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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:33 am Post subject: The Bad News - UK oriented truther leaflet - updated |
Had this attached leaflet passed on to me. I think it's a great overview for the British perspective. I've been sprinkling copies about - please do the same if you're in the UK or know any Brits. It's in PDF format, B&W text only for cheap/clear copying.
Also downloadable from
Description: |
UK oriented truther leaflet |
Download |
Filename: |
The BAD NEWS.pdf |
Filesize: |
76.45 KB |
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1461 Time(s) |
Last edited by drywontonmee on Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total |
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TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:30 pm Post subject: |
here's the text
Quote: |
3 !
4! ment-
13 !
16! 17!
23 !
33 !
The mainstream media in the UK and globally is now
owned and operated by just a few huge profit-driven
corporations1 whose board-members are often involved in
other financial, industrial, political, cultural interests. Just a
cursory glance at News Corporation’s board (Times, Sun
etc) reveals both Rothschild and JPMorgan lackeys.2 The
BBC, despite cosmetic reforms, remains an establishment
mouthpiece - still operated by the old-boys’ network (just
who is the unelected senior civil servant who selects the
panel that selects the governors?).
There are critically important developments in the world
which these corrupt media are keeping from the public,
often distorting the truth so that the public is
manipulated, pacified and rendered compliant. Most
workers in the media are as unaware of the extent of this
as the public - the agenda is controlled by owners,
directors, executives and editors.
Even the supposedly liberal newspapers are controlled and
serve the same agenda dressed-up as critical journalism.
Just one example of this is The Observer’s old editor
(Alton) who suppressed pre-war testimony on Iraq’s nonexistent
Weapons of Mass Destruction whilst publishing
false stories from Intelligence sources.3 (He’s now editor
of The Independent).
We now know that the US and UK governments lied to us
about the reasons why we invaded Iraq.4 Since then
around one million5 Iraqi men, women and children have
died for those lies, in our name, yet we are still at war.
The killing continues.
The media let us down firstly by not exposing the lies and
stopping the march to war, secondly by barely paying lipservice
to calling the lying murderers to account as the
tragedy goes on, and thirdly by not showing us the
ongoing horror of the reality of this and all wars.
Everybody generally carries on as if nothing is wrong - yet
we are at war. Doesn’t that strike you as a bit odd? War
is now normalised. It has always been highly profitable6 for
bankers, arms manufacturers, oil companies and rebuilders,
but now, for you and me, it’s just one of those
unpleasant things far away that our politicians are sorting
out for us while we sit and worry about what’s going on
in Eastenders, Big Brother or Top Gear.
If our political system turned out to be almost completely
corrupted (left, right and centre), the News at Ten would
tell us all about it, wouldn’t they? It is - and they haven’t.
The media is broken.
The almost total control of our government and media by networks of
warmongering, anti-democratic, mega-rich sociopaths might seem a
daunting thing to oppose, but their success has mainly depended on
two things: the ignorance and good-faith of the masses.
This leaflet is not meant to tell you what to think, the most
important thing you can do now is research - look at the facts, follow
where the facts lead you and find out for yourself what is really going
on. Step outside the false left-right paradigm and distrust the lying
corporate/establishment media.
Below are some links to give you a start, but I offer two warnings.
First, don’t waste time - there are moves to increase control of the
internet and censor dissenting sources of information. Get it while you
can. Second, beware of (and don’t be put off by) disinformation. The
internet is full of people and websites generally drawing attention
away from and besmirching the good information that is to be found.
Once you have informed yourself to the point where you are rightly
furious, share that information. Sooner or later a critical mass of
awareness will be achieved and their position will become untenable.
This leaflet was how I responded to it, you could copy and distribute
it, but also find your own ways of sharing, however small. Expect
resistance though, people are seldom comfortable with the truth.
The evidence is conclusive that 9-11 was what is known as a
false-flag event, similar to Operation Northwoods on the previous
page, but on a grander scale. Such events are used to galvanise
public opinion to be more in favour of otherwise unjustifiable wars
and restrictions on domestic civil liberties. I have to tell you it
worked on me before I woke up to the facts, as it worked on so
many well-meaning people.
The Afghanistan war gave the US access to a major oil pipeline
and the Iraq war gave them access to Iraq’s oil and many US
contracts. US bases in the middle east in Iraq and Afghanistan
also offer huge strategic advantage.
The US regime now has more totalitarian power domestically,
being on the edge of martial law with overbearing surveillance,
police brutality and repression of free-speech and civil liberties.
Torture has now been justified28. Dissidents are labelled unpatriotic
or even terrorist.
Consider how our own civil liberties in the UK are also being
eroded on the backs of 9-11 and 7-7 with the introduction29 of
control orders, detention without charge, stop-and-search powers,
universal CCTV, the DNA database, ID cards, increasing limits on
free-speech and rights to protest or assemble. Habeas Corpus and
the Magna Carta are binned as the media mumble few doubts.
So, here we have three of the most important global issues of our
times - 9-11, Iraq and Georgia - where we can see that the media
are ignoring them, spinning them, or lying about them. What else
are we being duped about? How can we trust them on anything?
How can the propaganda tools of the UK military/industrial/
financial/political complex keep our corrupt government system to
Without a free and independent media there is no democracy.
That is how serious this is. The telly, papers, and radio, with their
grinning celebrities, are not our friends. They are essentially
traitors. In this system, who brings them to account?
The recent conflict30 between Georgia and Russia was started by
Georgia whose troops were trained and armed by the US and Israel
and accompanied by US mercenaries as they murdered Russian
peacekeepers and over 1400 Ossetian civilians in an unprovoked
surprise attack 24 hrs before any Russian troops had entered
South Ossetia in response.
Most of the western media and governments spun it to make
Russia appear31 to be at fault, where in this instance Russia was
actually fulfilling its role of a peacekeeper in the region and
coming to the rescue of Ossetians and Russians under attack.
Georgia’s regime is a pro-US puppet and wants to join NATO. Its
position on Russia’s border is another huge strategic benefit to
the US regime and Israeli firms want control over the region’s oil
pipelines.32 Some analysts say the agenda is to restart the cold
war.33 As ever, the propagandist media machines are lying to us.
• The owner of the WTC complex is on film7 saying (re building 7) that
they decided on the day to “pull it” (a demolition term for demolish).
It usually takes months to successfully plan, wire-up and prepare for
such a clean controlled demolition.
• Before these three buildings, no other steel and concrete tower has
ever collapsed due to fire, let alone so catastrophically, symmetrically,
quickly and completely.
• A company called Stratesec8 held the contract to provide electronic
security for the WTC up to the day of 9-11. They also provided
security for Dulles airport and United Airlines. Bush’s brother, Marvin
Bush, was a director of Stratesec up to 2000 during most of the
company’s work at the WTC. There were also unusual changes in
security and power supply in the weeks and months preceding 9-11.
• Physicists have found and tested samples from the site of the World
Trade Centre which carry the chemical signature of reacted commercial
nano-thermite (also known as thermate) as well as chips of unreacted
nano-thermite (this is an incendiary that cuts through steel very quickly
at extremely high temperatures). Several members of the official
investigation team at NIST just so happen to be deeply involved with
the development, production and application of this rare type of
substance, and very few others are.9
• The twin towers10 were actually designed and built specifically to
withstand jet planes crashing into them with similar kinetic energy to
those on 9-11, yet look at the catastrophic results.
• NORAD, the US air defence network, was involved in massive national
training exercises simulating attacks on the US including hijacked planes
used as weapons on the very same day as the actual attacks. This,
and other operations, resulted in a virtual stand-down of US air
defences due to confusion and resources being otherwise tied up.11
• In the year preceding the attacks, there were 67 instances12 of aircraft
in US airspace being promptly intercepted (well within 20mins) by
fighter-jets after going off their flight path or being suspected of
hijack, yet the 9-11 planes floated about willy-nilly without being
intercepted for up to 41mins (flight 77) over a period of 1hr 40mins.
• Osama Bin Laden previously worked for the CIA13 and five of the
hijackers were trained at US military bases. Several hijackers also
turned up alive and well after their supposed martyrdom.
• The FBI claimed that the passport from one of flight 11's hijackers was
found near the towers (whereas the only other parts of that jet plane
or its contents found were a few pieces of landing gear).14
• In the months and days before the attacks, the supposedly fanatical
religious Muslim hijackers drank alcohol, bought porn, paid for lapdances,
frequented strip-clubs and slept with prostitutes.15
This little leaflet can only touch upon a couple of the many
urgent issues which face the people of the UK and the wider
world, but which the mind-numbing major media organisations are
choosing to neglect. Iraq is one of the most obvious, and at least
people don’t deny that our illegal invasion of Iraq happened or
pretend that it was armed to the teeth with viable WMD.
They do however whitewash other important events, because
revealing the facts would undermine the positions of many
extremely rich and powerful networks. These people will do
absolutely anything to keep hold of, and further, their power.
Historically, they have been overwhelmingly successful at this, but
recently they have made a massive miscalculation - a very big
mistake which they are now struggling to keep covered up.
Fortunately for us, this mistake links to many other issues and so
serves as the key to understanding these networks and how they
relate to many of the world’s problems. That key is the events of
9-11 (September 11th 2001) in the USA.
Despite what the corporate and establishment media would have
us believe, there is a vast array of factual evidence that has
emerged from a huge variety of sources which demonstrates
that it is neither likely nor possible for the official version of the
events of 9-11 to be true.
These sources range through physicists, engineers, architects,
demolition experts, military and intelligence personnel, firefighters,
police, pilots, video footage, many eyewitnesses and
independent researchers and journalists and so on. This evidence
cannot just be disregarded with a shrug. It needs to be looked
at and dealt with. The implications are too great.
It is not about theory, it is about fact. Again, due to space
constraints, we can only look at a very small sample of those
• Three towers collapsed at nearly free-fall speed into the path
of most resistance - only two were hit by planes. The third
building, WTC 7, was a sturdy steel and concrete tower block
that suffered only superficial external damage from falling
debris from the other towers and a few (unexplained) small
internal fires. Its collapse was symmetrical, even, global, neat,
sudden, at free-fall speed into it’s own footprint in a manner
indistinguishable from a controlled demolition.
• Video footage of WTC 7 shows the initial centralised crimp
and ensuing squibs (isolated explosive ejections of dust and
air as the building comes down). More classic features of
controlled demolition.
• Eyewitnesses report hearing a countdown and repeated
explosions as the collapse of WTC 7 was initiated.
Besides the fact that they happily lied to us to get us into an
illegal and unjustifiable war that has resulted in over a million
deaths so far, there are other historic precedents which show
us that these networks don’t operate by the same ethical
standards as you or I. Here are just a few well-documented
Nazi funding - pre 1942. Bush’s grandpa, Prescott Bush, was
deeply involved with the financial architects of Nazism in
Germany.16, 17
Operation Ajax - 1953. The UK and US successfully conspired
together to stage a coup and overthrow the democratically
elected progressive government of Iran and install a puppet
dictator so that the UK could continue to exploit their oil
Guatemala - 1954. The CIA arranged a coup which overthrew
democratically elected President Jacobo Arbenz and installed a
dictator. This precipitated four decades of civil war, which cost
the lives of over 200,000 people. The US supported and
trained the succession of military regimes and their death
squads as they tortured, raped and killed adults and children.19
Indonesia - 1958 & 1965. The CIA first inspired and armed a
bloody rebellion which failed20, then arranged a military coup
which resulted in the massacre of around 750,000 innocent
people.21 The US continues to profit from the exploitation of
this resource-rich nation.
Operation Northwoods22 - 1962. The US government developed
plans for CIA operatives to commit acts of terrorism and kill
innocent people in US cities, aircraft and ships to create public
support for a war against Cuba. The plans were shelved, but
the will was there.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident23 - 1964. Attacks on two US
warships by North Vietnamese navy which did not happen were
used as a rationale to escalate the Vietnam war and bomb
many thousands of civilians.
Chile24 - 1973. The CIA backed the coup which overthrew the
democratically elected Allende and installed Pinochet. They
stayed intimate with the regime despite thousands of
detentions, disappearances, tortures, rapes and murders.
Nicaragua25 - 1981 to 1987. The CIA illegally sold arms to Iran
to fund the Contras in Nicaragua who targeted civilians with
murder, torture, mutilation, and rape.
As soon as he took office in January 2001, Bush Jnr demanded
that staff “find a way” to get into a war with Iraq.26
More recently, Vice-president Cheney brainstormed with
colleagues how they could get into a war with Iran, suggesting
they “set up” a fire-fight between US ships and US SEALS in
boats dressed to look like Iranian patrols.27
I agree, and as such he’s just a front-man.
Elements within the US government and security services (together
with external agencies) planned the attacks and the WTC towers were
destroyed by controlled demolitions. |
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung |
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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:39 pm Post subject: copy and paste sucks |
Yes, but all out of order.
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spiv Validated Poster
Joined: 01 Jul 2006 Posts: 483
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:01 am Post subject: Very impressed.... |
I am very impressed with your leaflet Dry, well done. I've just printed it out and posted it to a former client with a 911 DVD, for her awakening.
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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:25 am Post subject: ta |
Thanks a lot, Spiv. I've just updated it (and original post and attachment) to include fabled enemies link. latest version also downloadable here -
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Chris Walsh Validated Poster
Joined: 18 Jan 2008 Posts: 56 Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:44 pm Post subject: |
This is well written stuff, footnoted and contains crucial information which might even begin to wake up even the most closed minded of Brits.
I have just printed 50 off - double sided, folded (they look really good) and my plan is to put as many as I can into Metro newspapers in work and on the buses. I'm not sure posting them through letterboxes will have much effect, since people already get enough junk mail and might treat this as such - at their own loss.
I might also put some on colleagues' desks when working late shifts. I work in a massive building (for one of our beloved Corporate news channels) and could get people talking about the hard hitting issues quickly and effectively with this approach.
How else are people distributing these leaflets?
Perhaps Dry might consider serialising these truth bombs by writing a new one every three months to include updates and current affairs. For example, this one contains info on the Georgia sneak attack, so if the Iran war kicks off next month, maybe the next one should cover that. Of course, the 9/11 info is crucial and should remain intact, but perhaps including other hardcore lies next time, such as the drills and the impossibility of the patsies flying the planes.
Keep up the good work!
_________________ The promise of freedom will only come about when the last man to walk this earth lives out his days in dreadful solitude. Only then will we see the end of war. |
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TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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xmasdale Angel - now passed away
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1959 Location: South London
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:19 pm Post subject: |
I think it's a good leaflet for distribution in certain locations where people have the time and inclination to read, though I tend to agree with Tony's comments about the title:
TonyGosling wrote: | Brilliant! With only one gripe - the title is too negative - suggest something along the lines of:-
'Britain is waking up ... to the facts of 9/11' |
We need to get savvy about what is an appropriate means of communicating where. I think this longer type of leaflet would be useful to leave in libraries, staff rooms at work places where people go to have a coffee and to turn off from thinking about work for a bit, trains, canteens etc.
A shorter kind of leaflet is better for street campaigning.
I'm particularly struck by what it says about the media, especially the BBC, as I am currently working on a blog about the BBC Conspiracy Files programme on 9/11. Research on this has revealed that the programme's false information must have been deliberate and that though other networks are answerable to Ofcom, the BBC is not. They are clearly in breach of the BBC Royal Charter by the content of this programme.
The interesting question is whether the Gilligan Affair and Butler Report have curtailed the BBC's alleged independence, or whether there was already no independence left to be curtailed.
I shall advertise our blog on this website when we have finished working on it - hopefully around the end of this month (Sept 2008).
Tony, you once told me about a journal read by journalists in which, on the inside of the last page, the interesting gossip gets written. Can you tell me the name of this jounal and where I can get hold of a copy?
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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:03 pm Post subject: cheers |
Thanks for the feedback people
yes, I plan to do revisions every three months or so depending on developments.
Thanks for distributing, I'm ultra pleased about that.
Regarding the title. I understand what you're saying, but the negative title is deliberate reverse psychology. Everyone is bombarded with positive, brain-numbing, we-want-to-please-you kind of pap. I've more than trialed this and people pick it up. I think a broad approach is needed, both the easy, colourful, in your face with big letters and pictures leaflet but also the dry, text heavy stuff. Let's cover all angles. Do it all.
I've dropped about a thousand of these around London and I've sat and watched people get stuck in to it. There's plenty who ignore it and several will pick it up and browse and put it down, but it is still down there for someone else to pick it up. I've had people offering to spread it up north after a quick glance, and old blokes who are against the EU swopping leaflets with me. Let's just get the bloody thing out there or do your own version for your own context.
Time is running out...
Think of this latest case with the young kid who was convicted of being a terrorist by being groomed on the internet. A clear move to criminalise dissent on the internet. Not much time left before leafleting is one of the few options left.
Power to you brothers and sisters of peace and truth
PS, actually, as an afterthought, it is bloody bad news. Just treating people like grown-ups and telling them the truth.
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TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:21 pm Post subject: Re: cheers |
Wrong. Millions of reasonable ordinary people are fed up with even watching the news because it's so negative. I ask people about this a lot and that's what they tell me. They are fed up with the lies about 'Evil Muslim Brits'. The BBC's protofascist Fiona Bruce dished out more of that today. And people want to stay in the comfort zone, that's understandable.
When was the last time you heard 'Another nail was banged into the coffin of the New World Order today.....' on the news. Except on Alex Jones. When a blow is struck against the NWO it's silenced in the NATO zone.
Don't try reverse psychology on people because they don't appreciate their heads being any further * with. You're talking down to them and that's 90% of what they don't like.
It is not enough to curse the darness. It is also necessary to light a lamp.
Please just take it on the chin, be positive about people waking up to the lies, learn and grow.
drywontonmee wrote: |
Regarding the title. I understand what you're saying, but the negative title is deliberate reverse psychology. Everyone is bombarded with positive, brain-numbing, we-want-to-please-you kind of pap. I've more than trialed this and people pick it up. I think a broad approach is needed, both the easy, colourful, in your face with big letters and pictures leaflet but also the dry, text heavy stuff. Let's cover all angles. Do it all. |
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung |
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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:26 pm Post subject: |
well make your own leaflet then
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TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:36 pm Post subject: |
haha, no this can't get me down, sweetheart. Make a leaflet, drop thousands, do it your own way.
There, that's advice too.
Last edited by drywontonmee on Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:35 am; edited 1 time in total |
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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:31 am Post subject: |
OK, it's morning now and I now have the energy to clarify:
I disagree with the suggestion that the title is too negative for the following reasons...
A, It works. The purpose of the title and the strap-line is to get people to pick it up and read the contents. I've dropped over a thousand so far and watched all sorts of people pick it up and read it from beginning to end - far more than I had expected. Job done. For those who don't, a happy leaflet with smiley faces and glitter-dust is probably better for them. I encourage you to make such leaflets, if I become so inspired I may do another of that sort sometime in the future. Any one leaflet cannot be all things to all people.
B, It is truthful. It's no good using the title 'Bananas' when a document is about oranges. This leaflet doesn't talk about any good news at all. It talks about very bad news indeed. Again, there are different ways to skin a cat, this leaflet takes a particular approach that happens to not be focussing on positive or good things. It doesn't patronise people or '* with their minds' at all.
I said 'reverse psychology', because it is usual thinking to approach things in the following way - 'Hey, I want people to pick this up and read it, therefore it needs to be nice and happy and cuddly and friendly'. This title reverses this normal psychology by saying, 'No, I'm not going to treat people like children, here is the bad news, take it or leave it.' Many people seem to respect that approach and pick it up and read it.
That's not '*ing with peoples heads'.
In the time it's taken you to slag this off, you could have made your own leaflet with its smiley faces and glitter-dust.
Be true to yourself and others, but for God's sake DO something rather than niggling about others' doings - do it your way, do it better, but do it soon.
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Marigold Validated Poster
Joined: 19 Apr 2008 Posts: 239 Location: Aberdeen
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:34 am Post subject: |
Quote: | Brilliant! With only one gripe - the title is too negative - suggest something along the lines of:-
'Britain is waking up ... to the facts of 9/11'
drywontonmee...this is a comprehensive, astute and very well produced document and I have just printed off fifty in the library ready to hand-out to people in the street here in Bridlington...however, upon first glance of the leaflet one immediately receives a negative impression(nobody really wants Bad News...even though it is real). For the ordinary man on the street ignorance is bliss, and the last first impression they want is "Bad News". So please try and take Tony's constructive criticism lightheartedly and think about editing the title.
Keep up the good work!!!
_________________ "The likelihood of one individual being right increases in direct proportion to the intensity to which others are trying to prove him[her] wrong."
- - Harry Segall
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Lenin 1917 |
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drywontonmee Minor Poster
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 15 Location: London
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:37 pm Post subject: -sigh- |
I *DO* take it light-heartedly, sweetheart, I DO. I'm sitting here puffing on a cigar and drinking whisky and water watching Katie and Peter on TV.
This leaflet is about bad news. Today I sat in a train and watched people pick up and read the leaflet because they saw the title you people hate. Therefore I don't care that you hate the title, because (and only because) I repeatedly see that the title works in that it piques peoples interest and they pick the bloody thing up.
So, thanks for the input, but for this leaflet, the title stays.
peace and action
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ian neal Angel - now passed away
Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 3140 Location: UK
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:10 pm Post subject: |
For what it's worth
1) I reckon this is great leaflet
2) I see no problem with the title
I've tried to pull the text together to make for easier reading on screen
The mainstream media in the UK and globally is now owned and operated by just a few huge profit-driven corporations1 whose board-members are often involved in other financial, industrial, political, cultural interests. Just a cursory glance at News Corporation’s board (Times, Sun, etc) reveals both Rothschild and J P Morgan lackeys.2 The BBC, despite cosmetic reforms, remains an establishment mouthpiece - still operated by the old-boys’ network (just who is the unelected senior civil servant who selects the panel that selects the governors?).
There are critically important developments in the world which these corrupt media are keeping from the public, often distorting the truth so that the public is manipulated, pacified and rendered compliant. Most workers in the media are as unaware of the extent of this as the public - the agenda is controlled by owners, directors, executives and editors.
Even the supposedly liberal newspapers are controlled and serve the same agenda dressed-up as critical journalism. Just one example of this is The Observer’s old editor (Alton) who suppressed pre-war testimony on Iraq’s nonexistent Weapons of Mass Destruction whilst publishing false stories from Intelligence sources.3 (He’s now editor of The Independent).
We now know that the US and UK governments lied to us about the reasons why we invaded Iraq.4 Since then around one million5 Iraqi men, women and children have died for those lies, in our name, yet we are still at war. The killing continues. The media let us down firstly by not exposing the lies and stopping the march to war, secondly by barely paying lipservice to calling the lying murderers to account as the tragedy goes on, and thirdly by not showing us the ongoing horror of the reality of this and all wars.
Everybody generally carries on as if nothing is wrong – yet we are at war. Doesn’t that strike you as a bit odd? War is now normalised. It has always been highly profitable 6 for bankers, arms manufacturers, oil companies and rebuilders, but now, for you and me, it’s just one of those unpleasant things far away that our politicians are sorting out for us while we sit and worry about what’s going on in Eastenders, Big Brother or Top Gear.
If our political system turned out to be almost completely corrupted (left, right and centre), the News at Ten would tell us all about it, wouldn’t they? It is - and they haven’t. The media is broken.
This little leaflet can only touch upon a couple of the many urgent issues which face the people of the UK and the wider world, but which the mind-numbing major media organisations are choosing to neglect. Iraq is one of the most obvious, and at least people don’t deny that our illegal invasion of Iraq happened or pretend that it was armed to the teeth with viable WMD. They do however whitewash other important events, because revealing the facts would undermine the positions of many extremely rich and powerful networks. These people will do absolutely anything to keep hold of, and further, their power.
Historically, they have been overwhelmingly successful at this, but recently they have made a massive miscalculation - a very big mistake which they are now struggling to keep covered up.
Fortunately for us, this mistake links to many other issues and so serves as the key to understanding these networks and how they relate to many of the world’s problems. That key is the events of 9-11 (September 11th 2001) in the USA.
Despite what the corporate and establishment media would have us believe, there is a vast array of factual evidence that has emerged from a huge variety of sources which demonstrates that it is neither likely nor possible for the official version of the events of 9-11 to be true. These sources range through physicists, engineers, architects, demolition experts, military and intelligence personnel, firefighters, police, pilots, video footage, many eyewitnesses and independent researchers and journalists and so on. This evidence cannot just be disregarded with a shrug. It needs to be looked at and dealt with. The implications are too great. It is not about theory, it is about fact. Again, due to space constraints, we can only look at a very small sample of those
• Three towers collapsed at nearly free-fall speed into the path of most resistance - only two were hit by planes. The third building, WTC 7, was a sturdy steel and concrete tower block that suffered only superficial external damage from falling debris from the other towers and a few (unexplained) small internal fires. Its collapse was symmetrical, even, global, neat, sudden, at free-fall speed into it’s own footprint in a manner indistinguishable from a controlled demolition.
• Video footage of WTC 7 shows the initial centralised crimp and ensuing squibs (isolated explosive ejections of dust and air as the building comes down). More classic features of controlled demolition.
• Eyewitnesses report hearing a countdown and repeated explosions as the collapse of WTC 7 was initiated.
• The owner of the WTC complex is on film7 saying (re building 7) that they decided on the day to “pull it” (a demolition term for demolish). It usually takes months to successfully plan, wire-up and prepare for such a clean controlled demolition.
• Before these three buildings, no other steel and concrete tower has ever collapsed due to fire, let alone so catastrophically, symmetrically, quickly and completely.
• A company called Stratesec8 held the contract to provide electronic security for the WTC up to the day of 9-11. They also provided security for Dulles airport and United Airlines. Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, was a director of Stratesec up to 2000 during most of the company’s work at the WTC. There were also unusual changes in security and power supply in the weeks and months preceding 9-11.
• Physicists have found and tested samples from the site of the World Trade Centre which carry the chemical signature of reacted commercial nano-thermite (also known as thermate) as well as chips of unreacted nano-thermite (this is an incendiary that cuts through steel very quickly at extremely high temperatures). Several members of the official investigation team at NIST just so happen to be deeply involved with the development, production and application of this rare type of substance, and very few others are.9
• The twin towers10 were actually designed and built specifically to withstand jet planes crashing into them with similar kinetic energy to those on 9-11, yet look at the catastrophic results.
• NORAD, the US air defence network, was involved in massive national training exercises simulating attacks on the US including hijacked planes used as weapons on the very same day as the actual attacks. This, and other operations, resulted in a virtual stand-down of US air defences due to confusion and resources being otherwise tied up.11
• In the year preceding the attacks, there were 67 instances12 of aircraft in US airspace being promptly intercepted (well within 20mins) by fighter-jets after going off their flight path or being suspected of hijack, yet the 9-11 planes floated about willy-nilly without being intercepted for up to 41mins (flight 77) over a period of 1hr 40mins.
• Osama Bin Laden previously worked for the CIA13 and five of the hijackers were trained at US military bases. Several hijackers also turned up alive and well after their supposed martyrdom.
• The FBI claimed that the passport from one of flight 11's hijackers was found near the towers (whereas the only other parts of that jet plane or its contents found were a few pieces of landing gear).14
• In the months and days before the attacks, the supposedly fanatical religious Muslim hijackers drank alcohol, bought porn, paid for lapdances, frequented strip-clubs and slept with prostitutes.15
I agree, and as such he’s just a front-man.
Elements within the US government and security services (together with external agencies) planned the attacks and the WTC towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions.
Besides the fact that they happily lied to us to get us into an illegal and unjustifiable war that has resulted in over a million deaths so far, there are other historic precedents which show us that these networks don’t operate by the same ethical standards as you or I. Here are just a few well-documented examples:
Nazi funding - pre 1942. Bush’s grandpa, Prescott Bush, was deeply involved with the financial architects of Nazism in Germany.16, 17
Operation Ajax - 1953. The UK and US successfully conspired together to stage a coup and overthrow the democratically elected progressive government of Iran and install a puppet dictator so that the UK could continue to exploit their oil resources.18
Guatemala - 1954. The CIA arranged a coup which overthrew democratically elected President Jacobo Arbenz and installed a dictator. This precipitated four decades of civil war, which cost the lives of over 200,000 people. The US supported and trained the succession of military regimes and their death squads as they tortured, raped and killed adults and children.19
Indonesia - 1958 & 1965. The CIA first inspired and armed a bloody rebellion which failed20, then arranged a military coup which resulted in the massacre of around 750,000 innocent people.21 The US continues to profit from the exploitation of this resource-rich nation.
Operation Northwoods 22 - 1962. The US government developed plans for CIA operatives to commit acts of terrorism and kill innocent people in US cities, aircraft and ships to create public support for a war against Cuba. The plans were shelved, but the will was there.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident 23 - 1964. Attacks on two US warships by North Vietnamese navy which did not happen were used as a rationale to escalate the Vietnam war and bomb many thousands of civilians.
Chile 24 - 1973. The CIA backed the coup which overthrew the democratically elected Allende and installed Pinochet. They stayed intimate with the regime despite thousands of detentions, disappearances, tortures, rapes and murders.
Nicaragua 25 - 1981 to 1987. The CIA illegally sold arms to Iran to fund the Contras in Nicaragua who targeted civilians with murder, torture, mutilation, and rape.
As soon as he took office in January 2001, Bush Jnr demanded that staff “find a way” to get into a war with Iraq.26
More recently, Vice-president Cheney brainstormed with colleagues how they could get into a war with Iran, suggesting they “set up” a fire-fight between US ships and US SEALS in boats dressed to look like Iranian patrols.27
The evidence is conclusive that 9-11 was what is known as a false-flag event, similar to Operation Northwoods on the previous page, but on a grander scale. Such events are used to galvanise public opinion to be more in favour of otherwise unjustifiable wars and restrictions on domestic civil liberties. I have to tell you it worked on me before I woke up to the facts, as it worked on so many well-meaning people.
The Afghanistan war gave the US access to a major oil pipeline and the Iraq war gave them access to Iraq’s oil and many US contracts. US bases in the middle east in Iraq and Afghanistan also offer huge strategic advantage. The US regime now has more totalitarian power domestically, being on the edge of martial law with overbearing surveillance, police brutality and repression of free-speech and civil liberties. Torture has now been justified28. Dissidents are labelled unpatriotic or even terrorist.
Consider how our own civil liberties in the UK are also being eroded on the backs of 9-11 and 7-7 with the introduction29 of control orders, detention without charge, stop-and-search powers, universal CCTV, the DNA database, ID cards, increasing limits on free-speech and rights to protest or assemble. Habeas Corpus and the Magna Carta are binned as the media mumble few doubts.
The recent conflict30 between Georgia and Russia was started by Georgia whose troops were trained and armed by the US and Israel and accompanied by US mercenaries as they murdered Russian peacekeepers and over 1400 Ossetian civilians in an unprovoked surprise attack 24 hrs before any Russian troops had entered South Ossetia in response. Most of the western media and governments spun it to make Russia appear 31 to be at fault, where in this instance Russia was actually fulfilling its role of a peacekeeper in the region and coming to the rescue of Ossetians and Russians under attack.
Georgia’s regime is a pro-US puppet and wants to join NATO. Its position on Russia’s border is another huge strategic benefit to the US regime and Israeli firms want control over the region’s oil pipelines.32 Some analysts say the agenda is to restart the cold war.33 As ever, the propagandist media machines are lying to us.
So, here we have three of the most important global issues of our times - 9-11, Iraq and Georgia - where we can see that the media are ignoring them, spinning them, or lying about them. What else are we being duped about? How can we trust them on anything?
How can the propaganda tools of the UK military/ industrial/ financial/ political complex keep our corrupt government system to account? Without a free and independent media there is no democracy. That is how serious this is. The telly, papers, and radio, with their grinning celebrities, are not our friends. They are essentially traitors. In this system, who brings them to account?
The almost total control of our government and media by networks of warmongering, anti-democratic, mega-rich sociopaths might seem a daunting thing to oppose, but their success has mainly depended on two things: the ignorance and good-faith of the masses. This leaflet is not meant to tell you what to think, the most important thing you can do now is research - look at the facts, follow where the facts lead you and find out for yourself what is really going on. Step outside the false left-right paradigm and distrust the lying corporate/establishment media.
Below are some links to give you a start, but I offer two warnings. First, don’t waste time - there are moves to increase control of the internet and censor dissenting sources of information. Get it while you can. Second, beware of (and don’t be put off by) disinformation. The internet is full of people and websites generally drawing attention away from and besmirching the good information that is to be found. Once you have informed yourself to the point where you are rightly furious, share that information. Sooner or later a critical mass of awareness will be achieved and their position will become untenable. This leaflet was how I responded to it, you could copy and distribute it (download from, but also find your own ways of sharing, however small. Expect resistance though, people are seldom comfortable with the truth.
4. ment-lays-bare-the-lies-behind-iraq-war-428545.html
8. atesec
11. cale=2#a99wtccrashsimulation
15. cale=0#a091101beforepinkpony
18. tml
28. x.html
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TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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Stefan Banned
Joined: 29 Aug 2006 Posts: 1219
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:58 pm Post subject: |
The facts in the leaflet are all open-source - no need to tell dry to change anything, just make your own version and distribute it.
Peace and Truth |
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Disco_Destroyer Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 05 Sep 2006 Posts: 6342
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:20 pm Post subject: |
News papers are bought because
a) Bold and Shocking Headline
b) Sports Pages
C) Light Titilation :0
Not for being upbeat. That said we do need to be upbeat about our engagement, discusion and delivery to said people. Ours is the power to succeed not spread worries of Doom and Gloom.
_________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.” |
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TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:10 am Post subject: |
Here's a whole load of good common sense text to supplement this leaflet.
Quote: | What Really Happened on 9-11?
The events of 9-11 are seared into the collective psyche of this generation. We have all been affected by the catastrophes of that fateful day, but what really happened on 9-11?
Some people believe an outlandish conspiracy theory involving 19 Arab hijackers who allegedly: commandeered four commercial jets with nothing more than their cunning, wit, resolve, hatred of America, and some box cutters; then proceed to fly these aircraft around US airspace unfettered for a total lapsed time of over an hour; on three of the planes, pulled stunning flight maneuvers beyond the capability of even expert pilots; and, managed to cause damage to their targets — one of which just happens to have been the most heavily defended building in the world — so extreme as to be in clear violation of several well understood laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Thermodynamics. This amazing conspiracy theory is even more suspicious and bizarre in that it is the one proffered by the United States Government (USG) and the 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission. In the 9-11 Truth Movement we call it the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT).
Thankfully, despite the best efforts of the corporate-controlled media and virtually the entire US Congress, there are literally millions of people in this country and millions more around the world who do not believe that these 19 Arabs, as clever as they purportedly were, could have somehow suspended the laws of Physics on 9-11.
Are There Competing Conspiracy Theories?
We just observed that the official story of 9-11 is in fact a “conspiracy theory”… and a wacky one at that, one that happens to be physically impossible!
There must be another explanation, one that doesn’t require us to rewrite most of Newtonian Physics. There is, in fact, another explanation that is supported by the empirical evidence, the observed events of the day. It is more than a “conspiracy theory” at this point. It has been sufficiently verified, tested, and refined to be rightly called a “conspiracy reality”.
True, there are competing conspiracy “theories”, but they only compete with the OCT not the conspiracy reality, as they all have anomalies, inconsistencies, improbabilities, and out right impossibilities that will keep them forever in the realm of “theory” unsupported by fact. These conspiracy “theories” that eschew the OCT only to embrace other utter nonsense (like: planes didn’t hit the WTC, holograms and “video trickery” were used instead; the three WTC skyscrapers demolished on 9-11 were destroyed by exotic, space-based, directed energy beam weapons; a commercial jet really did hit the Pentagon) are in reality all part of a concerted COINTELPRO-style USG disinformation campaign designed to splinter and marginalize those of us who have solved the Rubik’s Cube of 9-11. These “theories” don’t compete with what is known to be true by the vast majority of the 9-11 Truth Movement, they are deliberate and elaborate disinformation campaigns designed to make those of us who do know the truth look foolish by association.
What Is The Real Conspiracy?
Here is a synopsis of what the best and brightest researchers around the world have gleaned over the past five-plus years from the best evidence available:
* yes, 9-11 was a “terrorist” attack, but it was not perpetrated by “angry Arabs”, it was a State-sponsored “inside job”, a “false flag” operation planned, executed, and covered up by elements of the USG and operatives from at least two other countries… it was the greatest act of psychological warfare ever perpetrated;
* the alleged 19 Arab “hijackers” were “patsies”, several are still alive, several were under the care and feeding of USG operatives and were being “trained” at CIA-operated flight schools;
* FBI field agents who discovered the plot were told by their superiors not to investigate the “suspicious Arabs in flight schools”;
* no interceptor jets were launched in a timely manner on 9-11 because of the five to seven overlapping war games — “games” simulating a simultaneous hijacking of several planes — that were taking place on 9-11;
* the planes that hit the Twin Towers were most likely remotely controlled to their intended targets;
* WTC 1 and 2 (the Twin Towers) and WTC 7 were all destroyed by preplanted charges — a combination of Thermate and high-powered explosives — in controlled demolitions;
* the Pentagon was hit by a military drone painted to look like American Airlines flight 77, possibly in combination with a cruise missile;
* the cell-phone calls allegedly made from the “hijacked” flights were not possible with the technology available on 9-11 from the altitude and speed at which the jets were traveling, these calls were faked to help sell the OCT;
* the fate of United flight 93 is still up for debate at this time, it seems to have been intended to hit Congress and was likely shot down by a “rogue” air force interceptor, but some reports claim it landed in Cleveland (one way or another, all passengers are dead).
Why Kill Your Own People?
This is the toughest part for the uninitiated to understand. The people who planned and executed the treasonous, heinous crimes of 9-11 are largely drawn from a handful of people known as NeoCons. Many of these are current or former members of PNAC (Project for the New American Century). Many are disciples of Leo Strauss, a German-born, fascistic, political philosopher who taught at the University of Chicago. Strauss thought that the average person was too stupid to decide what is in their best interest and that a ruling elite should govern all of humanity.
Taking a long-term perspective, 9-11 was conceived as a “stepping stone” to eventually enable the creation of a New World Order (NWO), the ultimate goal of the ruling elite — one global, fascistic, police state in perpetual war against an unseen enemy… terrorism.
There were also several short-term objectives of 9-11: to push the USA Patriot Act through a compliant and complicit Congress; to declare war on Afghanistan and Iraq; to create a “siege mentality” in the USA and around the world; to eliminate the Constitution and in doing so eliminate Constitutional Rights and civil liberties; to dramatically increase military and “security” spending; to further divide the country; to rapidly militarize local police; to set the stage for the next “9-11”; and, ultimately, to prepare for martial law.
How Could They Keep It Secret?
Most people assume that for insiders to have pulled off 9-11 would have taken so many people that someone would have talked by now.
First of all, it seems likely that there were as few as roughly 140 people who were intimately involved in the details of 9-11. On this site, you can see pictures and a short bio of the 90 people who are highly likely to be the top criminal coconspirators guilty of the planning, execution, and subsequent cover-up of the treason and mass murder that took place on 9-11.
As far as why no one has confessed, look at it this way: everyone involved in 9-11, even those only involved in the cover-up, are guilty of crimes for which they could possibly receive a death sentence if convicted. If that isn’t enough incentive to remain silent, i don’t know what is! How many times has a criminal ever confessed to a crime for which they were not even a suspect?! Criminals will only confess if they’re convinced they’ve been caught and they’re willing to make a deal for leniency if they reveal their cohorts.
Furthermore, when you read the names on the list of suspected perpetrators, you’ll see right away what a tight-knit little group it is. If there were even a shadow of a doubt about someone’s loyalty, they would not have been invited into this cabal.
About the List of Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators.
This list was compiled after many hours of research. Many, if not most, of the people named here were very likely criminally involved in the planning, execution, and cover-up of the crimes of 9-11 — crimes which include mass murder, accessory to mass murder, and treason. There is a slim possibility that a few people named here should not be on this list. If evidence surfaces that would exonerate someone named here, their name will be removed.
Clearly, there are people who were involved who are not on this list; for instance, the people on the small team of demolition experts who actually wired WTC 1, 2, and 7 for demolition. We won’t have a final verdict on all of the perpetrators until a new and fully independent 9-11 investigation is launched that has the ability to subpoena documents and question suspects under oath.
If you would like to offer someone to be added to the list of suspected perpetrators, you can submit pertinent information to
Please note: In an effort to reclaim the meaning of certain highly-charged words, the word “defense” has been replaced by the word “war” in all USG department names, position titles, and policy boards. For instance, “Secretary of Defense” is retitled “Secretary of War” to more accurately reflect the true nature of the position.
Analysis of the Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators.
Of the 103 people named on the list of Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators there are:
# 22 current or former members of George W. Bush’s White House (21.4%);
# 4 current or former members of Congress (3.9%);
# 6 current or former FBI agents or officials (5.8%);
# 6 current or former CIA agents or officials (5.8%);
# 6 current or former officials of New York (5.8%);
# 12 current or former high-ranking USG military commanders (11.7%);
# 13 current or former USG officials (not included above) (12.6%);
# 12 current or former members of PNAC (11.7%);
# 16 consultants, lobbyists, or members of a “think tank” (not including PNAC) (15.5%);
# 12 engineers (11.7%);
# 34 current or former corporate executives (33.0%);
# 4 senior “statesmen” (3.9%);
# 5 members of the Bush family (4.9%);
# 1 Canadian (1.0%);
# 1 Pakistani (1.0%);
# 2 Arabs (1.9%);
# 2 Brits (1.9%);
# 4 known or suspected Mossad agents (3.9%);
# 14 people who hold “dual citizenship” (13.6%); and
# 27 Israelis and Zionists (including people with “dual citizenship” noted above) (26.2%).
Note: Since the same person can be counted in more than one category, the tally above will not add up to 103 and the percentages will not total to 100%.
What Can We Do?
Once you know the truth of what really happened on 9-11 and you realize that a handful of people at the highest levels of the USG and the corporate world committed mass murder and treason on 9-11, it’s impossible to simply look the other way and carry on as if the OCT fairy tale were true.
The perpetrators of the “false flag” attack of 9-11 committed an abominable crime and have, so far, escaped prosecution. If they are not removed from power in the very near future it is virtually assured that they will do another 9-11-style attack. The biggest difference is the next one will be much worse, most likely involving a nuclear device, and the outcome will be much worse as well. Expect the following: casualties in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands; an immediate declaration of martial law; the total suspension of the constitution and all civil rights; the abolition of Congress; and the hasty coronation of George W. Bush as Dictator of the Americas.
Don’t let anybody tell you, “One person can’t make a difference”! Tell your friends and family the uncomfortable truth about 9-11. Pass out copies of dvds like “9-11 Mysteries”. Organize talks about 9-11 in your community. Demand your elected officials launch a new and independent investigation of 9-11. Vote for 9-11 Truth Candidates for public office. Individually and together we can, must, and will see that the perpetrators of 9-11 are removed from power and brought to justice. |
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung |
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