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Secret State-terrorism Rules, OK?

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:03 am    Post subject: Secret State-terrorism Rules, OK? Reply with quote

Secret State-terrorism Rules, OK?
http://chimesofreedom.blogspot.com/2007/11/secret-state-terrorism-rule s-ok-recent.html

The recent attack by the fascist, Scottish Judge, Lord (Colin Sutherland) Carloway (picture above), on the lawyer, Aamer Anwar, was not only an expression, on the former's part, of a redcoat arrogance but must be seen as a calculated attack on the Scottish judiciary itself.

The entire Thought Crime Trial against the Scots-born Mohammed Siddique smacks, from beginning to end, of having been instigated by the secret services under the cover of the State. The message is clearly meant to terrorise the British Muslim community into fear and subservience. It is a notable fact that whereas Muslims of colour are being punished thus, whites convicted of similar offences are being treated leniently.

British law, on either side of the border, remains institutionally racist and apparently above any criticism. For if it is the Law then it goes to say, does it not, that the manner in which it is practised must be, without question, right and proper?

Well, certainly in the pompous minds of those such as the stern-faced Colin Sutherland who would have Scotland remain under the iron heel of the terrorism of its ruling elite, his very name evoking the infamous Duke of Sutherland of the Highland Clearances.

Very relevant to the encroaching police state in Britain are a collection of essays, Writing by Candlelight, by the late radical historian, Edward Thompson. Published nearly thirty years ago, Thompson describes how the current police state developed over successive Labour and Tory governments. And significantly how a police state can only grow through the previous existence of a secret state (a state within a state answerable to no one but itself).

Edward Thompson

After all these years and having purchased another copy of Thompson's essays for just one penny from Amazon (40-odd copies left) I am re-reading them with care in order to comment in the hope that readers not familiar with Thompson may see for themselves how Britain's very own brand of fascism has been so long in the making.

Of course, it can be taken much, much further back, at least into Victorian times. The British ruling classes have always possessed a ruthlessness, particularly against its subject races, of the type that later became associated with Hitler. But in the real world it is more likely that Hitler copied the cruelty of British imperialists!

Thus Thompson:

we are now approaching a point of crisis [1980] in which not fascism but a peculiarly British form of authoritarianism, working behind the back of of the democratic process, is now bringing national life within its general closure ... Britain, as we enter the 1980s, has the most reactionary government in Western Europe, which is simultaneously attacking the livelihood and democratic rights of its own people, and accepting, with bellicose subservience, a client role for the state as a station of NATO. In compensation for the abject collapse of traditional British influence and power, Mrs Thatcher is repeating history as a farce, and attempting to mimic (before bored auditoriums) Churchill's post-war role as the leading ideologist of Cold War in the Western world.

Writing by Candlelight, Introduction, p. ix

Now, anyone who has a memory of the old British colonies will know exactly what Thompson means by "a peculiarly British form of authoritarianism" because that's how they were ruled until bankruptcy obliged them all to be ditched. But authoritarianism didn't just disappear. It returned home to roost in what's now left of the dysfunctional, motley entity still jokingly referred-to as the United Kingdom. The empty ideology of Empire was replaced by an equally fake Cold War propaganda and that, in turn, by the nonsense of the 'War on Terror', a straight import like the former from Washington, DC.

Faced with suddenly having to replace a brainwashing of plebs with Hollywood lies about a Red Menace &c, the British secret state, along with its US counterpart, had to find a replacement to justify its ongoing imperialist ravaging of the Planet. Enter the 'War on Terror' which it promoted simultaneously in both the UK and the US as well as the other Anglo-Saxon countries. Such a promotion simply side-stepped parliaments and was taken-up by a few political figure-heads, such as Bush, Blair, Aznar and Howard, who were fed in turn by their secret services.

About which Thompson observed,

The inter-operation of and exchange of information, intercepts, etc., between British and US security services (CIA, NSA, etc.) is total: ... 'anything and everything would be possible if it was considered necessary to protect the Anglo-American joint Intelligence arrangement.'

ibid, p. 118

And not only did the spooks, in their incestuous, pan-Atlantic relationship, cooperate totally with each other, they both fed and controlled politicians through constant threats of blackmail and political destabilisation. Thompson mentions Harold Wilson's sudden decision to step-down from the premiership as an example of this, quoting Chapman Pincher, "that Sir Harold Wilson said, last year, that MI5 'plotted against him, tried to secure his downfall'," (ibid, p. 121)

Arguing the desperate need for a parliamentary inquiry into the danger coming from MI5 and MI6, Thompson goes on to say, "But the unpleasant truth is that this inquiry cannot and will not be made." (ibid, p. 120)

It is becoming evident that the reason why the Prime Minister, the Government, the Parliamentary Labour Party, and the House of Commons, will do nothing whatsoever about the situation is that they lie under a state of blackmail to the security services.

I know of no historical precedent for this ...

ibid, p. 121

Now, think about this: a rumour has long been circulating that Tony Blair's unquestioning support for George Bush's illegal attack and occupation of Iraq came as a direct result of pressure put on him by the secret services. Pressure of blackmail that would have destroyed his political career.

We already have it from ex-spook, David Shayler, that he was assured by one of his MI5 colleagues they had a dossier on Blair (and many others no doubt, including Brown). So, knowing that the CIA and its British counterparts work so closely together, nothing could have been easier for Bush's rogue cabal to have ensured that he, Blair, stayed in line. And this despite all the more recent talk of Bush not having pressured Blair to support his murderous war.

The conclusion is clear: Britain, from what Thompson warned us of thirty years ago, is run by a secret-state that manipulates elected politicians like rag-dolls. And it is that secret-state that pressured the rag-dolls to legislate away all our hard-won freedoms to replace them with the police state which has come to be.

Meantime, the secret services in Britain continue their totalitarian agenda without any question or challenge from the Mother of Parliaments itself.

In a very real sense, the symbol of the state in the form of the Parliament, has not only lost all legitimacy, sitting in splendid isolation in its Victorian Gothic pile, which just like the government, masquerades as something it’s not, it has also relinquished whatever power it had over the functioning of the state to Blair’s vampires who are in reality ‘asset-stripping’ public resources under the guise of ‘efficiency’ and ‘reorganisation’.

Sooner or later people are going to wise up to what ‘Blatcherism’ has done, the question is, will we have a voice and the means to turn the tide?

William Bowles, Democracy Inaction

How the Mighty have Fallen!

Yet Blair's coup against British parliamentary democracy did not arise from thin air. It followed similar coups by Thatcher and, before that, through concerted attacks against democracy by the secret state and its services in MI5 which, no doubt, were following directives given the CIA by Washington, DC. That must never be forgotten and it's why books like Thompson's must be read and re-read.

For without the Secret State, neither Blair nor his successor Brown, or the Redcoat Judge, Carloway, could get away with the terrorist crimes they continue to perpetrate against the people of Britain.


Addendum: And by a remarkable coincidence this article is published on the very day that the BBC News 24 programme gave MI5 and MI6 a free recruitment ad in its 9AM News. I forgot to mention, of course, that the BBC plays a significant role in Britain's secret state.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Venceremos.

Brilliant post.
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're most welcome. This last continues the theme of State Terrorism and the British Police State which I focus on on my blog.

I remember Edward Thompson very well from the Peace Movement of the 'eighties. He was one of the founders of European Nuclear Disarmament which aimed to unite both eastern and western Europeans against the US-led Arms Race which was reciprocated by the Soviet Union.

He was a pamphleteer in the tradition of 17th Century writers of inflammatory pamphlets. I, too, emulate that style to keep the grand old tradition alive in British politics!

His most famous pamphlet was Protect and Survive, a satire on the Government's nonsensical advice to the public how to protect itself in the event of a nuclear attack. I got him to sign my copy but 'twas sadly lost during the passage of time.

However, Edward's inspiring words, both in writing and in his speeches, will never be forgotten. In my way, I try to keep that spirit alive in the hearts of our countrymen and women.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:48 pm    Post subject: Are these People Really Serious Reply with quote

You see, this is the problem we have with this 911 List: I challenge those who go on interminably about reptoids and "the Illuminati" to name names instead of just airily referring to these unlikely groups.

They won't because they can't.

The NWO I have no problems with as a generic term which is used widely, including those such as Bush Sr and Bush Jr, Rockefeller, Blair and Gordon Brown.

Instead of distracting themselves with groups as nebulous as Al Qaeda (Al-CIA-duh) I am trying to focus these people on the British Secret State. But all I get is a silence. I hope it's because they're inwardly digesting and ruminating?

If they are half serious they would be challenging the British secret state as the major cause of our problems in Britain. The fact that they avoid doing so like the plague presents a raft of questions: is it down to sheer immaturity, to fear or something more insidious?

I don't like how Icke goes off on his wild rants either for the same reasons.

The British Secret State is as much a threat to democracy throughout the UK as it is to the movement for Scottish independence, something that neither the Secret State nor its Secret Services are very keen to see happen.

Alex Salmond would know all about that.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Are these People Really Serious Reply with quote

Not quite sure who your are naming here IV.

The secret state being the men and women of our security services?

The secret state being the movers and shakers in the Civil Service, judges, lord advocates, peers, the trans-national elite?

Do we not know about these people?

What are we going to do about them?

Global elite, illuminati, NWO, what name would you prefer?

Enjoyed your 1st post btw.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'The Secret State' was a term we used in the 'eighties to decide the State-within-the-State which answers to no one but itself.

Yes, it does include a lot of these you mention but essentially it is the powers behind as well as the secret services themselves which have developed so much power that they are a law unto themselves.

How many people among the Great British Public know that?

Edward Thompson showed how they used blackmail to control several Labour governments until Thatcher. Apparently they didn't use the same tactics against the Tories!

And there is good reason to believe they used similar with Blair and now with Brown.

The Secret Services have never been monitored or controlled in Britain. Even in the US there has been some control of the CIA by Congress though that hasn't stopped them from creating a State-within-a-State.

It's all well and good to keep getting paranoid about vast global organizations. I don't question the existence of the NWO though the Illuminati is just a fancy name for an organisation whose current existence is not proven nor any names given of their members. Something useful to get paranoid about after a couple of good joints, I'd say.

As long as we keep moaning about nebulous organizations we can play the safe game of moaning about something that no one can do anything about. If we're serious about dismantling these groups we have to start from right where we are and ask ourselves the question: who exactly is it in British society that promotes the NWO agenda?

On any such list, the Secret Services must come first because they are the active arm that does the dirty work, followed by Special Branch and the Police. Then there's the BBC that just today is running a free recruitment ad, Spies Like Us, for MI5 and MI6. Then there's the junta which has effectively done away with government by Cabinet and Parliament. Then there's the CBI. The list goes on.

The point is that these are all tangible organisations we know are the enemies of democracy and the people. It is, first and foremost, they who we should be challenging before Quixotically tilting at Illuminati windmills.

Not to take on the British Secret State, on the other hand, is not only a total cop-out it is just a confirmation that while we are really not very serious when it comes to challenging the fascists on our doorstep, we'd rather just keep moaning about things which will forever be out of our reach.

Lessons could be learned from the Polish Solidarnosc movement which first took on the Polish State instead of the entire East European apparat which, anyway, it helped to topple in the end.

We've got to get grounded.

I'm glad you enjoyed my first post. I don't write them for people to enjoy but to inform them in the hope they'll act.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So you're not really naming names as such are you.

I mean, MI5 & 6 have websites now don't they?

We even debate them here on this lowly dumbed down board don't we.

We are blessed with one of their alumni still aren't we?

What is it that you're doing and what is it that we're not aware of?

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What do you mean I'm not naming names? Don't play games with me, Mark. You just don't like it because I asked the Icke lot to name names in the Illuminati and to prove its existence.

Let me be very specific: it's a total waste of everyone's time just to point at unreachable groups as the NWO which is no more than a generic term. The Illuminati I won't even discuss because that's just a joke.

Referring to the NWO is fine but that's thinking global. You have to act local and in order to do that you have to deconstruct the NWO into what it really looks like at local level: ie, the Secret State which itself comprises of key arms such as the secret services, the police, the BBC, the ruling junta.

You have to look at the history of how these groups got the power they have today. You have to look at how we're ruled by a junta, no longer by Cabinet government and parliament, you have to look at what was done to the BBC and why it is no more than a propaganda tool, why just today its giving the spooks free recruitment advertisement.

Do you really take all that nonsense about "more openess" seriously? The secret services have never been challenged since their blackmailing techniques were exposed by people like Thompson thirty years ago. They have never been properly investigated by Parliament. And they've never been reformed, curtailed or controlled.

Doesn't the CIA have a website? Does that make it less dangerous?

Alumni? You mean David Shayler? That's neither here nor there. It's the lessons from history which we appear to be quite clearly not learning that should be of more concern.

If you read my blog over the last month, you'll begin to get some idea of what I am trying to do as one individual. It's just such a shame that there aren't thousands more doing similar.

Most people here would not know of Thompson's writings. That's why I mention them so often and write about them. He's the only decent radical, socialist historian we had in the last century. The rest is about the serious analysis of history in the context of the present.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:26 am    Post subject: Re: Are these People Really Serious Reply with quote

¡venceremos! wrote:
You see, this is the problem we have with this 911 List: I challenge those who go on interminably about reptoids and "the Illuminati" to name names instead of just airily referring to these unlikely groups.

They won't because they can't.

So I asked you, who exactly are you naming that the rest of us poor souls are ignorant of?

You've now added the BBC !

Can't wait for the next instalment . . .

And you wonder why folk don't bother to post on your threads?

Oh and btw, I haven't a scooby about you and the Icke forum OK?

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh don't be such a damned fool! I have named you some institutions which are both part of the British Secret State as well as the wider NWO agenda.

Why do you think they repeat government lies or give MI5 free recruiting air time? If you want names, start with the Director General who knows who his Secret State employers are!

That's a completely different matter to asking for evidence about the Illuminati outside of it having been a seventeenth century phenomenon. Clearly from your fatuous comments you are one of these Icke freaks who goes on about the Illuminati.

You say you're not and then go on to harangue me for criticising them about an imaginary group!

And it is for the kind of attitude you express that the 911 Forum will remain nothing more than a meeting place for armchair philosophers who really aren't serious about changing anything.

And don't try to defame me because that won't work. I haven't got the least interest in idiots who make puerile statements like you. So your lack of comments on any of my threads won't be missed! I go on hits, anyway, not comments.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have not a clue what you are rambling on about mate.

Have a good thread.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: How did the BBC fall into the hands of right-wingers?
I don't pay my licence fee in order to be offered programmes that validate race hate
The Independent, 26 November 2007

Unlike me, my husband is not given to hissy fits or surges of flaming outrage. But last week he threw down his towel (literally) and finally gave up on the BBC. He thinks it has turned dilettante, is contemptuous of facts, of progressive politics and of its own responsibility to uphold decent values – its raison d'etre surely. I can completely understand my Englishman's disillusionment, but I cling still to the noble idea of the BBC, to the breaking branch of a dying tree, though winds shake my faith every day.

As an act of back-dated contrition, the BBC gave Alastair Campbell hours of free promotion for his diaries. Now Tony Blair confides in a trusted, hand-picked journalist, confessing his greatness and his closeness to the Almighty. Then came news that the unique Dateline London (News 24 and BBC World), on which highly respected international journalists discuss world events, a programme watched by 78 million people, is to be axed.

This act of vandalism was followed by an announcement of a season of programmes on the "besieged" white working classes. Nick Griffin of the BNP could well be their consultant. Are migrants going to get their series titled "Scapegoats"? Sometimes I wonder if these bigoted attitudes chime with BBC producers in the way that Families Need Fathers do. Perhaps their daughters are bringing home unsuitable "ethnic" boys too often.

Public-service broadcasters must make uncomfortable programmes on any group or on immigration – and there are excellent examples of responsible, critical journalism. But a whole series propagandising against multiracial Briton? To validate the race hate that sloshes all over our isles, from playgrounds to football pitches? Some researcher rang to discuss one programme "re-appraising" Enoch Powell. What's to reappraise? My money is being used to reassure people who hate people like me.

This is much worse than mere dumbing down. Belligerence is sought – bring on the alpha right wingers. Soon a Jeremy Clarkson mascot will replace Pudsy. The rabidly anti-immigration Andrew Green of Migrationwatch (mysteriously funded) is their prophet; health and safety is presented as an attack on our liberties; all strikes are a betrayal of country and capitalism; progressive policies are namby-pamby or a licence to mug old ladies; the European Union is bad for us; true internationalism is suspect; so too the global movement of labour, multilateralism, equality, regulation, redistribution, legitimate (as opposed to illegal) wars.

Several BBC broadcasters tell me they now ignore Independent and Guardian points of view. The conservative press drives the agenda. We are passé, irrelevant, annoying, elitist and soft. Fashion moves on, the culture is now noisy and intolerant and the Beeb follows, too feeble to stand up for its own integrity. BBC shock-jock fortunes can only get better. Whingers use phone-ins and the web to complain they are not being heard. Sorry? So why are you on air raving yet again? If they bother to read this at HQ they will not give a damn. They don't even answer many such criticisms any more. And complaints by black and Asian Britons are heeded less than the sounds of birds in the city.

During the Thatcher years, the BBC was stalked and slated by the right. Blairites continued the onslaught, went for public broadcasting independence itself. During the Hutton enquiry, shockingly, many journalists privately told me they agreed with Campbell. The centre of gravity at the BBC shifted right.

And still they cry foul, the right-wing ranters. Mr Jeff Randall, previously of the BBC, complains that the corporation keeps out the pro-hanging lobby and is still too pink. Won't be long. But yet, but yet, there is the wonder of the BBC too, as I was reminded last week when attending an event to mark the birth of the BBC World Service, the best of Britain exemplified – as reliable and authentic today as ever. Its director, Nigel Chapman should be proud that he keeps the promise made in December 1932, to tell the stories and uphold the good and free society. We watched a video of the key moments in history when the world had no other voice to tell them what was happening. Many of us were tearful as memories were brought back of the Idi Amin coup, Vietnam, the trial of Nelson Mandela.

In the gorgeous Art Deco theatre, Gavin Esler (who also presents Dateline) introduced and interrogated three previous Reith lecturers – the writer Wole Soyinka, the US economist Jeffrey Sachs, and the philosopher Onora O'Neill – on free speech and journalistic ethics. Once upon a time the corporation understood these concepts.

Today the corruption of populism and relativism seeps under the imposing doors, fouls up a once venerated institution. The BBC we knew and trusted is no more. It is a player in the marketplace of nastiness, and I can no longer argue with any conviction for a licence fee.

y.alibhai-brown@ independent.co.uk

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have not a clue what you are rambling on about mate.

Clearly you haven't, otherwise you wouldn't ask such inane questions!

Apart from this nonsense of asking me to name names in the Secret State (the institutions are there for all to see and hear what they say) you seem to have the naive belief that the BBC is not somehow part of a Secret State!

Even the genteel Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has come to that conclusion (article above).

And do you think that the secret services work in the interests of the people rather than those of the Secret State!?

Both beliefs are so incredibly naive it makes me wonder that you don't believe the official conspiracy theories about 911 and 77!

Perhaps you do for all I know.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just another mindless, fu#king Nazi in his CCTV Panopticon

Recently I have been focusing on the British Secret State and its attendant Police State as well as the manner in which the Blair/Brown junta is busily denying Brits their right to enjoy European civil rights protection.

The sad truth is that none of this could have happened without the silent consent of the British people. And in that sense the old adage, "People get the governments they deserve," remains very true. There is a strong authoritarian streak amongst those who rule Britain. This has existed for centuries. Some say it was imposed on Anglo-Saxon culture by the caste-ridden Normans who conquered Britain almost a thousand years ago.

That same authoritarian racism must, inevitably, have been stamped indelibly on the British psyche and lies there smoldering, flaring up as arrogance, xenophobia, racism and a general resentment of all things foreign. Of course, their rulers know and share these sentiments and put them to good use in order to exercise even greater control over the masses.

I came across an example of it today.

Firenzo is an East European gipsy immigrant who, most days, can be seen outside the local supermarket selling copies of The Big Issue, a magazine published especially for the homeless to sell and to make a little money from. He doesn't sell many but still he stands there in his padded jacket, braving the bleak winter winds, a smile on his face, shivering.

He's a long way away from his beloved homeland, an economic migrant trying to eke a living in this hostile society in order that he can send a little of his earnings back to the family he left behind. Homeless, he lives illegally in a derelict building, hoping the Police don't know or are turning a blind eye.

He's a friendly guy and always says hello.

"Ça va bien, mon ami?" he says in French, which he speaks more of than English.

"Ah, le temps, il fait si froid. Il est chié!" I reply in a bad temper.

"Oh, ce n'est pas trop mauvais," he replies cheerfully.

People like Firenzo. They stop and chat with him before going into the supermarket. He's become part of the local scene. Even the Municipal Council is including him in their latest tourist brochure.

Walking towards the supermarket today, I saw him at his usual post outside the entrance chatting with someone. All of a sudden a man with an English accent shouts at him.

"People like you should be digging trenches, doing hard labour twenty-four-seven, that's what you should be doing!" he screams, his face distorted with hate.

Firenzo looked on in astonishment taking the brunt of this attack quite calmly but with an expression of incredulity.

I stepped in, pointing at his assailant and shouting back, "It's * Nazis like you that're turning this country into a fascist state!"

"Who me?" he replied, wide-eyed with disbelief that suddenly it was he who was under attack.

"Yes you, you fu#king Nazi!" I replied, and to underline the point shouted in German, "Scheisskoepf!" at a rapidly receding figure who, seeking refuge in his car, drove off still screaming abuse at us. Returning the compliment, I gave him the finger.

Poor Firenzo shook my hand and thanked me. I bought a copy of his magazine, commiserated with him and went in to do my shopping. When I came out he was gone, probably afraid that the incident would attract the attention of the Police who would then move him on. His intuition was correct. Five minutes later a Police van drove past slowly.

A few minutes later I saw him walk past waving. I returned the wave with a clenched fist sign of solidarity. For I too have known what it is to be homeless and on the street. But much worse, like Firenzo I too have experienced the brunt of mindless prejudice and racism from cowards no different to that hate-filled man.

So sad, when I think about it, that narrow-minded bigots such as he, choosing scapegoats and racial stereotypes against which to spill all his pent-up anger and resentment, through such misdirected rage only play into the waiting hands of cynical and opportunist politicians who calculatedly play the race card and flirt with the prejudices of the gutter for their own personal gain. Something which in Britain both Nu Labour and Tory are doing alike with no heed of the consequences.

It is on those politicians our bigot should be offloading his toxic waste, not on ordinary, fellow humans. But of course, he can't because they're well out of his range, well-protected in their bubble of unreality, protected from the hoi-polloi by body-guards, who drive around in armour-plated cars.

Britain's chickenhawk dictators, leaders of a new managerial aristocracy who live in gated, secure communities, separated from an increasingly impoverished underclass by both invisible economic walls as well as CCTV cameras.

This bigot will continue voting for the chickenhawk dictators who kill millions of innocents in his name. Not that he cares a damn. To him they're just "Dirty Arab Terrorists." He will continue to blame all his troubles on the closest available victim. He will whinge and complain and do nothing to challenge the real cause of his unhappiness, the Police State around him. And in his narrow-minded, nasty little way he will, as he always has, keep helping to build that open prison.

He's just a mindless, fu#king Nazi who's turned this country into a CCTV Panopticon.

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