(PRWEB) - Duluth, MN (PRWEB) March 13, 2006 -- A society of experts and
scholars contends that the prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui -- for willfully
concealing advance knowledge of the events of 9/11 -- has the status of a
Soviet-style "show trial" and functions as a diversion from the real
culprits. The nonpartisan group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, asserts that the
evidence implicating Vice President Dick
Cheney of that very offense is more obvious and
compelling. If they are even remotely correct, then the alleged terrorists
appear to have been cast in the role of "patsies."
The experts base their conclusion on testimony presented to the 9/11
Commission by U.S. Secretary of Transportation
"Mineta's testimony is devastating," observed James H. Fetzer,
Ph.D., McKnight Professor at the University of Minnesota. Fetzer is the
founder and co-chair of the scholars' society, which recently joined with
Judicial Watch in calling for release of documents, films and videos, and
physical evidence withheld from the public by the administration. "It
pulls the plug on the Commission's contention there was no advance warning
that the Pentagon was going to be hit."
According to Secretary Mineta's testimony, which is in the public domain,
when he (Mineta) arrived at an underground bunker at the White House (known as
the Presidential Emergency Operations Center), the Vice President was in
charge. "During the time that the airplane was coming in to the
Pentagon", he stated, "there was a young man who would come in and
say to the Vice President, 'The plane is 50 miles out.' 'The plane is 30 miles
"And when it got down to, 'The plane is 10 miles out,'" Mineta
continued, "the young man also said to the Vice President, 'Do the orders
still stand?' And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and
said, 'Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the
contrary?'" One way to construe these remarks could be that the orders
were to shoot down the plane.
The scholars suggest that that is an implausible interpretation. The
Pentagon, they observe, may be the most heavily defended building in the
world. If the orders had been to "shoot it down," then no doubt it
would have been shot down. Moreover, there would have been no apparent reason
for the young man to have expressed concern over whether or not "the
orders still stand." Shooting it down, under the circumstances, would
have been the thing to do.
"The only reasonable interpretation of the orders," Fetzer
observed, "is that the incoming aircraft should not be shot down, which
would have been an obvious source of anxiety for an aide. Since it contradicts
the official story about the Pentagon," he added, "it had to be
suppressed and was not even included in The 9/11 Commission Report." And
other scholars, including Professor David Ray Griffin of Claremont Graduate
University, have drawn the same conclusion.
Philip J. Berg, Esq., Former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania and a
past candidate for Governor, Lt. Governor, and U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania,
who is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, added, "Those who made it
happen were obviously in the position to know that it was going to happen and
therefore could have sounded a warning alarm. The case against Cheney is more
powerful than the case against Moussaoui. No one is more culpable than the
perpetrators. If Moussaoui deserves the death penalty, what does our Vice
President deserve?"
Berg also represents William Rodriguez, a WTC witness, in a RICO lawsuit
against officials in the administration for complicity in the events of 9/11,
being U.S. District Court (Philadelphia) Case Number 04CV4952. Other members
of the society include Robert Bowman, head of the "Star Wars"
program in both Democratic and Republican administrations; Morgan Reynolds,
former Chief Economist for the Department
of Labor in the Bush administration; Andreas von
Buelow, former assistant defense minister of Germany; Steven E. Jones, a
professor of physics from Brigham Young University and the society's co-chair;
and Griffin, a noted theologian and author of The 9/11 Commission Report:
Omissions and Distortions.
Members of the society point to other indications of advance knowledge,
which include volumes of put-options placed by betting that the stock value of
United and American Airlines would drop. The SEC has detailed information
about those who placed the options, which it has not released to the public.
"Time and time again," Fetzer remarked, "evidence that would
expose the official account to be a deception and a hoax intended to
manipulate the nation has been concealed."
According to Fetzer, experts in the society of scholars, including pilots
and aeronautical engineers, physicists and mechanical engineers, have
established that flying these planes would have been beyond the
"hijackers" capabilities, that it would have been virtually
impossible for cell phone calls to have been placed during those flights, and
that even the Saudi Arabian Embassy has long confirmed that several of the
accused "hijackers" did not die on 9/11.
"It does not take rocket science to infer that, if these guys were
killed in the crash of these aircraft, then they cannot be alive and well and
living in Saudi Arabia," he remarked, "yet the
"A growing body of evidence supports the inference that these 19 men
were patsies for forces within the United States government," Fetzer
concluded. "This trial appears to be yet one more illustration of Karl
Rove's policy of 'creating our own reality' to serve the political goals of
the administration, even when it comes at the cost of the lives and the
security of the American people. The idea that Bush is 'the security
president' is just a cruel joke!"
Documentary support for the conclusions reported here may be found at the
Scholars for 9/11 Truth web site at www.st911.org.
For Further Information:
James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
Founder and Co-Chair
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
(218) 726-7269 (office)
(218) 724-2706 (home)
(218) 726-7119 (fax)
Philip J. Berg, Esq.
706 Ridge Pike
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
(800) 993-7445 (office)
(610) 834-7659 (fax)
(610) 662-3005 [cell
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Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Jim Fetzer
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