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Beware of masonic symbolism and infiltration of 911 movement

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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:42 pm    Post subject: Beware of masonic symbolism and infiltration of 911 movement Reply with quote

Here's one example that has fooled the majority of Americans...

You probably didn't realize it but America is steeped in Idols!
Yes and the Statue of Liberty is actually a replica of the Babylonian goddess "Ishtar" the Mother of Harlots and the goddess of Freedom/Liberty.
This "artwork" was created by a Freemason who wanted to honor a Masonic doctrine that dates back to before Nimrod!

Statue of Liberty - Semiramis
The Statue of Liberty is another Brotherhood symbol highlighting the lighted torch. The Statue of Liberty is actually the Statue of Liberties - the liberties perpetrated on the American people by the Brotherhood. There she stands on her island in New York Harbour holding her torch of freedom and Americans believe she is the symbol of their liberty in the Land of the Free. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris These statues of liberty are representations of Queen Semiramis and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. The ancients symbolized the Sun in this way. And they are not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch of the illuminated ones, the reptilian Elite. The Statue of Liberty is a Brotherhood symbol which says: We control this country and we are telling you so, but you are too stupid to see it!
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Last edited by scar on Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:30 pm; edited 6 times in total
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since Cameron is against the Torch symbol it'll be interesting to see what the Tories come up with
We've got the Rosicrucian rose and the Semiremas dove for the other two
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John White
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


We have to be sooooo careful about things like this

Although we can be reasonably certain that occult/brotherhood forces have particular relationships to particular symbols, it is simply false that this means any time such a symbol is seen is evidance that those forces are behind the organisation using the symbol, becuase these symbols are not the property of those forces: even if they started them!

Personally I understand the symbology of the first image as openly declaring that the strike on the twin towers was the work of the all-seeing-eye cult...so its a use of anti-symboloism...others would see the same thing as "ha ha putting it in our faces", or something completely different...that is the nature of symbology

Equally, the second image appears strongly brotherhood, but equally the torch means other things to other people...truth, casting out shadows, purpose, etc etc

Furthermore, as part of standard conspiracy theory, members of these brotherhoods, for the vast majority, have no idea what the upper teirs of the structure are really working towards...and to them, the symbol meaning is also (deliberately) going to be very different

We have to look at more tangible factors:

Is the group working with other aspects of the community in good will?


Are there glaring and obvious flaws with the official story which that group refuses to look at?

is the group actively attacking other aspects of the community?

Is the group actively promoting the less likely possibilities that contradict the official version (like UFO's or hologram planes) but not covering the scenarios with a higher balance of probability?

Sadly, there is always going to be massive infiltration, disruption and disinformation in any arena that challenges the establishment status quo

So lets focus on factoring that and getting beyond it

1) Always bring things back to the common ground where their is the least dis-agreement: theres enough there to tear down the official version no problem

2) Lets be so ace, so brill, so cool, so sorted, so calm, so rational and so informed that any disinfo campaign pawns itself immediately becuase it cant muster the honesty or the intergrity to hold a candle to us (so much for torches)

The real challenge is to incubate a culture of fluidity, of thought, and of contemplation of evidance: becuase the "enemy" is the culture of rigidity, automatic belief and repitition of the message from the establishment

Free your Self and Free the World
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unless you're a fundamental Christian the symbols and their powers aren't intrinsically wrong anyway. Only if they are used for aggrandizement of self or group to the detriment of others
Like your examples, John, The pyramid or triangle doesnt only symbolise top down hierarchical power and the accumulation thereof, but also the male principle, and inverted, female principle, and the accumulation of spiritual energy, which can be used for general as much as personal advancement. It's a sacred geometrical shape that can be used to increase energetic power. Doesn't it feature somewhere in rocket engine design or something

Stick an eye in it and it's the third eye opening, not just the surveillence and control grid
Illumination - we all need some of that
Lucifer - bringer of light - we all need a little light as long as it's not connected with sacrificial rites - like the torch
Illuminati - the problem is that that needs to be all the population, not the exclusive few turning it nasty with their blood and death rituals
The thing is to take back the symbols, like gay and black activists take back words like queer and nigger
Turning symbols used to oppress into symbols of liberation
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lucifer is the father of lies, the original name of Satan....
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jayhawk wrote:
Lucifer is the father of lies, the original name of Satan....

How can you be so certain?
Maybe just maybe he is the prince of darkness (night) following the sun (son) of god across the sky as some ancient peoples believed, has been referred to as the Lightbringer by certain texts...no doubt connected to this.
Then the elites of the day decided to get a bit of social cohesion (control) going and force a code of belief (oppression) onto man with the rest as they say being history?
Demonising the god of all those who opposed them?

I dont know...Perhaps you are right. Ive only been here 33 years so how could i think i know absolute truth. How could you?
Remember we have been manipulated by the elites for longer than just the past century... Divide and Conquer has worked well and organised religion has been used for this in some ways. Perhaps the secularisation of society is what has led to the increased falseflag activities? As a means to achieve the same ends?

I dont mean offense to your beliefs mate or to anyone reading this but we all have them and where do we get them from?
Beliefs are learned...not necessarily 100% absolute truth.
The belief we know absolute truth is a barrier to evolution imo.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Slow down a tad! I didnt mention absolute truth.
Isaiah refers to the fall of Satan (the most senior angel) from heaven:
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! (Isa 14:12 )
This was translated in the Latin Vulgate edition of the OT as Lucifer:
quomodo cecidisti de caelo lucifer qui mane oriebaris corruisti in terram qui vulnerabas gentes
Jesus referred to this in Luke 10:18:
He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

I'm a christian and I do believe in absolute truth though, but that's another story!!
Check out:
for the possible significance of the name Lucifer as Not A Very Positive Thing Really. In fact a bit of a rabbit hole if you want to go down there....
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey mate, i certainly didnt mean any offence to ya.
I did say "I dont know...Perhaps you are right."
I find beliefs fascinating, thats all.
I didnt notice you were from Hastings. Smile
Pm on its way..
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:05 pm    Post subject: New Age and New World Order Reply with quote

New Age and New World Order

I have studied the Alice Bailey Teachings and other work of the Lucis Trust somewhat over the years. I find a lot of hysteria about these groups and the United Nations particularly among those who believe that their own path is the only correct one and all others are essentially demonic. There is a tendency to conflate the New Age (democratic people power emanating from an awakened self-governing humanity) advocated and prophecised in these teachings, with the New World Order of Bush and Blair and whatever unseen forces manipulate them. I do not doubt that there is an intention on the part of these forces to create a centralised dictatorial global state, but this is not, in my opinion what is being advocated by the Alice Bailey teachings. It is a grave mistake to confuse the NWO with the New Age.

However, a reformed United Nations, truly democratic and answerable to "we the people" as outlined in its charter, is in my opinion part of what is needed to bring in the kind of global society of peace, truth and public empowerment which so many of us crave.

If we are going to rely on biblical texts, which I don't, a more appropriate one to my mind would be Matthew 7:16
*Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?*

The principle I try to base my live on comes from the Quaker first advice:
*Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Trust them as the leadings of God, whose light shows us our darkness and brings us to new life.*

Do the promptings of love and truth in my heart lead me to believe that the Alice Bailey Teachings are an evil influence or that the New World Order is the same thing as the New Age? No! But I will remain open to other ideas on the point.

My commitment to love and truth frequently leads me to disagree with people who believe that the Bible is the unique and infallible word of God. How can we otherwise attribute to a loving God the injunction in the first book of Samuel that the Children of Israel should commit genocide of the Amalekites. All the poor Amalekites were doing was putting up a fight against their land being taken over by the Hebrew invaders.

Is this verse from 1 Samuel the infallible word of a loving God?

1Samuel 15:3
*Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.*

So with those who take the view that the Bible is an infallible guide (and many Christians do take this view, though many don't) I have to agree to differ.

That does not however mean that Christians who take every word of the Bible literally cannot, like me, support exposing the truth about 9/11.

Peace, truth and love

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know all the arguments about the Bible, believe me.
As a christian I would say that Jesus did take the OT seriously but also would not hesitate to overturn its teachings if they were against the spirit of love.
("You have heard that it was said, `Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you)
There is plenty that seems irreconcilable and I dont pretend to understand it all, particularly the Samuel verse you mention, but I am a christian not an Old testament Jew! The message which comes through to me is love of the poor, the salvation message, and concern for justice, which I suppose is what brings me to this site. That and an appreciation of the nature of evil, and I'm afraid the 'axis' is of a different nature to the one that Bushco talk about...
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jayhawk wrote:
There is plenty that seems irreconcilable and I dont pretend to understand it all, particularly the Samuel verse you mention, but I am a christian not an Old testament Jew! The message which comes through to me is love of the poor, the salvation message, and concern for justice, which I suppose is what brings me to this site. That and an appreciation of the nature of evil, and I'm afraid the 'axis' is of a different nature to the one that Bushco talk about...

Yeah! I'm afraid it is, Friend

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