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RFID Hacking

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:56 am    Post subject: RFID Hacking Reply with quote

RFID Hack Could Allow Retail FraudA German consultant has released a tool that its creator says will allow modifications of the code stored within RFID tags, theoretically allowing consumers ...
http://www.eweek.com/article2/ 0,...,1628696,00.asp
Exxon Mobile SpeedPass Hack via RFIDTired of paying for gas Are you a geek with a laptop, knowledge of the Texas Instruments RFID spec and live near an Exxon Mobile gas station equipped with ...
http://www.marketingshift.com/20...ck-via- rfid.cfm
Wired 14.05: The RFID Hacking UndergroundThey can steal your smartcard, lift your passport, jack your car, even clone the chip in your arm. And you won't feel a thing. 5 tales from the RFID-hacking ...
http://www.wired.com/wired/archi...14.05/ rfid.html
Researchers hack RFID credit cards. Big surprise. - Engadgetas far as a retailer not takeing numbers, there are plenty of places that would. the person that is hacking rfid for peoples information is not going to go ...
rfid music player - Hack a DayFiled under: misc hacks, portable audio hacks. sid rfid. don't take off your tinfoil hats quite yet, but just when you thought rfid tags were all about the ...
rfid dartmail - Hack a DayThe head of the Dart contains an RFID tag. By waving the tag over the reader, the 'shooter' can attach a handle to any electronic file (located in a shared ...
The RFID Weblog: Software to Hack RFID TagsImplementation and Application of RFID technology.
http://www.rfid-weblog.com/ 50226...k_rfid_tags.php - 106k
RFID Hack Tool Released at Blackhat--Ridge RFID Hack Could Allow Retail Fraud By Mark Hachman July 29, 2004 LAS VEGAS-A German consultant has released a tool that its creator says will allow ...
http://www.interesting-people.or...8/ msg00012.html
Digg - Free Gas! Just hack RFIDJust hack RFID. You can Hack a gasoline speed pass in 15 minutes! Submitted:: 1 year 90 days ago; Submitter:: All4not All4not (news: submissions, diggs, ...
http://digg.com/security/ Free_Ga..._Just_hack_RFID
Photo: Prying open an ePassport | CNET News.comLukas Grunwald, a researcher at DN-Systems attending the Defcon hacker convention in Las Vegas, demonstrates how RFID-equipped cards can be read with a ...
http://news.com.com/2300-1029_3-..._3- 6102766.html
All of our soldiers now use RFID Tags on their body armor, weapons, Identification, almost every standard issue. How do you think the enemy (directed by Dick Cheney), knows exactly where our kids are????????? The RFID in the military is one of the greatest national security threats around. Soon we will all carry this easily fraudable units. It will have data on our children such as pictures and locations so that whenever an elite gets an urge, whooopppeeeee

For more on how elites "pick" the abductable child before they are abducted using creative surveillance read the Franklin Cover-Up or watch Conspiracy of Silence.
http://video.google.com/ videopla...110250157218995
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Con...racy_of_Silence
http://www.rense.com/general61/ a...onspiracyof.htm
http://www.thelawparty.com/Frank...linCover- up.htm
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ f...upexcerpt.shtml
http://www.prisonplanet.com/ arti...4johndecamp.htm

The elites truly love our children. They want to eat them up and love them to death.
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