week, trying to put the big picture together.

From my research, I know we are in grave danger, and so I cannot possibly just continue going about my daily life and ignoring this problem in the hope it will go away. It will not go away. I am obsessed with doing whatever I can to wake up my family, friends and even total strangers, to the point that certain people in my life who wish to not wake up are getting angry with me.

"Recently, I know I need to do more, things are not moving fast enough, and the hour is getting late. I believe they will strike us again soon. They are not done with their destruction of America. I have lots of reading material on the back of my car, but this week (largely thanks to John Stadtmiller) I decided I need to have something definitive to give out to people that attempts to explain what is happening, and tells people where toget real information.

"Unable to find anything that fit the bill on the internet, I sat down and wrote an open letter to my fellow Americans to alert them to what I believe to be our precarious situation, and I will be giving it to anyone I can find who will take it. Waking the

American people up to the scam of 9/11 and the fraud that is the "War on Terror" is our only hope for restoring our freedom and our Constitutional Republic.

"It is the only thing that will save us from the hell-on-earth that is the New World Order's plan for us. Thus I believe it is the most important thing those of us who "know" can do at this critical time. It is truly time for us to make a massive effort to save our country from these criminals. No one else is going to do it for us. Let's roll!"

Skidd's story is like many who grew up searching for the American dream, living in affluent Connecticut and graduating from Harvard University in 1983 with a BA in Government. And like so many others under the hypnotic spell of apathy cast by the Reagan/Bush years, she tuned out her country and politics, becoming disillusioned with corporate America

"I tuned out and traveled around the country following the Grateful Dead for the next several years. I always knew something was terribly wrong, I just couldn't figure out what. I knew, even back then, that the Bush family, especially "Poppy", was pure evil. I have been deeply troubled by the JFK assassination my entire life, and always knew that it was a coup d'etat.

"In my opinion, America has not been America ever since. I agree with what talk show host Greg Szymanski when he said that 'it still looks like America, it just doesn't feel like America anymore.

Skidd began seriously questioning the New World Order in 1990 when she found out about hemp and the marijuana conspiracy from Jack Herer's book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes". And according to Skidd, the campaign against hemp in the 20's and 30's amounted to a coup of the world's economy to favor petroleum products by outlawing the best renewable alternative.

"This was a perfect example of problem/reaction/solution, the Hegelian dialectic, and their favorite Orwellian trick of changing the name of something in order to deceive us," said Skidd. "They created an imaginary problem by printing made-up stories about terrible things people allegedly did under the influence of "marijuana" (a scary word no one knew, while everyone knew hemp/cannabis as benign and very helpful, in fact a staple of the world economy) in their publications (William Randolph Hearst was deeply involved in this blatant yellow journalism...yes, of course they already controlled the media even in the 30's).

"Many of the names involved in outlawing hemp are the same names I now know to be part of the Illuminati/New World Order. They rigged the entire world economy in their favor (of course!) by banning hemp and have been reaping huge profits and gained ever more power and control ever since. This book was a revelation to me as to how things really work in this world, that things are not necessarily what they appear to be. I realized that "history", as it is presented to us, is largely fiction. Looking back now, I can't believe I ever bought the official story about 9/11."

Although Skidd admits to being duped about 9/11 like so many other Americans, she is now working tirelessly to awaken a sleeping public. According to Skidd, Americans should never give up their firearms and the following warning letter, entitled Day of High Treason in America, is intended for every single American to read before it's too late:
<img src='http://www.team-terror.net/mike/wtc-7.gif'>
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you have a link please??
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:
Do you have a link please??

No sweat:
'Harvard Grad Warns Americans Of 'Hell-On-Earth' Planned By New World Order': http://www.illuminati-news.com/053006a.htm


Harvard Grad Warns Americans Of 'Hell-On-Earth' Planned By New World Order
by Greg Szymanski, May 30, 2006

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 07:56:58 PM

Average American doing above average things writes warning letter, saying 'never give up firearms' as war on terror is war on freedom.
Greg Szymanski
Greg Szymanski

uanne Skidd says it's time "to make a massive effort" to save America "from the hell-on-earth" planned by the New World Order.

With her impassioned plea, the 44-year-old Harvard graduate living in Boulder, Colorado, becomes another average American doing above average things, as a showdown between good and evil is right around the corner.

Although most Americans are ignoring the "writing on the wall" as the dollar tanks, the war escalates and illegal immigrants are flooding the streets, Skidd has decided to sit down and write a warning letter to Americans, filling them in on what to expect if they don't act now.

Inspired by the Republic Broadcasting Network and especially talk show host John Stadtmiller, Skidd recalls how she came to the conclusion to write her eloquent warning, advising Americans to "never give up their firearms:"

"I listen to RBN many, many hours every week, trying to put the big picture together.

From my research, I know we are in grave danger, and so I cannot possibly just continue going about my daily life and ignoring this problem in the hope it will go away. It will not go away. I am obsessed with doing whatever I can to wake up my family, friends and even total strangers, to the point that certain people in my life who wish to not wake up are getting angry with me.

John Stadtmiller

"Recently, I know I need to do more, things are not moving fast enough, and the hour is getting late. I believe they will strike us again soon. They are not done with their destruction of America. I have lots of reading material on the back of my car, but this week (largely thanks to John Stadtmiller) I decided I need to have something definitive to give out to people that attempts to explain what is happening, and tells people where to get real information.

"Unable to find anything that fit the bill on the internet, I sat down and wrote an open letter to my fellow Americans to alert them to what I believe to be our precarious situation, and I will be giving it to anyone I can find who will take it. Waking the American people up to the scam of 9/11 and the fraud that is the "War on Terror" is our only hope for restoring our freedom and our Constitutional Republic.

"It is the only thing that will save us from the hell-on-earth that is the New World Order's plan for us. Thus I believe it is the most important thing those of us who "know" can do at this critical time. It is truly time for us to make a massive effort to save our country from these criminals. No one else is going to do it for us. Let's roll!"

Skidd's story is like many who grew up searching for the American dream, living in affluent Connecticut and graduating from Harvard University in 1983 with a BA in Government. And like so many others under the hypnotic spell of apathy cast by the Reagan/Bush years, she tuned out her country and politics, becoming disillusioned with corporate America

"I tuned out and traveled around the country following the Grateful Dead for the next several years. I always knew something was terribly wrong, I just couldn't figure out what. I knew, even back then, that the Bush family, especially "Poppy", was pure evil. I have been deeply troubled by the JFK assassination my entire life, and always knew that it was a coup d'etat.

"In my opinion, America has not been America ever since. I agree with what talk show host Greg Szymanski when he said that 'it still looks like America, it just doesn't feel like America anymore.

Jack Herer
Jack Herer

Skidd began seriously questioning the New World Order in 1990 when she found out about hemp and the marijuana conspiracy from Jack Herer's book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes". And according to Skidd, the campaign against hemp in the 20's and 30's amounted to a coup of the world's economy to favor petroleum products by outlawing the best renewable alternative.

"This was a perfect example of problem/reaction/solution, the Hegelian dialectic, and their favorite Orwellian trick of changing the name of something in order to deceive us," said Skidd. "They created an imaginary problem by printing made-up stories about terrible things people allegedly did under the influence of "marijuana" (a scary word no one knew, while everyone knew hemp/cannabis as benign and very helpful, in fact a staple of the world economy) in their publications (William Randolph Hearst was deeply involved in this blatant yellow journalism...yes, of course they already controlled the media even in the 30's).

"Many of the names involved in outlawing hemp are the same names I now know to be part of the Illuminati/New World Order. They rigged the entire world economy in their favor (of course!) by banning hemp and have been reaping huge profits and gained ever more power and control ever since. This book was a revelation to me as to how things really work in this world, that things are not necessarily what they appear to be. I realized that "history", as it is presented to us, is largely fiction. Looking back now, I can't believe I ever bought the official story about 9/11."

Although Skidd admits to being duped about 9/11 like so many other Americans, she is now working tirelessly to awaken a sleeping public. According to Skidd, Americans should never give up their firearms and the following warning letter, entitled Day of High Treason in America, is intended for every single American to read before it's too late:

My Fellow Americans,

The evidence (and there's plenty of it, including irrefutable scientific evidence) indicates that the "terrorist attack" of September 11, 2001 was a false-flag (government-sponsored) operation, a psy-op on the American people, an inside job, designed to shock and frighten us into going along with the agenda of endless war abroad and Nazi-style tyranny here at home.

Everything the current regime has done since then has exploited the "attack" of that infamous day as justification for their outrageous criminal activities. The (incredibly un-patriotic) USA Patriot Act, obviously written long before 9/11, has effectively shredded our Bill of Rights and Constitution. This is their Orwellian trick, calling things the opposite of what they actually are, assuming most of us will never get past the title.

The "War on Terror" is really a war on freedom, and we are its target.

We are in very grave danger of losing our Constitutional Republic and our freedom forever. The controlled corporate media, which is owned by the powers-that-be, the global elite, the Illuminati, the New World Order, the secret world government, whatever you want to call them, is (obviously) complicit in this, so that although many prominent people are now speaking out about 9/11, there is little mention of it, and certainly there is no honest debate.

They will not tell us the "truth" until they have no other choice, because so many people already know, and even then they will try to "spin" it. Do not believe them! The electronic voting machines are rigged, so our politicians care not what we think or want. Republicans and Democrats are both involved. Skull & Bones John (W's cousin, by the way) wouldn't have saved us, and unfortunately neither will Al nor Hillary.

They are all apparently working for the New World Order, one-world government, and the destruction of America. It's not about liberal vs. conservative, that's just a distraction for us, to make us think we have a choice and to keep us divided. It's really about freedom vs. slavery. The powers-that-be will select the next President for us. It will be who they want, not who we want.

After all, he will be their puppet. It is absolutely critical that every American do something now to stop the Fascist agenda of this criminal regime! They are working straight off Hitler's script, with 9/11 as the Reichstag Fire, they are practicing Nazi philosophy right here in America, against us, and time is running out. The grandfather of the current resident of the White House made the family fortune backing Hitler and the Nazi war machine, and should have been tried for treason. Instead, he somehow became a U.S. Senator, and his son and grandson somehow became President. They have not changed sides.
They even had Nazi symbols up on the stage at the State of the Union address, so the Fascism is right in our faces. It's time for us to wake up! Everyone involved must be impeached and/or indicted and tried for treason and other crimes. Our country is being deliberately destroyed while we are being (also deliberately) distracted by sports and American Idol.

I don't expect you to believe me, but please research these issues at the websites below and elsewhere, make your own decision, and take appropriate action! Watch the excellent 9/11 documentary Loose Change 2 (which will be shown to the British Parliament next month, June 14, 2006, I believe) on Google Video for free!

Educate your family and friends! Our only hope is to wake up enough Americans to take back our country from these evil criminals before they strike us again.

They may use another false-flag terror attack, a natural disaster (think Katrina) or even a biological attack or real or imagined "outbreak" (Avian/Bird Flu?) as a pretext to gain even more control. Their goals internationally are mass-depopulation and World War III (IV?) starting in the Middle East, spreading who-knows-where. Their agenda at home includes forced vaccinations, concentration camps, martial law and gun confiscation.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The naive view of the world as “goodies” and “baddies”, with our own ruling class as the good guys, is for the birds. I witnessed personally in Uzbekistan the willingness of the UK and US security services to accept and validate intelligence they knew to be false in order to pursue their policy objectives. We should be extremely sceptical of their current anti-Russian narrative. There are many possible suspects in this attack.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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